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Should You Use Teleconverters Instead of Longer Lenses?

Long telephoto lenses can be very expensive, but a reasonable alternative is a teleconverter, which attaches between your camera and lens and increases its focal length. However, teleconverters come with their own set of drawbacks. This excellent video discusses the use of teleconverters, including why you might want to consider one for your own work.

10 Great Tips to Make Your Footage More Cinematic

Making your footage more cinematic doesn’t mean that you’re constantly trying to make your films look like a Hollywood movie, but it does mean that there are some tried and tested techniques for making your shots more interesting and aesthetically pleasing. Here are 10 great tips from experienced filmmaker Mark Bone.

3 Fantastic Beauty Lighting Setups for Stunning Portraits

A beauty dish is one of the most popular lighting modifiers for portraits and for good reason, as it can create dramatic, contrasty images that instantly capture the viewer's eye. This fantastic video tutorial will show you three lighting setups using a beauty dish and other modifiers that capture a range of moods.

Adobe Lightroom Classic 10 Received New Updates

Following the 2021 version of Photoshop, Adobe also released new updates for the Lightroom Classic version 10, bringing some new features and UI improvements.

How to Choose Your First Prime Lens for Photography

If you’re ready to upgrade from your kit lens and you’re wondering what to choose, consider getting yourself a fast — yet affordable — prime lens. Here’s an overview of the most popular options which should give you an idea of what will best suit your photography.

How and When to Charge Usage

Usage charges or license fees (depending on where you live) make up the majority of a commercial photographers income. However, most of us either don't charge it when we should or simply do not charge enough. Let's look at how we should be doing this.

How to Shoot a Classy Looking Whisky Image With a Simple Setup

Beverage photography is its own genre within the commercial world and some photographers specialize even further by photographing liquor bottles. This is a great tutorial for someone who wants to try their hand at photographing an attractive whisky bottle and beverage, with an affordable setup.

Infinite Tools Announce the New Infinite Luma Panel: A New Tool to Help With Luminosity Masking

One of the most useful and effective features in Photoshop, is the ability to create masks on different layers. This allows you to perform pin point and localized edits onto your image without impacting the rest of the file. For many photographers, layer masks are crucial and in my view, luminosity masks are one of the more useful ways of creating selections.

A Course on Editing in Lightroom for Beginners

When you are new to photography, it is common to think that you need to head over to Photoshop for any sort of serious editing, but you might be surprised by just how much you can accomplish using Lightroom if you know what you are doing and where to look. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to edit a portrait from start to finish using only Lightroom.

Is Photo Mechanic Plus a Lightroom Killer? An In-Depth Fstoppers Review Part 1: Importing Photos

Lightroom totally dominates the realm of digital asset management (DAM) — a solution to everything, it fits the mold of most photographic workflows. However, the bitter pill to swallow can be the treacle-like performance and that monthly subscription (something I've touched upon before). Photo Mechanic, renowned for its blisteringly fast performance, offers a new solution. Is it a Lightroom killer?

These Sources Will Help You Find the Right Photography Gear

While there is much discussion about different camera brands, models, and the development of the market, the perfect camera still hasn't been built. This article will show you where to find information to make your best choice from what's available.

Helpful On-Location Tips That Will Improve Your Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a difficult genre that takes solid technique, good creativity, and the ability to plan ahead and anticipate changing conditions. This fantastic video tutorial details a range of on-location tips that will help you create better and more compelling landscape images.

Nikon Announces Z 6II and Z 7II: Small But Meaningful Improvements

Nikon has just announced the second generation of their full-frame mirrorless bodies, updating the Z 6 and Z 7 to Z 6II and Z 7II. These feature updates improve some crucial areas of camera performance, but is it enough to keep them competitive? Check out the features that have changed and decide for yourself.

Photo Studio Ultimate 2021's Color Wheel Tool Will Change the Way You Edit Color

ACDSee's brand new edition of Photo Studio Ultimate has arrived on the scene and offers a powerful new tool to revolutionize color editing in your photography workflow. With plenty of fantastic new features, upgrades to old favorites, and a few time-saving innovations, this software is a strong contender in the world of photo editing.

Creator or Destroyer: Photography, Drugs, and Substance Abuse

Drug and alcohol addiction often go hand in hand with art. Painting has Van Gogh and Pollock, poetry has Coleridge and Ginsburg, music has The Beatles and Jim Morrison, and novels have Burroughs and Welsh. I was, however, surprised by how little information I could find about photographers’ substance abuse. Where are the in-depth books about photographers that were inspired or crushed by their addictions?

How to Get the Best Fall Colors in Your Phone Photos

Fall is here! The leaves around you have hopefully taken on some great colors, but you might not be getting the draw dropping pictures you want. Fortunately, there’s 5 easy tricks you can try and they all work with your phone.

One of the Best Ways to Become a Better Photographer

There are a thousand skills — technical, artistic, and observational — that need to be mastered to make great images. But to really get better we have to, first, learn to do this.

This Is the Difference Between Opacity and Flow in Photoshop

Photoshop is full of a wide range of tools and features, and a fair amount of them have some amount of overlap between their functions and capabilities. Two such tools are the opacity and flow sliders. If you are not quite sure of the difference between the two, this excellent video tutorial will get you up and running in no time.

A Common Mistake Many Landscape Photographers Make

In landscape photography, we do not get control over the light or the conditions in which we are photographing, and as such, it is very much a genre of planning and patience. This can often lead to a mistake that makes us miss images, and this excellent video discusses how we fall into that trap and the consequences it can have.

The Benefits of Off-Camera Flash Over Natural Light

Off-camera flash can be a bit intimidating for a lot of photographers, but it opens an entirely new world of creative possibilities and is well worth learning. This excellent video discusses the benefits of off-camera flash over just natural light and how it can improve your work.

How to Blend Photos With Different Shutter Speeds in Photoshop

Often in landscape photography, you will want to blend different exposures in the same frame to balance different shutter speeds due to extreme dynamic range. However, sometimes, you might want to blend different shutter speeds in the same frame to create the right amount of movement in each element. This fantastic video tutorial will show you exactly how to do just that using Photoshop.

The Inverse Square Law and Why It Is So Important for Lighting

The inverse square law is by far one of the most fundamental and important concepts that every photographer working with artificial light should understand. If that is something you struggle with a bit or you have not heard of it before, this fantastic video will get you up and running in no time at all.

Learn How to Recreate These Three Different Portraits All Shot in One Location

The beauty of artificial lighting is that you can create shots in just about any situation no matter the ambient light, and you can create a wide variety of looks in one location simply by varying parameters like the position of the light or its distance to the subject. This excellent video shows a photographer discussing how he got three different shots in one location with the help of artificial lighting.

When White Balance Adjustments Go Wrong

One of the easiest and most beloved methods of color correction is a simple swipe of the white balance temperature slider. It can change the whole tenor of a scene. There are limits to what it can do, however.

A Look at Different Types of Food Photography Backgrounds

There are loads of different options when it comes to food photography backgrounds. However, they can often come from places that you wouldn't necessarily know about. Let's have a look at the most common ones that I use in my studio.

Exploring How to Take Street Photographs Like Vivian Maier

Street photography fans will be familiar with the beautiful portraits and serene city scenes that Vivian Maier captured in Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles. But, have you ever tried applying her way of shooting into your own street photography?

Take Control With This Lightroom Classic Startup Setting

Many Lightroom Classic users have one catalog, and that's perfectly fine. However, others have several catalogs or even a different catalog for each shoot they do. Regardless of which you are, this tip may save you some time and make your Lightroom time more productive.

13 Tips for Better Fall Landscape Photography

Fall is undoubtedly one of the best times to be a photographer, as the leaves change and give rise to brilliant scenes full of vibrant and dramatic colors. To make sure you are able to take full advantage of the season, check out this fantastic video tutorial that details 13 helpful tips for better fall images along with a lot of great example images.

4 Tips for More Creative Still Life Photography

Still life photography is both enjoyable and accessible for many photographers, but it's easy for your work to become stagnant. Here are 4 tips for more creative still life photography.

7 Tips for Better Autumn Landscape Photos

For many landscape photographers, the autumn season brings about the fresh desire to get their cameras out. Here are a few tips for taking advantage of the beautiful colors of the season.

Review: Topaz DeNoise AI Ups the Game for Removing Noise

I took a look at Topaz DeNoise AI earlier this year and found it effective at removing noise without killing the details in your images. My only complaint was that it was not a speed demon. On some large images, I had to wait almost a minute before the image was cleaned up. Is that better in the latest version?

This Is How You Prepare for a Wedding Shoot

Avoid the rookie mistakes that other amateurs make and jump ahead with some professional preparation for your first, or your next wedding photoshoot. You'll be surprised how often these steps are overlooked.

How to Photograph Flowing Water

Waterfalls, rivers, and the like are by far some of the most popular subjects for landscape photographers, particularly when it comes to long exposures. This fantastic video tutorial discusses how to shoot flowing water to create ethereal and entracing photos.

Common Beginner Wide Angle Mistakes in Landscape Photography

Wide angle lenses are normally the optic of choice for the majority of landscape photography, but they come with their own unique set of challenges and potential pitfalls. If you are new to landscape photography, this informative video details some of the common mistakes beginner landscape photographers make with wide angle lenses and what you can do to fix them.

How to Get Perfect Skin Tones for Video

Attempting to color correct skin tones in video using your naked eye is not going to be easy or accurate. Here’s the right way to make skin looks its best using Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or Final Cut Pro X.