Since I see this panorama of the city every morning through my window, I was planning to take this photo for a long time. I wanted the colors 'before the rising sun' and moon with planetshine visible between the buildings. Due to the adjustment of the above-mentioned factors (along with the geographical direction of the roof of the building from which I photographed, that is NE), such a photo of Warsaw can only be taken in summer, before sunrise, the day before the new moon (or the day after). This particular one was taken in mid-July at 3:15 AM. Because I wanted to print this image in a large format and the Sony A580 camera has rather low resolution, it was necessary to compose a panorama from six photos. Such photos should be taken 'from east to west', because the sunlight increases every moment (each shot is 6s shutter time, 100mm Minolta macro lens stopped to f/8).
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Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
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