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Storytelling, Layering, and Gutsy Setups: Tips From Top Women Photographers Today

When I watch events, and the cameras swiftly pan by the crowded photographers trying to get the cover shot, I can’t help but scan for women. I do it when the receiver runs full force out-of-bounds and accidentally crashes into the sideline photographers. “Was there a woman in that crew?" Or on CSPAN when the camera pans back to the counsel’s table and you get that quick glimpse of the photographers sitting like sardines on the floor with their cameras. At the Olympics, especially, I’m always eyeing women. I don’t see them as often as I wish.

Russia’s War in Ukraine Will Leave a Lasting Scar on the Photography Industry 

A week into the war, many start to ask about the long-term impacts of the war. As a Ukrainian-born writer with family and friends in Ukraine, I am keeping a very close eye on the news surrounding the war. A war on such a grand scale will have a profound impact on most industries, photography included. Here is my analysis of how this war will echo in photography.

Optics Allows Photographers to Add Particle-Based Effects to Their Photography

As the artificial intelligence race intensifies among photography software companies, Boris FX is filling a completely different niche with their editing software Optics. With their latest release, Optics users now have access to their powerful Particle Illusion generator, which can create thousands of useful emitters like explosions, smoke, fire, and other particle effects. Today, we take a look at the new Optics 2022 release which is available as a plugin for both Photoshop and Lightroom, as well as a standalone application.

5 Common Mistakes New Photographers Make

When you are a new photographer, you have a ton to learn and take in all at the same time, and it can be easy to go wrong at different points. If you are new to photography and want to improve, check out this excellent video tutorial that discusses five common mistakes that beginner photographers make and how to fix them or avoid them entirely.

What is the Best Camera You Have Ever Owned?

Forget technology updates, larger sensor capacity, and more dynamic range. If you could only choose one camera to shoot with for the rest of your photographic life, what would it be?

Are You Enjoying Your Photography?

Being a photographer takes the ability to handle a lot of pressure: the need to constantly bring your best abilities to a shoot, to always be able to innovate creatively, to juggle a wide range of skills needed to run a business, and a lot more. At the end of the day, though, are you remembering to enjoy your photography? This great video is a friendly reminder to take time to enjoy yourself.

A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up Your Camera for Landscape Photography

The neat thing about landscape photography is that you can create a wide variety of different photographs of the same frame simply by varying your camera settings. If you are new to the genre and want to know how to set yourself up to create the best possible images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you everything you need to know to prepare your camera to take a shot.

Your Photography Business is Dying to Inflation

Inflation is slowly killing your business, and many photographers haven't seen the big picture yet. Inflation is an on-going process but the past couple of years have really taken a bite out of the small business success story.

7 Changes Camera Companies Should Consider

Camera technology is evolving at a breakneck pace, and manufacturers are getting a lot right these days. But of course, no company is perfect, and there is always room for improvement. This great video features a photographer discussing seven things he wishes all camera companies would improve on.

Wedding Photography Tips: How to Photograph the Bride

Wedding photography can be one of the more daunting genres. For many people, their wedding day is one of the most important days of their lives. As photographers, it's crucial to capture these moments carefully and as best we can. This is especially important when it comes to the bride.

You Should Go for a Walk

The current state of the world can easily be described as challenging. How can art and photography fit into this broader context of current affairs?

Everything You Need to Know About Manual Mode for Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is made for manual mode, as you have the time to evaluate exactly how you want to expose the frame, both from a creative and technical standpoint. If you are newer to photography and feeling a bit overwhelmed by interpreting and managing all the parameters and settings that go into it, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you everything you need to know about using manual mode for landscape photography.

Horrifically Graphic Reminder of Selfie Dangers

Let me give you clear warning: this is not for the faint of heart. Every year, 100s of people are killed or injured in their quest for the perfect selfie. Here is a graphic reminder of how it can all go so wrong.

How to Control the Shadows to Create More Interesting Photos

Modern digital cameras have unbelievable dynamic range and post-processing latitude compared to those of a decade ago, and that has encouraged a lot of us to simply automatically bring the shadows up on every photo without a second thought. Is that the best choice, though? Maybe not. This great video discusses why you should reconsider how you treat the shadows in your photos and how to go about doing so.

Is There a Difference Between Agency Models and Amateur Models?

If you are a beginning photographer who has only worked with amateur models, it may be your dream to work with a professional model one day. Is there a noticeable difference between working with a professional model and an amateur model?

How to Always Enjoy Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a unique genre in that you do not have control over the light and conditions, and even if you do your best to plan for the right scenario, you are not guaranteed to get it. So, how do you accept the conditions you are given and still enjoy the experience even when things are not going your way? This excellent video features an experienced landscape photographer discussing how to get the most out of every trip.

Why You Should Sketch Your Images When Planning a Photoshoot

Whenever you are preparing for a shoot, sketching your images should be a part of your pre-planning process. The sketches don’t have to be the perfect storyboard. But it should have enough details to guide a creative vision.

3 Fundamentals for Creating Light and Airy Photos

The light and airy look is a very popular style with clients and really evokes feelings of love, lightness, and happiness. However, a lot of photographers mistakenly assume that it is simply about overexposing what is otherwise a normal portrait image. If you are interested in creating the look in your own work, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you three important fundamentals for the style.

Learn How to Light With Dani Diamond

Dani Diamond is well known for his portraiture work, particularly his natural light work. But of course, he works with artificial lighting too, and in this great video tutorial, he will walk you through a one-light setup and how he modifies it to create a professional-level portrait.

Instagram? Flickr? 500px? Where to Share Your Photos Online?

Remember how great Flickr was at its peak? It was an active photography community to share and discuss images with other photographers all over the world. While the site still functions, it's nowhere near as popular and active as it once was, and it hasn't had a decent refresh in years. Oh, how the mighty fall. Where else can we share images with other photographers?

Which Focal Length Is Right for Your Portrait Photography?

When it comes to portrait photography, one of the most important choices you can make is the focal length you use, as it will have significant consequences on the way your subject is rendered. If you are new to portrait photography and wondering about the relationship between focal length and the final image, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you portraits shot between 25mm and 135mm and how they differ from each other.

How to Properly Expose Canon Log on the R5 and R6

Shooting video has never been better for consumers and with C-Log and C-Log 3 profiles on some Canon cameras, you gain access to far more malleable footage when it comes to post-processing. However, when you look at the preview of log footage, it looks like it's sitting beneath a high pass filter in Photoshop, so how do you properly expose for it?

You Can Always Take a Good Landscape Photo, No Matter What the Conditions Are

If you look at the sort of landscape photos that tend to dominate the popular pages of Instagram and the like, they are often lit with warm, golden rays, augmented by dramatic skies, rich colors, and dramatic contrasts. And of course, those can be incredible images, but the conditions required to create them are often not present, and they are not the only compelling type of landscape photo. This excellent video shows you that you can create good landscape images no matter what the conditions you encounter.

5 Mistakes Beginning Stock Photographers Make

Stock photography is often viewed as a form of "passive income" for photographers that have a low barrier of entry. But just because that's the case doesn't mean it's easy. A seasoned stock photographer shares some of the mistakes she made when starting.

How to Do Clamshell Lighting

There are lots of lighting techniques to learn, some simple, some complex, and they all offer something a bit different. One of my personal favorites is clamshell lighting and in this video, learn how to do it and when it will work particularly well.

Your First 10,000 Photographs Are Your Worst

If you are first starting in photography, this quote by the famous photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson might seem outrageous or overly harsh. But as someone who has taken at least 10,000 photos, I can tell you that there is a lot of truth to this, and more importantly, this idea can be freeing.

Fstoppers Reviews the Clear Night Filter: Enabling Astrophotography With a Drone?

If you’re into astrophotography, a drone typically isn’t your camera of choice. That’s why I was surprised to see Haida’s release of a light-pollution reducing filter for the new Mavic 3, which they’re calling the NanoPro Clear-Night Filter. Does this filter change the experience of shooting with a drone at night?

How to Easily Turn Your Signature Into a Classy Watermark

Did you have to take cursive in elementary school? Is that ability to write in beautiful, curvy letter lying dormant somewhere in the recesses of your mind after all these years? Why not awaken those skills and use them to create a beautiful custom watermark for your images? This great video tutorial will show you how to do just that quickly and easily using Photoshop.

Hard Light Versus Soft Light Explained

It seems hard light is trending these days. From elaborate food spreads in Bon Appetit to fashion shoots for Burberry, hard light is in. If you've ever wondered how to create this look, this quick and simple tutorial will lay it out for you. I'll share a few concepts, and you can watch the video for a demonstration.

How to Deal With Boring Skies in Landscape Photography

We often preach the importance of planning ahead in landscape photography, but the truth remains that nature does not always cooperate, and even if you expected dramatic, interesting skies, even a slight deviation from the weather forecast can leave you with dull monotony overhead. So, what can you do to avoid going home empty-handed? This helpful video tutorial will show you.

The Lighting Modifier You Didn't Know You Needed

I own a lot of modifiers. My studio contains Broncolor Hazylights, old fresnels that are as rare as hens' teeth, and softboxes of pretty much every size from under a meter to so big I can stand inside them, but this latest addition is the one that has helped me.

A Battle Between the Canon EOS R3, Nikon Z 9, and Sony a1 Mirrorless Cameras

Camera manufacturers have really found another gear the last few years, obliterating the old maxim that you could have things like resolution or shooting speed, but not both, by releasing cameras that can tackle literally any situation you can throw at them. So, who holds the current crown? This excellent video compares the Canon EOS R3, Nikon Z 9, and Sony a1 mirrorless cameras to find out.

The Hidden Ingredient of Portraiture

When it comes to portrait photography, it is not uncommon for photographers to have a focus on the technical aspects of their craft. However, what if the secret ingredient of portraiture is more than just nailing a technically perfect photograph? Portraiture is all about the human subject and displaying their authenticity with each photo taken. The hidden ingredient that can take an average portrait to an exceptional piece of work has everything to do with the human connection to the subject.

Here’s Why I (Almost) Always Ignore My Light Meter

My first camera was a Minolta SRT-101. I loved that camera. It was an excellent tool for learning about photography and manual exposure. As it was completely manual in operation, the internal meter was my only guide for achieving correct exposure, outside of using an external source or just guessing. Fast forward 20-plus years and the way I use an internal light meter has remained largely unchanged. That all changed recently.

I Got Banned From Instagram, It Was a Good Thing

Creatives love and hate Instagram. While everyone is on it, very few enjoy being there. The platform is constantly changing the way it prioritizes work, as well as banning creatives without any reason. I was one of the unlucky many to experience such a ban.

How to Take Sharp Landscape Photos

When it comes to landscape photography, sharpness is often one of the top priorities. If that is something you want to improve in your images, check out this excellent video tutorial that details a straightforward process for coming home with sharp photos every time you head out with your camera.

Basic Lighting Setup for Capturing Catalog Images

Boutiques, clothing brands, and some stores usually require catalog images for their business and e-commerce websites. Would you be able to deliver clean catalog images? Here's how you can do just that!