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Helpful Tips for Starting Your Photography Business

Being talented with a camera and having creative vision are, of course, necessary for becoming a successful professional photographer, but they are far from sufficient. Running a thriving photo business takes a lot of separate skills, and this helpful video tutorial details a few of them and offers some useful tips along the way.

Two Keys to Finding Success as an Artist Photographer

It can be easy to get caught up in the practical side of photography, particularly if you are running a business, and to lose sight of the artistic side of it. However, we all first picked up cameras because we enjoyed the creative process and the ability to express ourselves through the medium. So, how do you find success if you have devoted yourself to being an artist photographer? This insightful video essay explores the topic.

Vulva Photographer Shows Women Their Genitals Are Beautiful

Photography can be a powerful tool for good. Photographer Ellie Sedgwick recognized that, and she's using her camera skills for a coffee table book on vulvas and to encourage body positivity, curiosity, and understanding.

Is Expensive Camera Gear Really Not That Important?

Fashion photographer Peter Coulson is back with another video showing us his process of seeing light. This time he takes an even more minimal approach than his previous videos to prove that expensive gear isn't always needed to produce quality photography.

How to Capture Amazing Detail in Your Drone Photography

In the last decade, drones have created a completely new genre of photography for the average consumer. Their biggest hurdle has been poor resolution and dynamic range but with these few tips, you can get a lot more detail out of your drone photography.

Renting Photography Equipment Instead of Buying

Photography as a hobby can be rather expensive, especially when you want a high-quality camera and lenses. You can spend thousands and thousands of dollars without blinking. But you can also rent equipment, and there might be a few good reasons to do so.

6 Lessons Learned From Master Landscape Photographers

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that takes the confluence of a variety of techniques, creative mindsets, planning, and often, just a bit of luck. It also has a storied history with a long line of master photographers. So, what can we learn from those masters? This great video discusses six tips gleaned from their work.

5 Ways to Become More Creative in 2022

The last two years have been anything but normal, and it has been easy to be derailed creatively amidst all the uncertainty. If you are feeling a bit lost and wondering how you can get back on track, check out this fantastic video that discusses five ways one photographer is going to increase his creativity in 2022.

Which Program Handles Fujifilm Raw Files Better, Lightroom or Capture One?

Fujifilm cameras have long been praised for the colors they produce. Lightroom has often been criticized for being incapable of processing Fujifilm raw files effectively. Capture One is generally recommended. Therefore, in this article, we will be comparing Lightroom and Capture One to see which is best for Fujifilm raw files.

21 Awesome Macro Photography Ideas You Can Try at Home

The beauty of macro photography is that you do not need to travel anywhere to do it; we are literally surrounded by potential subjects wherever we are. If you are looking for a fun creative project or to expand your portfolio, this great video will show you 21 ideas for macro photography you can find around your home.

A Review of the New Canon EOS R5 C

Canon's new EOS R5 C is here, taking the base formed by the popular EOS R5 and refining it into a serious tool for video production. This great video review takes a look at the new camera and the kind of performance you can expect from it in use, including if it solves the overheating issues of the EOS R5.

Five Essential Tips for Better Street Photography

There are no shortcuts to producing compelling photographs on the street: just practice. However, here are five tips that will help your progression run a little more smoothly.

Why Is Landscape Photography So Intimidating?

Landscape photography is definitely one of the most loved genres of photography around the world but it’s undeniable that it can also be intimidating to many.

Behind the Scenes Photographing Huge Waves Crashing Into a Lighthouse

The sea has so many different styles of photography that can be conducted with it that if you live near an ocean, it can be a brilliant source of both imagery and practice. In this video, one photographer sets out to capture huge waves crashing into a lighthouse.

Are You Guilty of This Very Common Mistake When You Shoot New Places?

When you photograph a place for the first time, it's thrilling. You might have been planning it for months or years in advance, so when it finally comes to fruition, you can often get overexcited and forget some very important things once you start shooting. Here's one very common error that you should avoid.

10 Steps for Finding the Perfect Camera Angle

We can learn a lot from experienced filmmakers and cinematographers, and one of their strongest skills is their ability to tell stories. Whether you shoot video or photos, this excellent video tutorial will give you a 10-step process for finding the best, most compelling angle for every shot.

The Important Question You Should Ask Before Taking Every Photo

We spend a ton of time talking about how to take a photo, including lighting, techniques, composition, and a lot more. And of course, all those things are quite important to producing a compelling photo, but that is not enough. But it takes more than that to create a good image, and this insightful video discusses how you should be approaching taking photos beyond just the how-to of it all.

It’s Not About the Camera, It’s About Who’s Pressing the Shutter

I can think of so many times throughout my career where I have drooled over that latest camera release or that most recent lens that my brain convinces me that I simply have to have. Realistically, though, what photographer out there hasn't done that at least once in their career?

Five Great Photo Spots on Madeira

With its cliffs, spectacular mountains, and moody forests, Madeira is a dream destination for landscape photographers. It's a relatively small volcanic island, and you can drive from one end to the other in about an hour. So, wherever you stay on the island, you'll have various photo spots within reach. In this article, I show you five of the best.

A Reminder Every New Photographer Needs to Hear

Taking successful photographs take a combination of a wide range of techniques, creative vision, timing, and often, a little bit of luck, and as such, it can take a long time to become consistently successful. If you are feeling a bit discouraged by the slow process, this great video has a message you need to hear.

How to Take Photos Without a Lens

The lens is obviously one of the most fundamental pieces of photography gear along with the camera, but strictly speaking, you do not actually need one to create an image. This interesting video will take you behind the scenes of a neat photography process that lets you take photos without even using a lens and show you the workflow and results.

How to Create Dramatic Headshots With Three Lights, One Light at a Time

Creating dramatic headshots using multiple lights doesn't have to be difficult. One of the best ways to become proficient at using a three-light setup is by building it one light at a time. In this article and the accompanying video, I will demonstrate how you can easily create dramatic headshots and portraits using a key light, kicker light, and fill light.

Is It Worth Switching From Full Frame to a Smaller Sensor?

When it comes to sensor size, the majority of the time, we talk about if it is worth moving from a smaller sensor to a bigger sensor, such as going from full frame to medium format. However, in the last few years, we have seen significant advances in the capabilities of APS-C cameras, both in terms of performance and sensor quality. So, is it worth trading in your gear for a smaller, lighter, and likely more affordable kit? This interesting video features a longtime photographer discussing his thoughts six years after switching.

Finding Your Own Photographic Style, and Why It’s So Important

Should you think more about having a coherent and distinctive style to your photography? If you want to raise your game, then finding your own look is imperative. There's one surefire way of developing that. However, some big obstacles will try to trip you up along the way.

Classic Lighting Setups That Every Photographer Should Know

There are many ways to light a subject, both complex and simplistic, and while you might be always tempted to go for the most complicated setups, knowing the classics is important too. Classic lighting is classic for a reason and you may find yourself using it more often than you expect.

5 Ways to Guarantee Your Photography Improves in 2022

As we near the end of another difficult year, we look forward to new beginnings. What will you be doing to ensure that you grow and improve as a photographer in 2022? Here are five ways you can guarantee you are moving in the right direction.

How This Rarely Used Photoshop Blending Mode Can Give Your Images More Pop

Photoshop has a huge range of blending modes — almost 30, in fact — but the majority of photographers go their entire careers using only about six of them most of the time. One of the rarer blending modes is color dodge, and though you will not use it every day, this helpful video tutorial will show you a specific and nifty application for it that can give your images a bit more pop.

The One Technique Everyone Should Be Talking About

Edward Weston began his career making soft, almost out-of-focus images that emphasized patterns and light. After a trip to Mexico in the 1920s, he decided that photography was really about details and realistic depictions of the world. He made a complete turnaround in his work and began making work that was simple and focused on tones and textures. He got so into "straight" photography that he didn’t even believe in cropping his images.

Your Biggest Enemies in Landscape Photography

They hold you down in landscape photography, they bring you to make wrong decisions out in the field, they make you blind for finding compositions, and they even kill your creativity. Knowing about them and avoiding them makes you a better photographer.

Everything You Need to Know About Capture One 22

Capture One 22 is here, and it brings with a bevy of new features and improvements to the program's already powerful platform. If you want to make sure you get the most out of the new version of the application, check out this great video that will show you what you need to know about the latest features in the program.

The Five Best Beginner Targets for Astrophotography

Astrophotography has become more popular than ever, in no small part due to the global pandemic, but also due to the availability of inexpensive portable tracking mounts.

Everything You Need to Know About Lightroom Masking (Part 2)

Adobe released version 11 of Lightroom a little over a month ago and with it came a lot of new features. In this part of the guide, we'll go over the new sky selection tool, how to apply color or luminance masks, and how to use intersections.

How to Begin Making Money With Your Photography

It takes a lot of hard work to become proficient enough with a camera, lighting, and post-processing that you can consistently produce compelling, high-quality images, but translating that to a thriving business is another skill entirely. If you are ready to start bringing in money for your photography skills but are unsure where to start, check out this great video tutorial that will give you some steps in the right direction.

5 Great Winter Macro Photography Ideas

Winter is upon us, and if you are anything like me, you will try to avoid going out in the cold whenever possible. The beauty of macro photography is that there are fantastic subjects all around you, meaning you do not necessarily have to trek miles away to get great shots! This excellent video tutorial will show you five fun winter macro photography ideas and offer some tips to help you get the best shots.

Stop the Scroll: How to Animate a Portion of Your Photo

Have you ever taken a shot that you were completely stoked to post, and when you released it to the world, you didn’t quite get the engagement you were hoping for? It can be discouraging to be excited about a photo and not get the enthusiastic engagement you expected. These days, stopping the scroll seems harder than ever, but animating a portion of your photo is an easy upgrade that can create a major boost of interest to your image.

How to Succeed at Completing a 365 Project in 2022

Photographing a single image each day for a 365 Project sounds easy, but in practice, it requires a tremendous amount of dedication. If you put some thought into this undertaking, however, you can succeed in completing a 365 Project next year.

Does Posting Work Online Make Us Better Photographers?

Being a photographer in the digital age is a double-edged sword. On one hand, we have an endless resource of articles, videos, and experts right at our fingertips. It’s truly a golden age for education, and a motivated person can go from an absolute novice to an expert almost completely on their own. But at the same time, we are more exposed than ever before, and as photographers, posting our work online means opening ourselves up to a sea of criticism — both good and bad.

Why You Should Avoid Using Rembrandt Lighting on Women

In the history of visual art, few figures loom as large as Rembrandt. His influence on photography is so great that “Rembrandt lighting” has become a staple method for portraiture. But Rembrandt Lighting is often a poor choice for photographing women, especially when working with corporate clients.