Sedona, Arizona - Feb 2025. This is a very wide panorama that may not display fully/properly in this competition. It shows the transition from dusk to night from the airport mesa that overlooks Sedona, Arizona. I took a series of 3-photo sets (left/middle/right) at different exposures and times as the evening took over the dusk light. As each got longer and longer, the jostling people who were in the way of so many shots (people and groups were singing and moving around and, if you can believe it, just enjoying themselves!) thinned out, to be replaced by the scene being bathed in car headlights as they left the parking lot behind me. So, figuring out which images had not been ruined and blending all of the remaining images together took some serious work, even if the end result seems to have worked well.
Critique the Community
This was Difficult!
Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!