"A closer look at autumn"
Shot in Norway, with a Panasonic FZ82, and edited in Lightroom and Photoscape X Pro.
I usually don't do this style of photography, so this one was quite a challange, at least to me :P
The "frame" consist of several leaves from the same kind of tree, ranging from green to dark red/brown, to show the change during autumn. After aranging them on a neutral surface, I had to experiment to get the lighting right, as I don't own any "pro light gear". I ended up using a combination of overhead lighting, natural light from the windows, and a LED torch.
As for the single leaf photo, I had to take quite a few shots, as the camera I used don't have a tilt screen, and I wanted the angle to be as close to the ground as possible. So, I basically had to "shoot blind"
Then, for post prosessing, I spent many hours, trying to get the ressult I wanted..
*and yes, the leaf in the middle might look poorly positioned, but I wanted the photo to look like an eye, so this was what I think worked best for that purpose