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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

The Truth About F-Stops and Aperture

Most photographers learn the basics of aperture in regards to depth of field and light-gathering ability, but some of what you learned is probably wrong, particularly when it comes to f-stops. If you're ready to get geeky, check out this great video that explains the truth behind it all.

Seven Important Lessons Learned From Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be a sneakily difficult genre to master, as the leap from good to great is much more difficult to navigate than it might seem upon inspection of successful images. This great video examines seven lessons learned about landscape photography.

13 Weeks Until the Holidays: Is Your Business Ready?

The stores are already stocking holiday decor with faux trees and the leaves have barely fallen. The holiday season sneaks up on business owners quickly with an influx of calls for sessions. Is your business ready and do you know how to weed out the fake calls or emails?

An Easy Tip for Improving Your Photos

There are a ton of tips for improving your photography out there that apply to specific situations or require you to purchase some sort of product, but this tip applies to almost every genre and is free and easy to begin applying immediately. And I promise it will improve your photos.

Use These Free Photoshop Templates and Never Make a Bad Print Again

Getting your prints to look exactly how they should is a constant battle for many photographers. Minimize the amount of time and money wasted on reprinting by downloading these free templates and using a traditional technique borrowed from the darkroom.

Not Every Photography Trip Ends With Perfect Images

Watch enough YouTube or scroll through Instagram enough, and you might begin to believe that pro photographers do nothing but bring home keeper after keeper. As this great video discusses, though, it's not all perfect skies and epic images.

Underwater Photography
Critique the Community

Underwater Photography

Submit your best underwater photos for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial

Do you want to know how to improve your underwater photos? Submit your best shots now for a chance to receive feedback and win one of two Fstoppers' original tutorials.

This contest has ended.
Don't Make This Landscape Photography Mistake

Check out this video by landscape photographer Nigel Danson as he explores the Lake District in England in search of interesting compositions in challenging weather conditions.

Six Portrait Photography Tips for Beginners

Portrait photography is by far one of the most popular genres of photography, and it comes with its own sets of challenges and things you should keep in mind. If you're new to portrait work, this great video will give you six helpful tips and tricks.

Should the Photographer Pay the Model?

I get many viewer questions, but this is one of the most asked. What if the model wants the photographer to pay for the shoot? Before anyone raises concern, this is a photo shoot to build the model's portfolio, not for an ad campaign.

How to Build Your Own Studio or Video Lights

Cheap and decent quality LED lights can be found online easily these days; however, sometimes, you have to make specific sacrifices in either quality or function to get those cheaper prices. That's when DIY comes in.

An Easy Street Photography Project to Get You out There

Are you stuck in an artistic routine or struggling to become comfortable photographing people in the street? Try this simple project that'll get you out there, shooting and gaining confidence!

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