This photograph shot partially underwater was a considerable challenge due to a complex set-up and execution. Using a wide lens in a waterproof sports housing, I had to rise just high enough in the pool to split the image between the model above the water reclining on the pool deck and the masked model under the surface of the swimming pool. The challenge did not stop in the set-up, but also in the execution as the masked male model had to hold his breath (only allowing a very short time to capture the image) – and was totally blind wearing the rubber death mask thus having to rely totally on feel to connect his out stretched hand to the young woman on the pool deck. Post processing amounted to batching into Lightroom, post-processing in Photoshop CC and bringing in a sky using Luminar Neo to replace and cover up pool deck furniture, etc.
Critique the Community
This was Difficult!
Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!