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Michael McManus
Pearland, TX

Bookmarked Articles

The Four Fundamental Attributes of Light

Being a successful photographer or videographer requires a good understanding of the fundamentals, with perhaps nothing more foundational than the behavior of light. This excellent video will show you four fundamental aspects of light that you should definitely know.

Topaz Mask AI: How Much AI Is There Really?

AI has surely become a catch phrase, and we are seeing it all the time in photography applications. Luminar touts AI and Topaz, and even Adobe is jumping on the AI Bandwagon. Topaz Mask AI is one of the latest apps using AI, and I put it to the test.

26 Helpful Landscape Photography Tips

Landscape photography takes a confluence of skill, creative vision, lots of planning, and sometimes, just a bit of luck to produce winning images. This great video will give you 26 helpful tips to improve your landscape images and make the shooting process a bit easier and more effective.

10 Decisions That Helped This Photographer Build His Business

For many creatives, the desire to make things is often the driving force behind everything we do, and business decisions can sometimes take a back seat to this. In this video, photographer and YouTuber Evan Ranft discusses 10 things that he feels helped him bring his business to where it is today.

How to Use V-Flats to Shape and Subtract Light

When you think about crafting a lighting setup, you probably think about it from the standpoint of adding light. However, as important as it is to know where to add light, it is just as important to understand when and how to take away light to better shape your subject. This excellent video will show you three lighting setups using the black side of v-flats.

Helpful Tips for Autumn Photography

Autumn is in full swing across much of the country, and with it comes an opportunity unlike any other time of the year for photographers. If you are looking to get the most of this colorful time of year, this great video will give you lots of helpful tips for autumn landscape photography.

Two Teens That Killed Cleveland Photographer Face Life Imprisonment, to Be Tried as Adults

In the latest update in the shocking story that saw a photographer killed as she shot senior portraits, the two 16-year-olds responsible are due to be tried as adults. The pair are charged with murder, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, and reckless homicide, after they pushed a large log over a cliff, while she was taking pictures below.

One Minute to Better Looking Photos in Photoshop

In this short video, Colin Smith at PhotoCAFE comes through once again with an easy way to improve the look of your photographs using gaussian blur in Photoshop. The tip itself is worthwhile, but his "bonus" tip is the key to making it really work.

'Photographers Shoot the Same Model': Episode 7

Renowned photographer and Youtuber Jessica Kobeissi created another video in the popular series, "Photographers Shoot the Same Model." She’s now on the seventh episode of the series with views ranging from one to four million.

Three Quick Steps to Making a Photo Pop Using Photoshop

A lot of people are fans of the portrait look in which the subject really seems to "pop" off the image, as it's a striking and attention-grabbing style. This helpful video will show you three quick steps to recreate that look in your own portraiture work.

Simple Lighting Setups Using Little or No Equipment

I’m a big believer that you don’t need expensive equipment and a complicated lighting set up to create beautiful images. Some of my favorite images were captured with a really simple lighting setup and with little or no lighting equipment at all. Sometimes too much emphasis is often put on equipment and we can easily get caught up in complicated lighting and expensive gear.

Why I'm Choosing to Continue Using Sony Cameras

I went through some situations over the past four months that was making me question if I chose the right company in Sony. After hours of research and really weighing the pros and cons of all the big name companies, I chose to stick with them. In this video, I’ll give you my five reasons why.

The Sony a7R III Is a Tethering Monster

The Sony a7R III has generally been receiving glowing reviews for being a more refined and capable version of its predecessor. In this video, you'll see one area that has seen a huge improvement is tethering speed, allowing for a much faster studio workflow.

How to Make Your Cityscapes More Dramatic Using Capture One

Baber Afzal is well known for his dramatic looking fine art cityscape and landscape pictures. In this 12-minute long tutorial, he’ll show you how to achieve the same look on your pictures by taking you through one of his edits in Capture One and giving precious tips along the way.

Make Your Colors Pop Using Photoshop's Black and White Filter

Some days, the light just doesn't cooperate to give you that beautiful blue sky in the background of an image. But your subject may be so compelling, you know you have to fix that sky to make elevate your image from mundane to impressive. You could always replace the sky in Photoshop, but there may just be an even easier way to do it using the Black and White Filter.

Simple Photography Workflow in 10 Steps

Workflow can be a make or break situation in how your business is run. Spending all your time with file naming, culling, or unproductive backup techniques can create not only time constraints but also a negative relationship with your images after your shoot. Following some quick and easy workflow tips will get you back on track and more importantly back to shooting.

How to (Digitally) Paint Your Own Gorgeous Backdrops

I'm no painter. In fact, if we ever play Pictionary together, do your best to get on the other team. So, when I wanted to make my own custom backdrops, I knew I was way out of my depth. Like many photographers, I've drooled over Sarah Oliphant's hand painted backdrops for years. When I saw Jeremy Cowart draw his own backdrop on an iPad Pro, I thought I may have something within reach. While I continued trying to decide exactly what Oliphant backdrop I want to start with, I thought maybe I could experiment with some digital painting of my own.

Three Tools to Nail Your Exposure Everytime

Relying on your camera screen to nail exposure is a sure recipe for disaster. Depending on the lighting situation, the contrast of your display, how it’s back-lit, as well as other parameters, you’ll see the luminosity values differently. To make sure you get it perfect, there are tools available to you. In this 10-minute long video, Haapoja from TravelFeels will list most of them and explain which is best for what situation.

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