Do You Know All 9 of These Adobe Lightroom Tricks?

Whether you have been using Adobe Lightroom for years or are brand new to it, there are always little efficiency tricks or subtle features you can use to make your editing more efficient. As a long-time Lightroom user, I even found a few of these tricks new to me!

If you’ve been using certain software for a long time, it is easy to assume you know everything about it and just pass by tips and tricks videos, thinking you know all of them. I purposely make it a point to watch some of these types of videos just to see if I have been keeping up or if I’ve overlooked some small trick that will make my workflow more efficient. I am glad I watched this video from Mark Denney, which has nine tips for Lightroom you might have overlooked.

Denney works his way through several images in his catalog to demonstrate various tips and tricks for using Lightroom more efficiently. From working in the tones panel, using the histogram, the tone curve, or even the color mixer, he touches on several small but powerful features of Lightroom.

While some of the tips were ones I already use daily, some were good reminders the feature is there, and at least two were new discoveries for me! How about you? Do you know all nine of these tips in Lightroom Denney covered in this video?

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Jeffrey Tadlock is an Ohio-based landscape photographer with frequent travels regionally and within the US to explore various landscapes. Jeffrey enjoys the process and experience of capturing images as much as the final image itself.

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