I shot this picture in my garage setting a transparent (solid) pvc panel under 2 wooden tripods, placing cold coal on the surface and a Westcott fj400 (Power at 8.5) under the transparent pvc panel with a red gel to give the illusion of burning coal, I then set up my smoke machine, just to give it that extra feel.
The most difficult part of taking this photo was capturing the image just as the smoke was exiting the fog machine (because if you take the shot too late you risk of filling the room with too much haze and ending up with a grey photo full of smoke)
Photography Equipment used:
1x Westcott fj400 (Power 8.5 - Placed under the transparent pvc panel)
1x Westcott fj200 (Power 3.7 - Placed as a key light in front of the egg)
1x Canon 5d Mark 3 (F-Stop 8 - Shutter 1/30 - ISO 8000)