This image was difficult becuase of two reasons:
At first I didn't want to go down in Faroese history as another photographer who falls down a cliff over 100 meters deep and dies while taking pictures. When I arrived at the spot, it was so stormy that I didn't even go near the cliffs. But out of nowhere the weather cleared and I still had a chance to take a photo at the edge of the cliff with my arms outstretched and camera above my head.
The second reason that contributed to the difficulty of the image is that I couldn't merge the 6 vertical images with Lightroom or Photoshop. As a result, I tried several free apps and frustrated tries until I finally got a satisfied stitch.
In the end, I had to travel all the way to the Faroe Islands to even get the chance to take a picture of this spot.
Critique the Community
This was Difficult!
Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000
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