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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

How a Photographer Continues to Find Himself Through the Camera

For some of us, photography is a job that we love, and for some of us, it's a window into our very being that can help us discover or rediscover who we are. This touching video features one photographer who uses the craft to learn about himself and heal.

Easy Ways to Use Backlighting in Studio Photography

Of the many lighting techniques available to us as portrait photographers, using backlight with a simple reflector is one of the most versatile and least expensive methods you can choose. This method is widely used outdoors, but did you know that you can apply the same strategy to studio portraits?

Why Shooting Distance Matters in Portrait Photography

When you're new to photography, one of the easiest things to overlook is how working distance affects the final look of your images. This great video will show you how to think about this when you're shooting portraits.

How to Get Unlimited Cloud Storage for Your Photos for Free

Storage has become increasingly inexpensive which means there are a lot of options out there to back up your photos. One of those options is reliable, unlimited, and even free if you already have Amazon Prime.

How to Take Photos of Strangers When Traveling

Approaching strangers whether in your own community or from a foreign culture is one of the more difficult skills even veteran photographers often struggle with.

Blow Your Photos Away: The Best Fans for Glamour Portraits

At some time, if you’re shooting glamour photos, you are going to need to perfect the blowing hair technique. This type of shot is inexpensive and fun, but does take a little more talent than merely throwing a fan in front of your model. This excellent video shows you the different fans and techniques that can be used to give your model that windblown look.

Lighting and Shooting Portraits in a Very Small Studio Space

Not all of us have the luxury of an expansive studio space that we can fill with equipment and in which we can endlessly experiment. This great video shows to make the most of a very small studio space to light and shoot highly professional portraits.

Quick Website Checkup and Security Bar Check: Is Your Site the Way It Should Be?

SSL has become the preferred way for all sites to be displayed as opposed to only being used for shopping carts and pages where you would enter personal data. For some time, there's been a transition from http to https, and it was a choice mostly based on the intended activities of your website viewers.

How to Create a Photo Studio Without Paying Rent

Studio spaces are sought after by many photographers. While some love shooting in client's homes or in hotel spaces, many do want the tranquility of a defined boudoir space of their own. Building a boudoir studio does not have to be overwhelming or come with expensive price tags. While a brick and mortar location in a downtown area works for some, for others, creating a spot in your home can be the best option for your company.

Are You Guilty of These Common Photography Mistakes?

Making mistakes is part of learning, even if the criticism stings sometimes. And after seeing some of these common photography mistakes, I had to put my hand up and say, "guilty as charged." I guarantee you will too.

Ten Tips for Capturing Stunning Sunset Photos

Sunsets can provide some of the most beautiful images in a photographer’s portfolio, but the dramatic light and vibrant colors can be challenging to capture. Here are ten tips to improve your sunset photography.

Improving Your Landscape Photography Isn't About Your Camera

Most people reading this article, going to workshops, and watching YouTube content want to improve their landscape photography. It is the question I get asked the most, and there are many answers and solutions to this. But without doubt, the most important part, but often the hardest, is actually being in the right place at the right time.

Zion National Park Is Changing the Rules Again for 2019

Zion National Park caused an uproar among photographers in January of this year when it came to light that photography workshops operating within the park were restricted to using tripods in paved areas and pullouts only. Within two weeks of that initial response Zion had reversed a part of those restrictions. With 2019 fast approaching, there're even more changes coming for photography workshops and their participants.

How One Photographer Set Up a Very Small Studio Space

For a hobbyist or someone just starting out, the cost of renting your own studio space can simply be too much or something not yet justified by the amount of time you spend on photography. This great video shows how one photographer made a studio space out of a small room in his New York apartment.

Three Easy Ways to Improve the Backgrounds of Your Photos

We can and often do talk endlessly about how to improve the look of your subject in a photo, but crafting a background that complements them can really complete an image. This helpful video will talk about three simple ways to improve the backgrounds of your photos.

How to Raise Your Prices Without Losing Clients

Raising your prices will not only keep your bank manager happy, but it will also help to accelerate your career. Time to add a few more zeros to your next photography invoice.

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