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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Exploring Trickier Landscape Photograph Compositions

Part of the fun and challenge of landscape photography is that while you can choose your compositions, you don't get the privilege of modifying your subject. Sometimes, you come across a scene that begs to be photographed, but doesn't readily lend itself to a composition. This video examines such situations and how to shoot them.

Some Quick Tips for Taking Drone Photos

You just bought your first drone! Woot! Now what? Flying a drone is a vastly different way of thinking and shooting, and it takes a bit of getting used to. This helpful video will get you up and running so you can shoot those epic aerial shots.

Landscape Photography in Awful Weather

When we think of landscape photography, we likely don't think of driving rain and 50 mph winds. But just because the weather isn't all blue skies and mild air doesn't mean we shouldn't be out there with a camera, braving the elements.

A Hands-On First Look at the Nikon D850

The Nikon D850 has more people excited about its release than any other camera for quite some time. With a plethora of features and a wickedly competitive price point, it looks to be quite possibly the most complete all-around camera ever released. This hands-on first look examines if that translates well in real-world usage.

How to Create a Retro VHS Glitch in Your Photographs

If you're old enough to remember what a VHS tape is, you probably remember the charm of all the visual artifacts that came with using an analog medium. This cool tutorial will show how to replicate that look for a quick blast from the past.

Police Put Up Barriers to Stop People From Taking Selfies at Grenfell Tower

This past June, the Grenfell Tower fire killed over 80 people in West London. Unfortunately, both civilians and police have been forced take measures to stop people from taking selfies at the site to preserve the privacy of and respect for those who lived there and/or perished in the fire.

An Incredible Guide to Every 35mm ISO 400 Film Out There

If you're looking to try out film for the first time, the veritable myriad of choices can be a smidgen overwhelming. This remarkably comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about all the 35mm ISO 400 options on the market right now.

How to Create a Cold and Cinematic Portrait Using Only Lightroom

Giving your portraits a cold, dramatic finish is a neat way to give them an alternate look that makes them stand out a bit. This helpful tutorial will show you how to take a standard portrait and transform it, and it does it using only Lightroom.

Why You Should Be Calibrating Your Monitors

A color calibrator was perhaps the best non-photographic photographic purchase I've ever made. If you're not calibrating your displays, this helpful video will show you exactly why you should reconsider that.

Instagram Introduces Threaded Comments

If you're an avid user of Instagram, you know one aspect that leaves a bit to be desired is the commenting system. Happily, Instagram has revamped that system by introducing threaded comments.