Here is a short video that features The Sartorialist with Loewe in Madrid. If you're quick and pay attention there are a couple tips in this video about good approach practices as The Sartorialist discusses his process.
via [ISO1200] [TheSartorialist]
I do this all the time in Charleston guys!! haha. pretty accurate as far as how it goes down with Street style photography.
if you purchase the new GQ there is a large spread (maybe 3 or so pages) of this photographer. I remembered seeing one picture in the video that stood out at me while reading the QG. It was of the one with two girls walking and one girl has pin strips down her legs.
Yeah, he's been getting quite a bit of press lately.. not sure why, good for Scott thought.
great clip
i really love the photo of the two chicks walking away... lovely. I would love to see more information on his processing and natural lighting techniques
Looks pretty good, most of the time he puts his subject between the camera and the sun. If I'm right, he uses a 5D mkIII with a 85mm 1.2. Like his natural style!
He plays with shade, shadows, and sun light from all sides. Not just sun at rear. Your right though, more than likely he has already upgraded to the MkIII since he had been using the MkII for some time. Again, from personal experience and what I know about Scott's shooting style, he uses the 50mm 1.2L quite often, It's easier to control crowds on the street and shoot on more compact spaces while still maintaining the frame. You can tell he opts for the 85mm when he's shooting places that are more wide open, and not as heavily with foot traffic - space to walk back. Theres nothing worse than setting up a shot on the street with the 85 on a narrow sidewalk and people passing through your shot. Or standing in the road with cars driving by.
As he has gotten more popular he is setting up more and more of his shoots, yes its street photography but for a lot of his photos he has asked someone to show up at a particular place and time. Don't be fooled that this is all spur of the moment photography.
I hate to keep blasting on an old post, but if you don't shoot this particular style you don't get the work behind it. I stop people in their tracks about 75% of the time, maybe walk a block or two, set up the shot and its over. The other 25% is calling up people I know asking what they are up too. Looking for interesting strangers can be exhausting sometimes when all you want to do is take a few pictures.
Sure there are a few Street style photogs out there using long lenses getting more natural "Street Photography" fashion type photos, but they aren't quite as focused as what I do, and what Scott does so well. Scott is a master of creating a repore and trust is a very short time - attaining the desired reaction from the subject.
To think Scott Schumann stumbles on every person he photographs then they somehow magically react so perfectly is naive of you - not to mention are somehow standing in front of great backdrops every time. If you look at it this way, every photo I take on the street is set up.
If I was still just taking snapshots of people, I wouldn't be so confidante saying that some of my images are carefully built street style Art. I challenge you to give it a go and see if you can convince a stranger to pose for a picture on a public street and come even close to something I take or even Scott. Its taken me two years to get to the point where I know I'm good at what I do, but I still have a long road ahead of me to where I'll feel I'm a master of my craft.
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Angel's Point of View</a>
I'd love to do what he does...