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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Here's How Your Histograms Should Look

One question I often get from my photography students is: "What the heck is that graph?" I often enjoy teaching photography even more than creating it, but explaining concepts like the histogram is one of the tougher parts of teaching photography.

Three Helpful Photography Business Pricing Strategies

One of the most difficult but important aspects of running a photography business is knowing how to price yourself. This helpful video will give you three pricing strategies to help you work toward becoming financially stable and successful in photography.

Learn How to Shoot This Awesome Beauty Image

Beauty photography is a fun genre that takes both creative vision and technical skill and precision to achieve successful results. This excellent video will teach you how to shoot a classic beauty image from lighting to post-processing and more.

How to Make Great Wedding Images in Not so Ideal Conditions

If you are a wedding photographer, then at some point in your career you will be faced with the challenge of making great images with conditions that are less then ideal. These tips can help you make the best of any situation.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Photoshop Blending Modes

Blending modes are one of the most foundational features in Photoshop and something that almost anyone working with the program should understand well. This in-depth video will show you the ins and outs of every single blending mode, allowing you to better understand when to use each one and how they can help you achieve your desired results.

How to Set Up Your Wacom Tablet for Capture One and Why You Should

There aren’t many things photographers unanimously agree on, but the desire to improve post-processing results and reduce the time required to do it is one. With so much of a photographer’s time spent behind a computer, anything that not only expedites but enhances the experience is welcomed with open arms, and using a Wacom pen tablet is one such thing. For Capture One, using a Wacom Tablet can be a real boon, and here’s how.

How to Create Amazing Eye Catching Portraits Using the Equipment You Already Own

In the world of Instagram and social media, what we see, is a lot of times not as it really seems. The line between what is real and what is fake is quickly blurring. In this article, go behind the scenes with instagram photographer, Calob Castellon and see how he creates captivating portraits using nothing more than a camera, and a little bit of creativity. If he can do it, you can too.

Three Helpful Tips for Running a Successful Photography Business

There is a very distinct and fundamental difference between being a successful photographer and being successful in the business of photography. This helpful video will give you three tips to ensure you're successful when you start a photography business.

How to Stack Tracked Star Shots With a Foreground

One of the fundamental issues in astrophotography is the general lack of light. To combat this, many serious astrophotographers turn toward equatorial mounts to allow them to get more light, but this can create difficulties if you have a foreground subject as well. This helpful tutorial will show you how to composite a foreground shot with a tracked night sky shot.

How to Get a Moody Feel to Your Cityscapes

A lot of cityscapes and cinematography of urban settings are moody and it's a very popular aesthetic. Here's how you can achieve the look with your own images using Lightroom.

How Photographers Are Price Cutting You

I write a lot of articles about photographers not price cutting you, so I am going to try and approach this from the opposite direction. Here is how photographers are price cutting you.

Do You Want More Resolution? Use Super Resolution

Hasselblad was one of the first that used super resolution techniques. Today it can be found in many cameras, producing resolutions that are up to four times higher than the pixel count of the sensor. You can also do this with your camera. This is how it works.

How One Photographer Made $35,000 in Stock Photo Sales

Stock photography is not for everyone, but it really can be a financially viable option for some of those photos you have just sitting on a hard drive at home. Realistically, unless you are already making thousands upon thousands of dollars from the images you've been creating, stock photography might just be the thing for you.

Photographers: Protect Your Vision With These Five Habits

Browsing a dusty used book store on the north side of Chicago in 2008, a familiar name caught my eye: Aldous Huxley. The Huxley book I saw there, published in 1942, had an intriguing title: The Art of Seeing.

Matching Colors and Tones in Photoshop

Particularly when processing images as a set or even from the same location, it can be important to take extra efforts to keep things consistent. If you find yourself in a situation where you'd either like to save some time or would like some help keeping images looking consistent, then this tutorial is for you.

How to Fix Uneven Skin Tones Using Photoshop

One of the most common issues you'll have to deal with when shootings portraits is uneven skin tones. This super helpful tutorial will show you everything you need to know to even out skin tones using Photoshop.

How to Focus on the Stars in Astrophotography

Do you struggle to get proper focus when photographing the stars at night? Has nothing you tried worked for you? Then this video will help with your astrophotography aspirations.

How to Speed Up Photoshop

More often than not, we get the product out of the box, toss the manual, and find out the settings as we go along. It's 2019 and things should be intuitive.

23 Speedlight Setups to Try This Year

While the rage may be LED lights and very portable strobes, it is still hard to beat the ease and simplicity of good old speedlights. Most of us have at least one, if not more in our camera bag, and I always carry two of them with me whenever I’m shooting. So, why not dust off those speedlights and brush up on some great ways to use them with this great video?

A Review of the Kase Filter System and Why I Stopped Using Lee Filters

Ten years ago I decided to start using filters for my landscape photography again. In those days the best choice was Hitech or Lee, and I chose the latter. I was very content with those filters and I shot many beautiful landscapes with it. But ten years left some serious traces of use. It was time to replace the filters… I chose Kase filters.

A Project Every Serious Photographer Should Complete

I thought I'd never understand this one photo series I saw over a decade ago; it was so popular but seemed so bland to me. What I realize now is the content of images aren't the most interesting part and in fact, the project has a lesson all photographers could learn from.

My Approach to Architectural Photography

I’ve been pondering on how to answer a challenging question. I was first asked the question by an Fstoppers reader a few weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been asked the same question by two different potential clients. In this article, I’m going to attempt to answer, "what is my approach to architectural photography?"

How to Deal With Silverware Reflections in Food Photography

Silverware can be really pretty, but it can also be a complete pain in the you know what when it comes time to photograph it. This great video tutorial will give you numerous helpful tips to deal with distracting reflections on silverware.

How to Write Regularly for Your Own Blog

The benefits of having your own blog are myriad, and for all intents and purposes, there is an unlimited amount of information on why. However, the main obstacle isn't "why," but "how".

Getting More Out of Your Photography by Changing Directions

New gear is always fun to work with, however a new piece of glass is not going to make you a better photographer. Many new photographers feel the urge to buy the latest gear thinking it will improve their skills. Learning how to work with what you have, learning new techniques, or even changing directions for a new desired genre is far more important than that latest camera announcement.

Image Licensing: A Case for the Unpopular Route

There are two basic models for licensing photography. One is suggested by most professional photography societies and organizations while the other is decried as an unfair and unsustainable model by the same groups. For the past six years I’ve licensed my images using the unpopular model. In this article, I’ll explain why.

How to Use Any Lens for Macro Photography

The results from macro photography, when well done, can be spectacular as a dazzling, miniature world comes to life. Check out this great video to learn how to use any lens to get started with macro photography immediately.

What's the Best Email Marketing Platform for 2019?

Even though we spend more and more time on social media and other networking platforms, email is still by far the best and most useful way to grow your business and get your work out there. So what platforms are you using in 2019?

How I Clip Photoshop Adjustment Layers to Other Adjustment Layers

I have been using The ColourMapX panel extensively and a caveat of it led me to further dig into something I rarely used before, clipping adjustment layers to other adjustment layers. Doing so greatly enhances my experience with this panel, but honestly with any type of adjustment.

A Guide to Quick and Simple Portrait Retouching

One of the most fundamental skills anyone shooting portraits should have is a good understanding of basic retouching. This helpful video will show you everything you need to know to effectively retouch portraits in Photoshop.

Stop Hating On Cheap Photographers

Almost weekly I see an article online or a comment about how cheap photographers are undermining the industry or that they are ruining it for us.

How to Arrive at the Perfect Professional Portrait

Portraits are a great way to reflect professionalism. As a portrait photographer, what are the things that you can ensure to get the best for your clients? There are a few important areas that you have to pay attention to as a portrait photographer. Here is a quick article that discusses on how to arrive at the perfect professional portrait.

What's the Best Portfolio Website Builder for Photographers?

If you want to showcase your work on more than just social media and perhaps even start selling your images, you need to have a portfolio website. So what's the best option to get something professional, cost effective and functional up quickly?

A Simple Way to Turn White into Any Color in Photoshop

Changing the color of an object in your image is fairly simple in Photoshop. However, if the object you want to change is white, it can be challenging to give it a new hue in a realistic fashion. But there is a way to do it, and do it quickly.

A Simple Trick To Pose Almost Anyone

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to shooting portraits is posing the subject. You might have all the lights set and the background lit, but ultimately it all comes down to posing the subject perfectly to get best results. In this video, Miguel Quiles shares an interesting trick on how to pose almost anyone.

How to Convince Wedding Clients You’re Worth What You Charge

Convincing potential clients that you’re worth what you charge is a scary prospect. It means believing in yourself enough to stick to your guns. If you’ve had a hard time convincing clients to pay what you charge, here are a few ways that may help raise your success rate when asking for a sale.