Critique the Community

Submit Your Most Profitable Photo

  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 11 Sep 19 05:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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    View Results

Community Avg
3.51 - "Excellent" 

I get an 8% commission for each sale of this photo, which has generated me about $6200 before taxes. Those who sell it also print it and sets up the licensing and so forth. Not sure 8% is fair but that's what I agreed to back in the beginning.

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Yes, I see the dust spot. This is the old, old version I have on Fstoppers. The spot is removed on my portfolio and selling version ;)

Killer image. Seen it before printed in a bar. Nice to meet the photographer !!! Good job !

Thanks a lot, Kevin! :) Awesome to hear it hangs in a bar somewhere :)

Mads, I love your videos, been following for a while. What method do you recommend for selling photos with a flat commission rate?

Thanks for the kind words. I'm not the best at giving advice when it comes to this since I hand over my photos to a printing firm who makes B2B sales. They're honestly not that good at it since this is the only photo that has sold twice on a big batch.

So this other company had made $71,300 off this photo? The commission rates for all of these photo sites seems really bad. The best I've seen is 33%. What's everyone using to sell their prints? Nice image by the way. I like your work.

That's about right. They do however also print, ship etc. That being said I've earned more from these guys than any other place I've tried to sell images.

would love to know what the normal percentage is. Nice image. any tips on how to find brands, that potentially could print and sell personal images?