Recent Business Articles

Assignment Photokina with the Olympus OM-D E-M5

Derrick Story of has been a fan of the Olympus portable cameras for a few years now, and has really taken a liking to the Olympus OM-D E-M5 mirrorless camera. He recently traveled to Cologne, Germany armed with the micro four thirds compact camera, and his story proves that you can get a whole lot of bang for such a small package.

The State of Kodak at PhotoPlus Broke My Heart

There are a few names in this industry that have always meant something. Nikon. Canon. Hasselblad. Fuji. Kodak. The latter has had a rough go of things in the past couple years, culminating in what can essentially be called a final meltdown in early 2012. Chapter Eleven bankruptcy and a rapidly collapsing stock price have left the company a shell of what it was. This week at PhotoPlus, I saw the realization of that at their booth, and it was one of the saddest things I have experienced in recent memory.

CreativeLIVE: Watch Eight Pro Photographers Speak Live In NYC

Right now the hottest spot on the globe for photography is in New York City at Photo Plus. Our good friends at creativeLIVE have set up an unbelievable opportunity for photographers to learn from eight of the industry's leading photographers all for FREE. Catch creativeLIVE's free event Photographers Ignite live right now. If you missed any of the speakers or want to revisit these amazing workshops,

Blackmagic Cinema: The Camera That Surprised Us All

I can’t have been the only one caught by surprise when I first heard of the Blackmagic Cinema Camera earlier this year. Let’s be honest: to those of us in this field, there are only a handful of companies from whom we expect to see new cameras. Sure, once in a while we get a newcomer to the field, but they rarely capture our attention for long. Fact is, they just can’t hold up in a market saturated with top quality equipment. We as consumers only have so much money to spend. Blackmagic Design turned that stigma on its head.

GoPro HERO3 Launches at Midnight With Impressive Specs


It's official, the GoPro HERO3 is now out for sale and she looks powerful. CEO Nick Woodman announced the new HERO3 as the smallest, lightest, most powerful way to document your life. If that is not enough it is also Wi-Fi enabled and can capture 4k video (4,000 pixels) at 12 frames per second and 1080p HD video at 60 frames per second. (Picking jaw off the floor!) Read on to hear more about this radical new camera.

Doug Gordon's Free Workshop:  Creative Poses For Photographers

One skill set any photographer needs to master is how to pose people in ways that don't look awkward. Doug Gordon has been teaching his "flow posing system" to photographers across the country for years. Now, starting today Oct 11th through Oct 13th, Doug is hosting The Doug Gordon Photography Project over at creativeLIVE. If you struggle with telling your clients what to do in front of your camera, you should definitely tune into this FREE creativeLIVE workshop. Check out what is covered

Facebook Changes Trouble Business Page Owners

Recently Facebook made some changes to it’s Edgerank algorithm and in so doing, without warning might have just killed your reach on your posts by 50% or more. I witnessed the change when on October 4th I posted an album from a shoot and expected the current expected reach of 3000-4000 views but after 24 hours the album had only 86 total views. I was quite concerned by the news and thought at first it must have been a glitch before actually discovering Facebook had changed things up yet again and business page owners are in an uproar about it. I'll share my experience below, some interesting finds and what I am doing about it to continue reaching my fans.

SLR Lounge Interviews Lee Morris from Fstoppers

For the last 1.5 years Patrick and I have been filming our next massive project; a 10-12 hour long tutorial on all things wedding photography. To put the finishing touches on this, "DVD" we wanted to interview 2 very established wedding photographers that have completely different business models from ours. For the first interview I flew out to California to talk with Pye from Lin and Jirsa Weddings. Afterwards Pye decided to interview me for his second business, SLR

New Moleskine Photo Albums

Moleskine has been making chic and simple notebooks since the 19th century. Now you can take that design and create your own photobook. The books range in size from 20-200 pages depending on your need. If you pre-order now you will receive a free notebook. I just pre-ordered a book for my client meetings. Prices start at $37.50. You have two options...

Free Online Workshop:  Photography Brand Makeover

One of the most difficult things about being a full time photographer is learning how to properly market yourself and your business. New York Times Best Seller authors Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck are masters at small business marketing and company branding. Today through October 5th, they are hosting a free to watch workshop called Photography Brand Makeover on creativeLIVE (watch it now here). If you want to learn how to stand out from your competition and increase your overall profits, this is a workshop you don't want to miss.

How To Find And Delete Temp Files Caused By Photoshop and Premiere

One of the best upgrades you can make for your computer is installing a solid state hard drive. However, the increase in performance can quickly become hindered as your photo and video production software fills up your drives with temporary files and thumbnails. With the help of WinDirStat you can easily track folders hiding these temp files and take back control over your drives.

Fstoppers Exclusive: How Marek Glaser Made the Insane BMW M5 Bullet Commercial

What does it take to turn a blue BMW M5 into a bullet? A little of this, and a little of that, but mostly it takes a team of talented individuals with a dream and the know-how. With a limitless imagination, impeccable understanding of light and meticulous attention to detail, photographer/director Marek Glaser and Big Block digital productions took the imaginary and made it reality.

CreativeLIVE's Fashion Week With Matthew Jordan Smith and Yoanna House

Each week creativeLIVE has unbelievable live content that you can stream for free. Starting today through Sept 15th, creativeLIVE will host one of Fstoppers' most featured photographers Matthew Jordan Smith. Matthew is an acclaimed fashion photographer, and he has brought along America's Next Top Model winner Yoanna House to talk about everything that goes on in the fashion industry. For more information about this week's entire event, read the full post.

Are College Graduates Unprepared As Photographers?

One question most aspiring photographers ask is "should I get a degree in photography before starting my business?" Maybe a better question is does going to college actually prepare you for a career in photography? A recent article published by Kiplinger suggests that Film and Photography students (as well as graphic designers) are ill prepared in finding paying jobs upon graduation.

Free Online Wedding Workshop: 
Location, Posing, Execution

People often ask me "what is the most difficult part of shooting weddings?" One challenge I face at every wedding is having to pose the bride and groom in less than flattering sunlight or in a less than perfect location. Wedding photographer Roberto Valenzuela is tackling this very issue during his creativeLIVE workshop. Robert's free-to-watch workshop will air September 6-8th and you can ask him anything live through webchat.

Free Photography Workshop: How To Light Shoot And Retouch Skin

Chances are you've been asked to shoot someone's headshot before. As photographers, we need to be able to make our client(s) look as good as possible. To be able to light, shoot and retouch skin are vital skills that keep our doors open, and food on the table. Hollywood photographer and digital illustrator, Lee Varis been a photographer for 40 years and involved in digital imaging for 20 years.

Why Bad Wedding Photographers Have Made The Industry Better

When most photographers stumble upon an ad on Craigslist for a $300 wedding photographer, they get angry. Not only is this "Craigslist photographer" claiming to to be professional when they are not, they are also lowering the value of wedding photography in general, right? How can us "real" professionals ask for thousands of dollars when there are others willing to do it for almost nothing? These are fair assumptions, but I believe bad wedding photographers have made the industry better.

Free Photography Workshop With Celebrity Wedding Photographer Joe Buissink

Last year, Fstoppers interviewed wedding photographer Joe Buissink who has shot weddings for Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey, Christina Aguliera, and many other A List celebrities. Starting Thursday, August 9th, Joe is sharing all his wedding secrets in a FREE online workshop on creativeLIVE. Check out the FULL POST on how you can watch the event for free August 9 - 11th!

Sony Woes Continue, Tech Giant Reports 24.6 Billion Yen Loss for Quarter

Sony's business woes continue as today the tech giant reported a stinging loss of 24.6 billion yen ($316 million) for the second quarter of 2012, compared to the 15 billion yen loss the same time last year. But fear not Sony camera fans! The camera sales were not the where the loss was prevalent. In fact, cameras seem to be the only thing keeping Sony afloat.

Free Online Photography Workshop: Building A Baby And Teen Business

Everyone knows that having a returning client is great for your business. Family photographer Sandy Puc' has found a smart way to maintain returning clients by photographing toddlers all the way through their teenage years. In her free creativeLIVE workshop Bellies & Babies, Sandy teaches how you can gain family clients during a child's early years. On August 3rd, Sandy switches gears and focuses on The Business of Tots to Teens and how you can create a stable income as your returning clients grow.

How To Make Money Photographing Other People's Pets

Some of the best advice I've heard from successful photographers has been to develop as many means of making money with your photography so you can sustain your income down the road. While pet photography might not be the first area you might consider, Vicki Taufer is here to tell us why it's a great area to supplement your wedding, family, and portrait businesses. This Thursday through Saturday (July 26-28), creativeLIVE will stream Vicki's online workshop for free as she shares the ins and outs of a successful pet business.

Internet Calls For Flickr To 'Be Awesome Again,' Flickr Responds In Kind

A few short years ago, Flickr was unquestionably the largest and most popular image sharing site on the internet. It was clean, fast, easy, and social. In fact, it was one of the first websites to embrace the concept of social media. Flickr was on the cutting edge of the internet, and it was growing fast. But over the past couple of years, as websites like Tumblr, Facebook, 500px, smugmug, Instagram and Imgur have risen to fame and evolved

7 Misconceptions About Licensing Music Legally Vs. Stealing

Admit it, we have all done it. Whether you used Napster to download music illegally when you were in highschool, made a mixed tape for a friend, or put music behind your last Youtube video, none of us have paid for music properly in every instance. In most cases we know what is right and wrong but there are still many misconceptions about licensing music. In this article Matt Thompson of goes through 7 legal and moral misconceptions when it comes to using popular music.

Hot Summer Deal On A New Website

We usually don't post stuff like this on Fstoppers but this deal is too good to pass up. Right now Creative Motion Design is having a huge sale on all of their website designs so if you're in the market for a new look for your website then I highly recommend them. Normally both the flash and HTML website designs cost $295 plus an additional $100 to host but from now until July 31 they are 50% off ($147.50).

Free Photo Workshop On Increasing Sales and Managing Your Time

One of the most difficult things about running your own business and being your own boss is managing your time. Life can become stressful trying to manage photoshoots, editing, packaging, having a social life, meetings, and taking care of the daily responsibilities. Professional photographer Tamara Lackey has somehow figured out how to balance her time as she runs two businesses, teach around the country, and play mom to three children. Starting today, Tamara is teaching how you can manage your time through a free creativeLIVE workshop.

Finally! It Is Now Possible To License Popular Music For Just $25

A few years ago, after about 10 phone call attempts, I got in touch with a guy who was in charge of licensing the music for a major band. I wanted to purchase the rights for a single song to to play in the background on my wedding website. I was told that if my budget was below $15,000 he didn't have time to talk to me. Since my budget was around $100, our conversation ended quickly. It has always been practically impossible for individuals to purchase licenses for popular music... until now.

Free Workshop:  How To Make Money Shooting Senior Portraits

If you've ever wondered how you can begin transitioning from part time photographer to completely supporting yourself in your business, then you have probably considered shooting senior portraits. Sal Cincotta is an excellent photographer, and he is an even better businessman. This weekend Sal is sharing his knowledge behind building a successful Senior Portrait business on creativeLIVE (July 6-8). As always, the live broadcast is free to stream as it happens live.

Free creativeLIVE Workshop: Learn Photo/Video Fusion this Weekend

Update: Live Now! As a wedding photographer myself, I think the most important thing any photographer can do for their business is adding video to their services. I met Rob and Vanessa earlier this year and was excited to hear they are teaching this new "Fusion" video/photo hybrid to other photographers. On June 29 - July 1, creativeLIVE is airing their 3 day workshop for free! Learn how you can easily incorporate video into your photography business from two of the industry's leaders.

Peter Hurley's Google+ Keynote: How To Take The Perfect Headshot

If you are a regular reader of Fstoppers then you know how many times I've said this, "Peter Hurley has changed the way I photograph people more than anyone else". During his Google+ Conference Keynote Presentation, Peter explains why it is the photographer's job to make every person look amazing while they are in front of their camera. Photographers cannot rely on a model's good looks, perfectly crafted lighting, their own technical prowess, or old fashioned luck

Jared Platt's Free Lightroom 4 Workflow On CreativeLIVE

This Thursday, June 14, Jared Platt is doing a 3 day workshop on how to speed up your Lightroom 4 workflow. As always with creativeLIVE events, the online workshop is free to watch live (so sign up for that now) and then the video recordings of that workshop cost $150 to download after the event ends. Click the full post for more details on how you can watch this intensive tutorial for free this coming weekend.

Photography Trends: The Rise Of The Cellphone Camera

Did you know that in just two minutes, we take more pictures than all of humanity in the 1800′s? Or that just 12 years ago digital photography was only 1% of photos taken world-wide? Check out this infographic created by HighTable showing some of the new trends in the photography world

50 Great Photography Tips In Just Ten minutes!

Doesn't matter if you're a pro, semi-pro or a beginner, this video made by DigitalRev have some really great quick tips for any photographer out there - from ISO to equipment, all the way to location and concept. Do you have additional tips to add? leave them in the comments!

Free Photography Advice From Google+ Photographer's Conference

Right now some of the biggest names in the photography world are gathered in San Francisco for the Google+ Photographer's Conference. Scott Kelby is the brain child of this event and you can keep up with a lot of the free video content here on the Google+ Page. Photographers like Trey Ratcliff, Peter Hurley, Jeremy Cowart, Alex Koloskov, and Lindsay Adler are giving advice about marketing, social media, growing your business, and creating "shabanging" images.

[Plagiarism] How To Protect Your Copyright With A Video Camera

Last year we told the story of how Noam Galai's self portrait image had been stolen and reprinted hundreds of times around the world without his permission. What people were shocked to find out was Noam did not threaten or take legal action of any kind (instead he used the momentum to propel his career). Duane Lester of All American Blogger decided to go a different route and film his confrontation with the paper who plagiarized his work.

[Review] Lightroom 4 Tutorials DVD Guide by SLR Lounge

It’s rare these days to find a product that is so well rounded that it can appeal to an entire market of users. Especially in photography, it is not uncommon to find products that claim to be designed “for beginning to advanced users” but suffer greatly from the attempt to spread out over such a vast range. SLR Lounge's Lightroom DVD is advertised to be an A-Z Lightroom mastery experience, so does it live up to it's claim?

[Interview] SLR Lounge Sits Down With Superstar Jeremy Cowart

Jeremy Cowart is a photographer after my own heart. He started out in one of my favorite cities Nashville, TN, befriend a bunch of rockstars, shot their album covers, moved into celebrity portraiture, and continues to give back with projects like Help Portrait. Our good friend Pye Jirsa with SLR Lounge recently sat down with the nomadic photographer and picked his brain a little about creativity, post production, a new LifeFinder Tour, and a new iPhone App. If you get worn out listening

[BTS/Interview] Behind The Scenes With Photography's Most Interesting Company:

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you’re probably familiar with, which is one of the most popular camera gear rental shops in the world, if not the most popular. We recently had the chance to sit down with the LensRentals team and learn everything about what just might be photography’s most fascinating company.

[Editorial] Hard Drives: What, When, and Where to Buy in a Marked Up Industry

Hard drives are something we all need. But in an industry that advances (i.e. depreciates) so quickly and with increases in price due to flooding in Thailand, how can we be sure we're getting what's right for us? And how can we stay technologically flexible with upcoming releases when we have 'old' hard drives? Do I need Thunderbolt? Do I need more than two hard drives? How can daisy-chaining help me? These are some of the starter questions that lead into an entire breakdown of what you might need in certain situations.

SLR Lounge Interviews Headshot Photographer Peter Hurley

Pye Jirsa from recently sat down with Peter Hurley for an exclusive interview. Peter talks about his history as a photographer, his DVD, his favorite gear, business techniques, and PH2. Peter is a huge character and as always he makes the interview a pretty entertaining watch.

[Software] What Is Photoshop CS6 Beta?  Perhaps The Best Adobe Release Yet!

Adobe releases a new version of it's flagship editing software Photoshop every year or two. Usually the releases are pretty uneventful except for a few new automated features that full time editors rarely use. Adobe Photoshop CS6 changes this trend and might be the biggest revamp to the photo editing software yet. You can download Photoshop CS6 Beta here to test the software for free, and in the full post I'll touch on a few key features that might make this update worth considering.

[Inspiration] ReDefine Talks Celebrity Portraits With Brian Smith

A few weeks ago, Fstoppers caught up with celebrity photographer Brian Smith. If you didn't take the time to read the article, don't worry because ReDefine just published a video interview with Brian from Tamara Lackey's recent interview out in Vegas. What I love about people like Brian is he's quick to point out the real defining element of his work: his relationship to his subject. Male photographers often get caught up in

[Workflow] PhVusion Software Lets You Edit Video In Photoshop

While in Las Vegas for WPPI, I met Rob Adams and Vanessa Joy who are two talented videographers and photographers respectively. They are both at the top of the wedding market and often speak to photographers about how they can incorporate video into their businesses (something we have been preaching here for years). To help photographers make the video transition easier, Rob and Vanessa have designed PhVusion video editing software which allows you to trim and color correct video directly in Photoshop.

[Business] Dane Sanders Talks Creativity With Trey Ratcliff

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Dane Sanders at WPPI while we were in Las Vegas. If you don't already know Dane, he's a wedding photographer who web chats with some of the industry's up and coming photographers. Trey Ratcliff of Stuck In Customs fame sat down with Dane to talk about creating unique and artistically strong content for the web. [read full post]
Behind The Scenes With Sports Illustrated

Back before I ever picked up a camera, I always enjoyed looking through the pages of Sports Illustrated. I was never the rabid sports fanatic many of my friends were growing up, but I definitely loved the close game, the epic play, the milestone achievement, and of course the human emotion that came with obtaining greatness. So when one of our readers, freelance sports photographer Tyler Kaufman, offered a chance to see how the photographers of Sports Illustrated covered the biggest game in college football, you know I happily obliged. It also didn't hurt that my college days were spent on...

[Stock Photography] Yuri Arcurs Explains How To Sell Stock Imaging

We've featured Yuri Arcurs, the worlds most successful micro stock photographer, many times here on Fstoppers. In a time when people complain that the value of photography has gone the way of the buffalo, Yuri has created an empire on images that cost less than $1. In this video Yuri explains exactly what makes a great stock image and what it is specifically [read full story]
[Tools] How Fast Does Your Webpage Load?

How important is your webpage load time to you? This morning while troubleshooting my webpage, I stumbled across this amazing tool. Instead of emailing all your friends to test your page, simply type your address on and see the results. It will show in detail what elements and code slowed down your page. Good for troubleshooting load time issues.
[Video] How Memorable Is Your Businesses Logo?

The vast majority of Fstoppers readers are part-time or full-time photographers. Everyone who creates a business is faced with the challenge of coming up with their own logo. How memorable is your logo? A timeless, unforgettable "mark" can help your business stand out of the crowd. Check out this video of a 5 year old responding to brandmarks to see what I mean.
[Interview] Pulitzer Winner and Celebrity Photographer Brian Smith

Name a celebrity. Yep, go on. Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney, Zooey Deschanel, Ben Stiller, Samuel L Jackson. How about an athlete? Serena Williams, Jeff Gordon, Shaquille O’Neal. Brian Smith has worked with them all. I recently sat down with Brian for an Fstoppers exclusive interview and he was glad to share his insight, techniques, and advice with us. Check out the full post for the entire text.
[Humor] A Politically Incorrect Guide To A Career In Filmmaking

It's always good humor when someone makes a career path diagram outlining possible jobs within a particular field. If you aren't sure about whether your skills are best utilized as a Director, Studio Head, Screenwriter, Producer, or Film Critic then this is a great starting point. Hopefully someone makes one of these based on art buying and photography publishing. Without cheating, which path do you naturally fall into?
[Video Lecture] Trey Ratcliff Explains How YOU Can Get Noticed On The Internet

Trey Ratcliff is a very successful photographer who also runs a very popular blog Stuck in Customs. In a recent lecture for Google, Trey explains what makes the internet so exciting for creative professionals, and how you too can put your own internet stimulus out there for others to enjoy. It's interesting watching this watching this... [full post]