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Submit Your Best Travel Images
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 31 Aug 24 03:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.81 - "Needs Work" 

Driving back from a Jungle Safari at the Corbett Tiger Reserve, my car got entangled in a traffic snarl, on a one lane road, while passing through a small provincial town.

It turned out to be a crowd of people watching an enactment of the Ramayana. The street plays are mostly put up by local enthusiast around the festival time of Diwali. They rely more on their costumes and exaggerated gestures than on their acting chops.

Having just finished a wildlife photography holiday, I had all my equipment with me. I use a Q2 for landscape and architectural photos. I fished that out and took a few shots of the scene.

This one with the crowd, the actors, the setting, the advertisement boards, the look on various peoples faces, can send one down a rabbit hole of thoughts.

Leica Q2, 1/500, f/1.7, ISO 100 EXP-1

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