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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Why Every Photographer Should Try This Camera Setting

Whether you’re using full auto, aperture priority, shutter speed priority, or manual mode, there’s a setting that could make your life easier. Here’s why it could be useful to almost every photographer out there.

Three Ways to Use a Second Light for Portraits

Every photographer starting out with artificial light should work exclusively with a single strobe until they are comfortable with the basics of lighting, but once you feel like you are ready to move on to more advanced setups, the first step, of course, is to add a second light, which opens up a wide range of creative possibilities. This fantastic video tutorial will show you three different ways to use that second light for portrait work to expand your creative palette.

Learn How These Fantastic Portraits Were Lit and Shot

Portrait lighting is about a lot more than simply creating a technically balanced image of your subject; it is your chance to exercise your creativity and show off your subject in a compelling and interesting fashion. If you would like to improve your own portrait photography, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you how one photographer lit and shot a set of portraits using several lights and modifiers.

5 Hacks for an Inovativ Camera Cart

Camera carts can be an expensive tool on set, and Inovativ are at the top of the bunch. Hopefully, these ideas can get more out of your cart for less.

How to Master Red Sky Photography

Morning red needs some special requirements to appear. Find out how to plan and photograph red sky to get a masterpiece.

How to Deal With Boring Clear Skies in Landscape Photography

While clear blue skies are often desirable simply for the nice weather they bring, when it comes to landscape photography, they are rather boring and can make it hard to create compelling images. It is not impossible, however; it just takes a bit of adjustment to your technique and creative approach. This fantastic video tutorial will show you some helpful tips for taking great landscape photos even when the sky is totally clear.

A Beginner's Guide to Masks and Layers in Photoshop

Two of the most fundamental and important features in Photoshop are layers and masks, and it is rare you will ever edit an image without using one or both of them. If you are new to Photoshop and want to begin building your knowledge of the application, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you the ins and outs of layers and masks and how to use them to edit your images.

Better Retouching Results With These Three Questions

When it comes to retouching, or more concretely, the removal of unwanted objects from photos, there are a few things you can do to make the editing a lot easier. In this article, I share three questions you can ask yourself in the field before taking your photos. Those questions will help you to get much better starting material for your retouching.

The Only Rule You Need for Landscape Photography

Seven years ago, I have stopped using photography rules, which massively improved my photography. But there is one rule that makes the difference between an average shot and a masterpiece. And it is something different than you might think.

8 Common Mistakes Beginner Photographers Make

There are a lot of different facets you have to learn and master when you are starting out as a photographer, and as such, things can go wrong due to a variety of reasons. If you are new to photography and looking to improve, check out this excellent video tutorial that details eight common mistakes beginner photographers make and how to fix them or avoid them entirely in the first place.

The Scandal That's Ruining the Photographic Industry

Have you noticed the bigotry towards women in the photographic industry? It's there and I feel partly to blame. But some camera manufacturers and big photography businesses are the worst offenders.

3 Common Landscape Photography Mistakes That Can Derail Your Images

Landscape photography is a tough genre that requires a lot of factors to all come together in order to produce a successful image, ranging from technical aptitude to creative vision and even a little luck with the conditions. As such, it is important to be aware of common mistakes that can derail you in your pursuits. This helpful video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing three such mistakes and what you can do to fix or avoid them in the first place.

5 Tips for Backing Up Your Files and Protecting Your Photos and Videos

Joe DiGiovanna is creating an incredible 30-year time-lapse of New York City; so, if there is anyone to ask about proper file backup strategy, my money would be on him. In this helpful video tutorial, he shares five great tips to ensure you are backing up your files properly and effectively, just in case disaster strikes.

The Danger of Emotion in Photography

Emotion is a powerful tool, and it is often essential to the photographic process and our ability to motivate ourselves and find the best versions of our creative selves. On the other hand, emotion can be a dangerous thing that leads you down the wrong path if you are not careful. This fantastic video essay discusses both the pros and cons of emotion in photography to help you make the most of it.

Focus Stacking Made Easy With Helicon Focus

A few weeks ago I published an article here on Fstoppers about handheld focus stacking. In this article I share my in-the-field workflow, as well as the automatic stacking option Photoshop offers to put all images together during photo editing. This option has its limitations though and because I lately had to work on some very complex stacks, I had to look for a better solution. And with Helicon Focus I found it.

How to Find Better Landscape Photos

When it comes to landscape photography, you can't control the elements in the frame like you can in just about any other genre, which, of course, means you need to be able to find elegant and compelling images instead of building them. If you want to improve your landscape photos, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you three helpful tips for finding better landscape photos.

7 Tips for Better Milky Way Photos

It’s springtime, which means that for most of us around the world, the core of the Milky Way galaxy, or the “Galactic Bulge,” will be prominently visible in the night sky roughly through the end of summer.

Some Helpful Tips for Long Exposures in Landscape Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, long exposures are one of the most ubiquitous techniques you will see. Taking a long exposure involves more than simply cranking up that shutter speed, however. If you would like to improve your own work, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you some great tips for taking long exposures.

How to Use Lightroom to Check if Your Photo Has a Subject

It’s important to have a subject in your photo. Without a subject, a photo may be less interesting to look at. Sometimes, the subject is easy to spot, but at other times, it might be more difficult. You can get some help from Lightroom to check if your photo has a subject.

Build Your Online Photography Portfolio Faster with Zenfolio

Looking for the best option to build your website or portfolio can be a daunting task with so many options out there. Are you looking for one to share your photos and videos, maybe book your clients directly online, a way to share proofs, sell prints and other products, or is there something else you need on your site?

Are You Improvising in Your Landscape Photography Enough?

When it comes to landscape photography, knowing how to plan in advance will generally yield much more success than simply heading out and winging it. That does not mean you should never just grab your camera and see what you can find, however. In fact, doing that can actually be the better choice in some situations, and this excellent video explores just when you should consider doing so.

What Is the Difference Between Speedlights, Monolights, and Packs and Heads?

When it comes to lighting, the three main types you can choose from are speedlights, monolights, and packs and heads. These three all have their own merits and drawbacks, and if you are thinking about investing in your own lighting system, it is important to know which is best suited for your work. This excellent video tutorial will show you the ins and outs of all three options and help you decide which to choose.

A Surprisingly Easy Technique I Use to Get More Clients as a Professional Photographer

You can only be profitable as a photographer if you have clients. Clients are the good and bad about being an artist. On one hand, you are paid to do what you love, but on the other, they usually don’t care about the same stuff you care about. In this article, I will tell you exactly what your clients want from you.

Simple Editing Tips for Better Landscape Photos

Landscape photography often relies on rather complex and involved edits that go deep into Photoshop, but you do not have to make deep edits to create a compelling image. In fact, you can often skip Photoshop altogether and rely solely on Lightroom. This excellent video tutorial shares some simple but helpful tips for creating better landscape image edits using Lightroom.

How to Get Your Landscape Photos in Focus

Landscape photography is just like any other genre in that you can do everything right, but if you miss focus, the resulting image will be a throwaway. So, what can you do to ensure that your photos are perfectly in focus every time you press the shutter? This helpful video tutorial will show you one professional landscape photographer's secret.

How to Find the Best Landscape Photography Locations

Part of becoming a successful landscape photographer is knowing how to find worthwhile locations to take your camera to. And while learning settings and editing are pretty well codified, location scouting can be a bit more difficult to master. This great video tutorial will show you a professional landscape photographer's thought process in choosing locations and how you can find those golden spots for compelling images.

A Behind the Scenes Guide to Short and Broad Lighting

Portraiture is one of the most versatile genres of photography, housing many sub-genres within it. One of the most impactful skillsets you can acquire for the craft is lighting and so it is important to know the basic setups and what different lighting styles achieve.

From Photographer to Director

Photographers who want to dabble with video and have some apprehension will learn from this post. While video and photography are not identical, they have great overlap in concepts and it's likely that you know more than you think.

How Big Does Your Photography Studio Need to Be?

When it comes to choosing a space for studio photography, it is often a tradeoff between having enough room for all your equipment and for whatever creative ideas you envision versus the cost of renting said space. If you are wondering how much room you need for full-length portraits, check out this excellent video that will show you everything you need to know.

The New Standard: Apple Displays

With the release of Apple’s new Studio Display, the new creative standard may be here. Are the specs and price good enough?

The Unsung Heroes of Portrait Lenses

There are many staple lenses in portrait photography that are recommended to beginners and professionals alike. However, there is something of an unsung hero lurking in a different genre entirely that could complement your gear arsenal perfectly.

How to Combine Multiple Catalogs in Lightroom

As you progress in photography and accumulate more images in your library of work, you will probably end up with tens or even hundreds of thousands of photos, and keeping them organized can be quite a task. Part of that will sometimes mean working with multiple catalogs that you might want to combine down the line. This excellent video tutorial will show you everything you need to know to merge multiple catalogs in Lightroom.

Amazing DIY Photo Storage Server

Let's face it: as photographers, we are crazy about saving our files. I have terabytes of images and videos spanning multiple hard drives in different arrays in my studio, and it drives me nuts that it's in disarray. Maybe you’re in the same boat, looking for a better way to safely store all your important images in one place.

Why Your Focal Length Choice Is So Important for Portrait Photography

When it comes to portrait photography, one of the most fundamental and important creative decisions you can make is the focal length you use. If you are newer to portrait photography and curious about how it affects the look of your final images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you a set of portraits shot at a range of different focal lengths.

An Easy and Effective On-Location Lighting Setup

When you are working in the studio, it is not a big deal to create complex, multi-light setups, since all your gear is there and doing so only requires moving it a minimal distance. On the other hand, when it comes to working on location, unless you have an entire crew with you, efficiency is the name of the game. This helpful video tutorial will show you a quick, simple, and effective lighting setup for on-location portraits.

A Landscape Photographer's New Favorite Camera Bag

There are a lot of camera bag addicts in our community and it's easy to see why: they can revolutionize your shooting experience when outdoors. Of all the genres of photography that need the right camera bag, landscape is right up near the top. Here is one landscape photographer's new favorite bag.

We Review the Aputure LS600x: A Viable Alternative to HMI Lights?

When Aputure released the LS 600d Pro, it took the market by storm and signaled an era of high-power LED coming. But when the LS 600X Pro came out, it took the D version and made it greater. I’ve been using the 600X Pro for the past month, and here are some of my thoughts on it.

5 Essential Tips to Improve Your Street Photography

There are few genres of photography I find more interesting and engaging than street, but it's a tricky discipline to master. In this video, Pat Kay walks you through five essential tips that could help you improve.

Making Compelling Landscape Photo Compositions With a Wide Angle Lens

When it comes to landscape photography, the wide angle lens is the most common tool of choice. And while they are great for the genre, they come with their own set of challenges that can make it quite tricky to come home with compelling images. This great video tutorial follows an experienced photographer as he discusses both how to create wide angle compositions and how to deal with bad weather.

Stop Making These Editing Mistakes (Part One)

These are six of the most common mistakes I see photographers make in their editing regardless of skill level. This part will cover how heavy your edit should be, controlling your saturation, and fixing halos in your images.

Photographing in Natural Light

Utilizing natural light in your photography can be a quick and easy way to create portraits without having to fuss over strobes, light stands, and light modifiers. In this video, photographer Anita Sadowska takes us along for a swimwear shoot in an NYC location that features floor-to-ceiling windows, which allow for a generous amount of natural light to enter.

How a Telephoto Lens Can Improve Your Landscape Photography

Wide angle lenses are almost always the first thing landscape photographers reach for, and, of course, there is a good reason why they are so popular in the genre. That being said, long telephoto lenses can produce equally interesting images and can actually be the better choice for certain images. This excellent video will show you some of what you can do with one and why it is so useful.