Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography

Weekend Trip

Hey guys, wanted to share some pictures from my weekend trip. Got the chance to see quite a lot of different species,...

Bring some fish

Flying Puffin with some fish for the chick

A couple from today.

Sony a6400 with a 200-600 lens on it. A little close up photography.

Minimalist swan

Dawn on Pen Ponds in Richmond Park, Surrey, England.


A fawn from a couple of nights ago. a9, 200-600 1/250, f6.3, iso 25,600, at 452mm.

Australian Pelican

Photographed this Australia Pelican at the Territory Wildlife Park located in Australia's Northern Territory. It was...

Gray Catbird

I'm really enjoying using the Sony Flexible Spot AF feature. Powered through on this shot that would have otherwise...

Egyptian Vulture

The photo was taken in the area of Studen Kladenets Dam, Bulgaria. Several pairs nest in this area.


A spittlebug smiling mischievously wishes you a great weekend! --- July 2020 @ Puszcza Niepołomicka, Poland --- © 2020...


Pollination is not just the domain of bees. --- July 2020 --- © 2020 Marcin Świostek


I personally rather enjoy this photo, but it fails to have the cow facing the camera. I am looking for CC or thoughts...

Hoping `

One of my fav shot of my cat taken long time ago Canon 600D 50mmm 1.8

Great tit

Spotted this little guy during walk. Since I only have a 200mm I had to be extra careful getting close. I learned quite...

A Spruce Grouse Looking for a Mate

Ran into a Spruce Grouse, Watching for a potential mate. He was in the trees glancing around for his mate. Taken in the...

A monsoon morning with Monitor Lizard!

Quarantined and Jobless Photographer would have driven me crazy if I didn't live surrounded nature. This was the most...

Peek - A - Boo

Patience seems to be the key. Was at the local zoo with a fellow photographer who had taught me, that patience is a...

Some from the last couple of weeks.

Title says it all.


I am on vacation currently, and I visited Rend Lake in southern Illinois. Since I am gone, I don't have proper access...

Portrait of Pride

An American Bald Eagle proudly poses while catching some evening sun and watching for activity in the Great Miami River...

Taking off!

A shot of a grey heron taking off at the local wildlife trail, I'm quite pleased with this shot considering I only...