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Submit Your Best Travel Images
  • Submission Deadline: Aug 31, 2024, 3:00 AM

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2.5 - "Solid" 

Secure Within the Arms of The Buddha

Anyone visiting Lopburi, Thailand has experienced the unique spectacle of hundreds of chaotic Macaques roaming freely over, around and through
Prang Sam Yot, the 13th century Khmer temple in the middle of town. And it's not just within the temple grounds but throughout the center of the city, using the mass of telephone and electrical wires to crawl, jump and run wherever they please in search of food, places to sleep or procreate.

Photographic opportunities abound, just hold onto your equipment and be prepared for them to climb up your legs, jump onto your back and pull at anything loose. If you have food, watch out. Unfortunately, the monkeys have become such a problem that this spectacle will soon end with their sequestration into permanent enclosures. But I say, good luck with that.

After photographing them earlier in the day, I returned toward evening to find much less chaos. I feel very fortunate to have come across this tender scene of a mother Macaque lovingly nursing her infant at peace in the arms of The Buddha.

Nikon 28-105 lens at ISO 400 and f8 @ 1/250th.

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