Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography

Birds at my birdfeeder

Anything I can do to improve these? Nuthatch Mourning Dove Female House Finch Male House Finch


DescriptionNairobi National Park is a national park in Kenya that was established in 1946 about 7 km south of Nairobi...

Risky Composition.

I have taken many photos of squirrels in my yard, but this time I tried a new composition. It's received mixed feedback...


A hopeful hermit crab looking at the sun at it sets. I took this picture in playa La Loberia, San Cristobal Island,...

Slider Turtles Basking in the Sun

The idea started out as getting out of the house to go and photograph a few turtles I'd seen a couple of days earlier...

extreme depth of field

tried taking a picture of a bird at top of a tree , 30 feet away, at about 45 degrees with moon in the background at...

Cardinal in the woods

Battling a severe case of cabin fever, I decided to walk to the local park that is heavily wooded to see what I could...

Eastern Bluebird (North America)...please provide feedback

Hello again. Walking around the local park during golden hour and managed to get a shot of a Eastern Bluebird taking a...

Swallow on a perch

Once again, turning to my camera in a fight to keep my sanity. I pretty much do office type work all day in my dining...

A five star meal

Vancouver - walk-by shot - advantage of having your cam with you “all” the time

Bird Photography is my thing

While wildlife photography is my preferred category, I find that the abundance of birds species in the area in which I...


I have a great love for this photo but I’d like to get a few opinions. I wish the birds were more in a single line but...

Marsh Wren singing in the marsh

I took this photo of a happy Marsh Wren at a pond about 150 miles south of me. It is easy to find Marsh Wrens because...

Singing in the rain

A shot of an american robin singing away on a cold, windy, drizzly morning. I went more heavy handed on my editing this...

Forming into Attack Formation

These were possibly the same turkey vultures, most likely taking advantage of the same thermal in both images, but the...

Young house sparrow

Young house sparrow (Passer domesticus) looking at the great tit playing (outside the frame). I haven't found any...

Sandhill Crane details

I was able to get really close to this guy. What do you think?

Baby Barreds

Not much to say. Three barred owlets let their presents be known in that last couple of days.

Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)

Backyard photography. This was second time I've seen this bird in my garden this year. Sony A6600, Sigma 150-600C @...

California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus)

Super excited that I was able to see one of the 312 California Condors in the wild. The photo may not be the best, and...