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This was Difficult!

Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.67 - "Solid" 

This image took two years to develop. The Argentine Tango dancers are the only tango dancers to perform in Cirque. Tango is beautiful, the real skill is in their feet. To capture the movement in a still series, at first, I tried to manipulate smoke, but that proved unsuccessful. So then I turned to water. The next challenge was figuring out how to have them dance in less than one inch of water. Sure, plastic would work, but they would slip as they danced. So, I finally found that a containment berm would work. In the very small studio located in Seattle where I shot this, there was no water source. So I had to run a hose from the bathroom 75 feet away to the containment berm. And to remove the water, I had to use towels to soak up the water and wring them into a bucket. This covered the earth element of Water. 1 of 2

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