Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography

Some Help Identifying Hawk

Was able to take a few images of this hawk that landed on our roof last week, then flew into a tree in our backyard -...

Dang, a Seagull walking the runway

Look at the poise of this seagull walking down the pier.

Caw of the Crow

The California wild fires have created a smoke screen that greatly difused the sunlight. This crow was sitting on top...


Early bird gets the worm


This was taken back in the winter last year

Ameenpur Lake Series

Here are few pictures from my recent shoot. Feedbacks are appreciated. :) Shot on A7RIV with Sony 200-600mm

San Diego

One of my first shots with a brand new Nikon 70-200 f/2.8E FL on a D850.

Kermit ?

Spend all summer photographing green herons at a local pond and was lucky enough to get 3 photos of green heron with a...


Finally got a close up squirrel photo. What do you think?

Common sandpiper

I am captivated by this bird although his observation mostly consistes of lying in the mud and watching him dig in the...


Shots with an Tamron 70-300mm lens. Slow on focus and not so sharp but it does the trick.

Macro Flashlight Shots

Made these shots with an old flash, homemade diffusor and an vintage 200mm lens with macro tubes.

Asian Koel with Blackberry

The Asian Koel is quite shy and prefers thick foliage cover of the trees. Endemic to the Indian subcontinent, and South...

Emperor Penguins

Emperor Penguins parents with their cute chick in Antarctica. This was a well fed chick with likelihood of survival...

Two Elephants Playing

Two elephants were playing with each other, which I think were brother and sister. Taken in the Wildlands zoo in the...


My very first post on this group was of a squirrel. Now here's another I need help on. I'm not really sure about the...

Portrait of a Great Blue Heron

Three months of stalking this fledgling Heron and I finally captured on of my bucket-list shots. Taken on the Grand...

Young osprey in black and white.

Haven't done any black and white processing lately, so I did today.

Elephants of The Chobe, Botswana.

A collection of images from The Chobe National Park, Botswana taken by the Pangolin Photo Hosts. The Chobe is home to...

