Free Photography Workshop With Celebrity Wedding Photographer Joe Buissink

Last year, Fstoppers interviewed wedding photographer Joe Buissink who has shot weddings for Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey, Christina Aguliera, and many other A List celebrities. Starting Thursday, August 9th, Joe is sharing all his wedding secrets in a FREE online workshop on creativeLIVE. Check out the FULL POST on how you can watch the event for free August 9 - 11th!

Joe Buissink is one of the wedding industry's most renowned photographers. In his 3 Day creativeLIVE workshop, Joe will teach you lighting and posing tips to use at your own weddings but will also teach you how to find your own photographic style. These days most photographers have a wedding business and the only way to really stand out among the crowd is to let your personality show through in your images. Other topics that will be covered are how to design your packages, where to set your prices, how to draft up a contract, and other wedding business questions.

As always, our friends over at creativeLIVE offer these online workshops for FREE during the initial live broadcast. If you know you want to download this three day event, you can preorder it now for $99 before it airs. Afterwards, the cost of the download is $149.
Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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