Belly ache

I don't know how they feel but I can't imagine crawling around on my belly across stumps, twigs and tree parts. These...

Hang on there, buddy !

Honey bee lurking from a flower, on which it's hanging as if its life depends on it ... 1/200s, f/5, 100mm, ISO 400

Eye on you

In enjoying my new 40mm macro, this little friend was so patient and allowed me to get within inches and thus getting a...

Yet another Araneus diadematus from my backyard

Sitting in its web. Waiting for a prey to come. Posing for the photograph... 100mm + 36mm extension tube, f6.3, 1/125s...

After the storm

Typically, the lizards in our garden are so aware they are nearly impossible to photograph up close because they run...

Lurking butterfly

This was taken yesterday in the Planckendael zoo in Mechelen, Belgium. I noticed this butterfly flapping around and was...

Tiny Moth (Grass Veneer)

Here's a tiny moth I found today. First shot is 1-1 on my micro 4/3 sensor, second is with 26mm of extension tubes...

Take shelter

This little guy was hiding out in the rain but the lens caught him

On the crawl

I was out taking shots of a ukelele in the rain when it occurred to me to look at the creatures who emerge after a...

Hello from Finland! My brief introduction (with some old photos)

Hi! I've been reading Fstoppers for a few years now but finally decided to create an account too. I'm a (part-time...

Dinner Time

I found this little spider (Philodromus aureolus ?), sitting on that leave. Then I saw this tiny green "stick" in front...

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria)

I have never seen a Hoverfly like the Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria) in Switzerland- This thing is huge. It'...

A fly with a dent

This ' Emerald shiny dung fly' or 'Scathophagidae' apparently hit something... as it looks quite battered. Seems I have...

This is Oscar

I see so many people posting great photos of their insects and macros, it inspired me to throw one up. I have very...

Would you like a napkin?

This Dragonfly (male eastern pondhawk, I think) was perfectly happy to pose for me. Flew off came came back several...


A green tree frog we were at the creek yesterday and we found this Lil one I put him (or her) on a stick and it sat...


I (almost) never leave home without my camera. On a small walk with the family I noticed these little ladies .....


I'm not quite sure about the exact species, I would think something like Gonepteryx rhamni or Pieridae. I took this one...

To jump...

"To jump or not to jump, that is the question." ... or maybe not, if you can fly... :)


A chrysalis opened up at my parents house today. I missed the emergence , but got the it when it was see through and...