Using CoWorking Spaces to Transform Your Business

In the photography industry, having a "studio" or "meeting space" translates to success in most client's eyes. The thing is, typical photographers would rather spend their cash on gear, than a studio they would probably only use once a month. Recently there's been an abundance of places for people to meet with clients as well as have their own out of home office. They're called coworking spaces and have been popping up around the country.

Why Your Gear Matters Most for the Ultimate Photography Genre

Bird photography is arguably the most demanding genre. The equipment quality, the photographer's camera skills, and their ability to create a narrative are pushed far beyond any other genre. Here’s what I discovered about cameras, lenses, and bird photography.

How Google Was Made (BTSV of their Splash Logo)

See how the insanely skilled, commercial photographer Alex Koloskov and his passionate retouching counterpart Genia Larionova (aka AKELstudio) turnout the Google splash logo in this fun and insightful behind the scenes video. I love these two already.

Your Most Popular Questions Answered by Architectural Photographer Mike Kelley

Last week I asked everyone on my Facebook page to 'ask me anything' and said that I'd record and post the answers to all the questions left on the page. We had some fantastic questions, some funny answers, serious answers, and everything in between. For anyone looking for my honest opinions on all things architectural photography, check out this video and enjoy!

Grow Your Photography Business With A Little Focus

Focus is a word we are all familiar with in photography, but is the same true in business? The purpose of focus as it relates to photography is to keep what we want to see, and to draw attention away from the things that might otherwise distract us. The concept is almost second nature to many photographers, yet seems so foreign when you see how they run their business.

How To Create Complementary Colors In Your Images

As a Photographer you will often find yourself in a situation where your color palette is less than ideal. For example, you show up on location for a Portrait shoot and your subject is wearing dull, dark clothing on a dark background. What do you do? If you happen to find yourself in this kind of situation, here’s what you can do to add a little life to your images and broaden your color palette.

Fstoppers Review of the 3Pod Monopod for Field Photography, Video, and Self Defense?

The smaller size, lighter weight, and ability to get a high angle shot has made the monopod a useful tool for many photographers and videographers, especially for subjects like sports, wildlife, and run and gun situations. I got to review the new 3Pod Orbit Monopod to test its features on a couple of different projects to see how it holds up to real world shooting scenarios.

Still a Great Option for Many: Fujifilm X-T4 Re-Review

Yet another re-review of a discontinued but still very valid camera. The Fujifilm X-T4 slightly moved away from what made Fujifilm unique, but not in a bad way. It pushed the series into new areas and appealed to the dual creator quite confidently. Is it still worth getting today?

3 Tips for Scouting Landscape Photography Locations

Visiting a location for the first time can be quite overwhelming as a landscape photographer, especially when you might be arriving in the dark for sunrise. In this article, I go over a few quick tips on ways to productively scout a location during your first visit.

[Gear] The Staggering 3-Ton, 3.2 Gigapixel Camera

Imagine the storage you would need to shoot with a 3.2 billion pixel camera. With 189 image sensors, and weighing 3 tons - this will be the world's largest digital camera. It's called the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and is being engineered by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The goal of the project is to “capture the widest, fastest and deepest view of the night sky ever observed." They are looking to the LSST to learn more about

Street Photography From A New Perspective

Shooting street photography is always a great way to find some interesting subjects. Not only do you usually achieve a compelling image but you tend to hear some enthralling stories as well. Jesse Rogers went out and shot these in such a way that gives you a sense of optimism for these characters. I know we've all seen B&W's of homeless people and yes they are engaging and frequently depressing, but Jesse series seem to tell the whole story and not just the somber side.

Marie Kondo Helped Me Clean My Portfolio

At the start of the new year, Netflix released the cultural hit show, "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo". No show has made me change my lifestyle around more than this one was able to. But I didn’t just use it to clean my room, I used her methods to clean my portfolio.

Are You Missing Photos by Always Shooting in Manual Mode?

A lot of new photographers are told that shooting in manual mode is the mark of a professional. And while manual mode is certainly useful and a great learning tool, you could be missing shots if it's all you ever use.

[News] Canon's 5D Mark III Has Issues

It's bound to happen. With new gear comes new bugs and Canon Rumors has already reported on the first two issues with Canon's 5D MarkIII.

Issue One:
Image Stabilization Noise
A couple of lenses have been exhibiting strange noises when the shutter button is half depressed on the 5d MarkIII but the image quality is not affected and the noise does not occur during Live View. The two known affected lenses are

Try This Shadow Fix on Your Next Interior Shoot

When photographing interiors, flash is your friend, but a friend who needs some management. While flash brightens rooms, reduces glare, and brings out true colors, it can also produce the frustrating issue of ugly shadows.

Tyler Shields Blows Up His Rolls Royce Silver Shadow... For Art

Photographer Tyler Shields is known to be one of the craziest photographers in the world. Just few months ago we posted about how he fed a $100k purse to an alligator, all in the name of art. That seemed to be a bold move that can take years to recover from (financially). This week Tyler proved once again that money doesn't mean much to him and that he'll do anything for art, even if that means blowing up his own Rolls Royce Silver Shadow car he got just few months earlier. Check out the BTS video explaining the idea behind it, and of course the final slow-mo video.

Matt Barnes Creates a Mountain Range In Studio for RedBull

Since the very beginning of my photographic career I have been completely opposed to the use of scenic backdrops. I had always felt that they were cheesy and needed to stay within the confines of cookie-cutter yearbook studios. Please feel free to criticize that opinion, because I was completely wrong. Matt Barnes put together an amazing winter set utilizing

When and Where To Style Your Food Photography

Food styling can take place in the production kitchen and in front of the camera. How do you know when and where to style your food? The answer will depend on what food you are shooting. For food with long shelf lives, like cupcakes, the dish will generally be camera ready when it leaves the kitchen. If the dish involves a sauce and a variety of garnishes, the styling will occur both in the kitchen and in front of the camera. Here is a behind the scenes look at a dish that involves styling in both locations: The Meatball Sandwich.

In-Game Photography: A New Pastime For Gamers?

Video games just as photography has grown at an exponential rate. Technology has allowed both to jump leaps and bounds in quality over the past few years, so it only makes sense that eventually the two would merge at one point. Introducing 'In-Game Photography', a new form of photography that seems to be spreading in interest among gamers across the world.

7 Tips for Better Seascape Photos

Seascape photography is a challenging yet rewarding genre of photography. The dynamic nature of the sea makes taking photos at the coast very exciting, but it also requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. And that's what I'll share in this article as seven tips that'll help you take your seascape photography to the next level.