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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
How to Fix Blown Out Highlights in Photoshop

Blown out highlights are a very common issue in a lot of genres, and they can be quite a distraction depending on the image. While it is true that once a highlight is blown, it cannot be recovered, you can perform some work in Photoshop to cover up the area and improve the final image. This great video tutorial will show you how to deal with blown highlights in Photoshop.

How to Make Money From Quick and Easy Photoshoots

Photographer Taylor Jackson shifted his work slightly in the last nine months, and this video gives you a really useful insight into how he has created regular jobs through short photoshoots for local businesses.

Creating Balance in Landscape Images

One of the trickiest parts of landscape photography is composition, particularly since you cannot control the position of any of the elements in your scene like you can with almost any other genre. A lot of the game is about finding balance between the individual elements, and this fantastic video tutorial discusses some great tips on how you can better achieve that.

How to Reduce the Noise in Your Photos When They're Captured

Noise is the enemy of photographers everywhere, and we spend a ton of time discussing different post-processing software and techniques for reducing it as much as possible. But reducing noise starts from the moment you choose your camera settings. This fantastically comprehensive video will show you what noise is, why it appears in your photos, and numerous ways you can mitigate it in camera.

Color Grading in Lightroom Version 10

Adobe just released the latest version of Lightroom that removes the split toning module and replaces it with an updated version, "Color Grading." In this article and video, I quickly go over how to use the new tool, and I even edit a few photos along the way!

How Our Community Made Senior Photos Happen During COVID

Our local high school had an idea to get senior photos taken for the young adults that have been working their whole life to achieve something, only to have it turn into an afterthought overshadowed by a serious global pandemic.

10 Great Films to Watch for Cinematography

Whether you're a filmmaker, videographer, or just a stills shooter, there's a lot that can be learned from some of the greats of cinematography.

Learn This Great Three-Light Setup in Just a Few Minutes

It is always best to start out with one light when you are first learning how to use artificial light, but once you have mastered the basics, you can enter an entirely new world of creativity when you start working with multi-light setups. This fantastic video tutorial will show you a dynamic and professional three-light setup for creating compelling portraits.

Photo Face Mask Round Up: A New Potential Revenue Stream for Photographers

Back in March, Globe Newswire reported that the global facemask market is expected to reach $21.2 billion in sales by 2026. For many photographers, this represents an opportunity to try out a new revenue stream as other sources of income dry up. So, how do you get started selling face masks featuring your photos? We'll take a look at a few vendors on the market.

How to Create Flattering Portraits in Harsh Sunlight

When you think of lighting for portraits in a flattering way, you probably do not immediately gravitate toward the harsh contrast of midday sun. However, you might be surprised by just what you can accomplish when shooting in the midday sun, and this great video tutorial will give you three helpful tips for creating better images with it.

A Look at a Commercial Photographer's Marketing Emails

Marketing is tough. It is hard, a bit of a dark art, and also very much something that you can't learn overnight. Chances are your photography is good enough, but you are still struggling to get work.

The Truth About the Exposure Triangle, and Should You Use It?

Making the relation between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO visible is the idea behind the exposure triangle. I have seen many beautiful drawings of the exposure triangle, but what does this diagram really show? Let’s find out.

Don't Forget Why You Should Be Taking Photos

It can be easy to get caught up in the annoyances of professional obligations or to simply grow bored or tired of photography from time to time, which is when it is important to remember why you should be taking photos in the first place. This thought-provoking video discusses why.

A Start-to-Finish Landscape Photography Tutorial for Beginners

Landscape photography can be tricky to learn, as it takes the confluence of several techniques and creative ideas to make a complete photo. If you are new to landscape photography, this fantastic video tutorial will show you how to take a shot from start to finish.

A Complete Guide to Editing a Portrait in Capture One and Photoshop

Capture One and Photoshop make for a powerful combination for editing portraits to produce professional results. This fantastic video tutorial gives a complete guide to editing a portrait from start to finish using both applications and a wide variety of creative tricks and techniques.

Does EXIF Data Prove Trump Is Lying to America?

I'm not one to write political articles, and I promise you this one isn't meant to be pro-Trump or anti-Trump. However, as photographers, we've been told that a photo is worth a thousand words. What if the words these photos replace tell a very different story?

These Mistakes Held My Career Back for Years

We all make mistakes in our journey to be professional photographers. In this video, I have put together the biggest mistakes that I made that have slowed down my career in the hope that you can avoid them

10 Great Tips and Tricks for Better Editing in Photoshop and Lightroom

Both Lightroom and Photoshop are complicated and nuanced applications with wide ranges of capabilities and features. This excellent video tutorial details 10 helpful tips and tricks for using them that will help you edit more quickly, find new capabilities and ways of doing things, and create better overall images.

Using Shallow Depth of Field in Landscape Photography

When you think of aperture choice and depth of field in landscape photography, you likely trend toward using narrow apertures for a wide depth of field. And while that is certainly a great way to approach images, you can create unique photos by using a narrow depth of field, which is what this excellent video explores.

Adobe Demonstrates Powerful New Sky Replacement Feature Coming to Photoshop

One of the most well-known features of the new AI-processing technologies in various post-processing programs is automated sky replacement, which takes a lot of the time and effort out of what is traditionally a rather tedious task. Adobe is the latest to offer their own version of the technology, as demonstrated in this new video.

A Spot Metering Crash Course

Spot metering is just a camera feature that measures the exposure from a single point. However, it is often misunderstood, and utilizing spot metering correctly may widen your technical capabilities when shooting in manual mode.

A Beginner's Guide to Layers in Photoshop

Photoshop is a very complex tool full of a wide variety of powerful features, but perhaps no feature is more crucial to editing images than layers. If you are new to Photoshop, this great video tutorial will show you how layers work in just a few minutes.

Common Post-Processing Mistakes Made by Beginners

Working in Lightroom and Photoshop (or your post-processing programs of choice) takes the confluence of a wide range of knowledge and technique along with a good creative eye, and it can be a bit tricky to bring them together all at once, even for seasoned photographers. This excellent video discusses three common mistakes beginners make when they are learning about post-processing their photos and how to fix them.

Common Financial Mistakes That Hurt Creatives

You can have all the technical proficiency and creative vision in the world, but if you are not good with your finances, you will have a lot of trouble building a successful photography or videography business. This excellent video discusses some common financial mistakes that creatives make and how to remedy them.

5 Ways to Retouch Skin Using Lightroom and Photoshop

Skin retouching is a skill and there are various ways to go about it, with some requiring more time and effort to give more refined results. Here are five techniques broken down, using both Lightroom and Photoshop.

8 Essential Composition Tips to Improve Your Photography

Landscape photography is the art of seizing the beauty of the outdoors through images. Landscape photographers aim to make their viewers feel as if they’re walking into a scene without having to get out of a sheltered building. But what is composition, and how is it helpful in landscape photography?

How to Swap Faces and Expressions in Photoshop

Changing a subject's face or expression from one image to the next isn't as difficult as beginners think it will be. Here's a quick tutorial on exactly how you do it.

A Seven-Step Process to Sharper Landscape Photographs

Excellent sharpness is one of the top requirements for a successful landscape image, and there are steps you can take all throughout the process of shooting to help ensure that your image is pin-sharp. This excellent video gives a great seven-stop process to help you get those sharp photos.

A Deep Dive Into Photoshop's Adjustment Layers

Photoshop's core adjustment layers are diverse and powerful, but are you using them to their full potential? I'm going to bet that you're not; check out this video to find out why.

The Most Common Food Photography Mistakes

Food and product photography is an ever-growing niche, and with this comes trends in the pitfalls and mistakes that we all make when photographing food. In this video, I cover the most common things that trip us up.

How to Increase Your Chances of Winning a Photography Competition

There's a huge variety of photography competitions, from your local camera club, to huge global awards and some big prizes if you win. So, how do you win a photography competition, and is there a special formula you can use to reap the rewards?

Building a Magical Empire: Fstoppers Interviews Bella Kotak

Bella Kotak is an international fine art, fashion, and portrait photographer whose magical aesthetic has gained her fans all across the globe and garnered her features in industry magazines like Rangefinder and PhotoPlus, but her photography career didn’t start in the happiest place.

Will Off Camera Flash Make The iPhone a Professional Camera?

The day has finally come when photographers can sync their powerful off-camera flashes with their Apple iPhone using Profoto's new AirX syncing system. Being the skeptic I am, I had to see for myself if using 500 Ws of powerful strobe light with your cell phone was simply a gimmick or potentially an industry game-changer. Today, I'm left swallowing my pride.