Bodie Island Lighthouse

I Was hoping to shoot the sunset at the Bodie Island Lighthouse. Instead I spent the evening sitting in my car and...


Just after a recent winter storm, I went out into the mountains in search of some winter scenes to photograph. After...

Winter morning in rural landscape

A black and white photograph of a winter sunrise with rolling clouds obscuring a round sun, casting a soft glow across...

Spear Rock


I Took My Camera For A Walk

The Vista House at Crown Point in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon My Canon R5 has a gazillion "Auto" features, but...





Cape Hatteras Time Lapse

This was my first time trying anything like this. I was hoping for one of those incredible outer banks sunsets but it...

Red Sky in Morning

I decided to get up early for sunrise during a recent trip to the Outer Banks. There were supposed to be storms later...

Taking my new lens out to a local zoo ..

Just got this Sigma 150-600 C, went out testing it in a local zoo. Got some shots I kinda like .. what do y'all think ?

What Could Have Been...

During my recent trip to Kauai, I spent what evenings I could trying to capture one of those legendary Hawaiian sunsets...

Mininalistic winter photography

I photographed these as I was driving through the farmlands of Alberta last weekend, looking for good composition (no...

The vibrant sunrise

The sunrise was beautiful, and I did not find any compelling subject to my right to go with the pink sky. But I was...

'Janet's Foss'

'Janet's Foss' Malham, North Yorkshire. ℹī¸ EXIF DETAILS 🔧 📷 Camera: Canon Eos R 🔭 Lens: Canon RF24-105mm F/4 L 🔍 Focal...

The Beast

With the heavy rains of the last few weeks, the rivers have become very fast-flowing and, when photographed, look like...

The Switzerland Vives

Thanks god for giving me this gift to my eyes and my lenses. I love the place where I live and I love sharing with you...

When a sunny day turns dramatic!

What was a bright sunny afternoon suddenly turned dramatic as a fog bank rapidly moved on shore. The result was magical...


A messy forest scene on the coast of Vancouver Island featuring a massive old growth Cedar.

Cold mornings

One of the waterfalls in my territory that I most wanted to visit was this one. I came here in my first steps with a...

Summer Sunset Over Lake Pontchartrain

There is nothing quite like a sunset over Lake Pontchartrain in Mandeville, Louisiana after afternoon thunderstorms...