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Rogier van V
Roosendaal, NL

Bookmarked Articles

Five Editing Mistakes to Avoid in Landscape Photography

Landscape photographers very often rely rather heavily on the editing process to fully bring their creative ideas to fruition. And while there is nothing inherently wrong with that, there are a lot of ways in which the process can go awry. This helpful video discusses five common editing mistakes landscape photographers make and how to avoid or fix them.

Two Quick and Useful Tips for Using the Radial Filter in Lightroom

Lightroom is full of both global and local adjustment tools for your images, and you might be surprised by just how far you can push an edit without having to jump into Photoshop. This quick and helpful video will show you two great tricks for getting more out of the Radial Filter tool in Lightroom.

What You Should Know About Instagram as a Wildlife Photographer

As a wildlife photographer on Instagram, your feed is likely constantly filled with amazing animal images. On the good days, this can be absolutely inspiring and you may learn a thing or two. The times when you aren’t having much luck in the field, however, an Instagram feed can be a harsh place that makes you doubt your own progress and your work.

The Art and Science of Photography: Why Is Photography So Hard? Part I.

Ever felt a little overwhelmed at the prospect of creating a great image? Ever wonder why it seems to happen so rarely? Creating a great photograph that resonates with your audience is really complicated. But in this three-part series, we’re going to try to bring a little bit of order to that chaos!

7 Tone Curve Tips That Will Make Your Editing Better

The tone curve in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) is a powerful tool. Subtle changes to the tone curve can make a big difference in the look and feel of your image. Here are a few tips and tricks that will make your tone curve adjustments easier and more precise.

Five Ways to Use a Softbox

Softboxes are some of the most fundamental and versatile lighting modifiers out there, and they are a great tool for anyone looking to learn how to use artificial lighting and build their skills. This educational video will show you five different ways to use softboxes and give you some helpful tips for using them.

Using Bounce Flash for Interior Portraits

One of the most versatile techniques any photographer can learn is how to bounce light. This great video will show you an application of bounce flash to create indoor portraits with a more natural look than might be achieved otherwise.

An Easy and Effective One-Light Portrait Photography Setup

When you are new to artificial lighting, you might not have the equipment to tackle complex multi-light setups, but that does not mean you will not be able to produce professional results. This great video will teach you how to create professional portraits using just a single light.

File Formats Demystified: What to Use When Editing and Sharing

Whether you’ve shot raw or JPEG, the choice of what format to use when editing is very important. There are key differences in the capabilities inherent to PSD, PSB, DNG, TIFF, and more. Want to know which format to choose next time you open Photoshop?

8 Ways to Adjust Color in Lightroom and ACR: Compared and Contrasted

One of the things that I enjoy about Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw is that there is often more than one way to perform the same task. Perhaps the most flexible of these ways are all the different methods you can use to adjust for colors and tones.

Shining Light on the Lightroom Histogram

Most of the adjustment sliders in Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw are self-explanatory, for example, highlights and shadows. But do you truly understand what is happening when you move that slider?

13 Tips for an Improved Lightroom Experience

Lightroom is probably the most used photo database program available, with an integrated raw file editor, and many options for post processing. These thirteen tips can improve your Lightroom experience.

Falling in Love With Your Backyard and Getting Fantastic Photos You Want to Hang on Your Wall

The best analogy for photographing well-photographed locations is to make covers of famous pieces of music. Just like a musician practices his guitar skills with “Nothing Else Matters” and makes his own version, a landscape photographer might do the same at Skogafoss in Iceland or Mesa Arch in Utah. When you are done practicing, or made enough covers of the same location, you might want to make your own original pieces.

The Art and Science of Photography: Color Theory

Let me first say, for reasons that will become clear momentarily, that I’m a six-foot-seven-inch tall male who weighs approximately 200 pounds and has about a week’s (…okay, week-and-a-half’s) worth of stubble. And my favorite color is pink. Did you just do a double-take?

Bookmarked Media

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