Video link below. The difficulty here was battling the elements, hiking out to an active volcano, and finding, getting close to, and composing an active flow front. I wanted a tight composition, which was difficult given the heat coming off of this fresh break-out, but the results show all the intricate textures of the fresh glowing lava folding and pulling apart. Captured while filming video with a Nikon D850 and 70-200 mm, cropped from 16x9 to 3x2.
So fortunate to have seen and photographed this lava flow in Iceland in 2021. It's hard to describe how humbling and almost spiritual it was to witness the youngest land on Earth being born, especially as a geologist/volcanologist. The power of the Earth beneath our feet is virtually incomprehensible.
This is so cool! How lucky and what a thrill to be there and to photograph this.
Thanks Bryan!