Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (September 2017): Michael Shainblum

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2017, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

The Little Business Practices That Make a World of Difference

So you know your business inside and out and your image quality is top notch, but there's always room for improvement. A factor that many people overlook is the experience that a client has when they work with them, being on one side of the operations gives you a very different perspective and because of this you could be overlooking little important details that make the world of difference. I've been working as a full time commercial photographer for a year now, and in that time I've learned a lot from not only my own client interactions, but the other businesses I've worked with as well.

How to Mount Speedlites Anywhere Using Clamps

Just over a year ago today, I took the leap and made my first MagMod purchase. That first endeavor included: The Basic Kit, a set of Creative Gels, a set of Artistic Gels, an extra MagGrid, an extra MagGrip, a MagBounce, and a MagSphere. Over the last year I’ve added (and replaced) a few more items into my MagMod kit that is now to a point I’m now extremely happy with. After that initial purchase though, there was still one missing piece that kept lurking in the back of my mind. It wasn't actually a MagMod item so much as it was something I saw in a video on the MagMod page featuring TwoMann Studios.

Try Lighting Your Subject From Your 'Weak Side'

Most photographers have a tendency to light their subjects from the same side. I personally like to set up my key light on camera right and I also always have my subject look toward that light. Not today.

Instagram is About to Become One of the Largest Advertising Businesses on the Planet

Big news comes out of Instagram this week as they open their advertising API to the masses of potential clients around the world. The third-party partners are now plugging their information and creative campaigns into the API making this weekend the most ads I have seen in years. Though the quality of the imagery doesn't seem to stray too far away from what I am used to seeing its interesting to see where this goes for Instagram, I believe it could be the next big advertising company.

These Instagram Followers Got Scammed, and so Can You!

Honestly, friends. We’re a stone’s throw away from 2019, so how is this sort of thing still happening? How are there still this many people willing to fork over hundreds of dollars to learn about going “from being a broke traveler to becoming a six figure [sic] earning travel blogger” and feel duped when it doesn't pan out?

Quick Lightroom Tip: Moving Photos Between Catalogs

If you read my post a few weeks ago about managing multiple lightroom catalogs and decided to split your catalog, then you probably have had the need to shuffle some of your photos between catalogs. While not a difficult task, it is not quite obvious, so I decided to write a quick post on how I go about moving photos from one catalog to another.

Vivian Maier Films Coming Soon

The greatest 20th Century photographer you've never heard of is about to become a household name. Vivian Maier, the reclusive, very private Chicago nanny whose 150,000-image archive proves her to be one of the most talented street photographers of the past century, is about to be immortalized in two separate films.

Trilogy Of Light Series Finale Released | "City Lights"

This is the third and final chapter from Colin Rich's series "Trilogy of Lights" and is one of the most epic time lapse series I've ever seen. The first two chapters are posted below so watch them in order if you haven't seen the first two.

Hunting Show Host Under Fire for Posting Lion Trophy Photo on Facebook

Melissa Bachmann, host of the Minnesota-based hunting show Winchester Deadly Passion managed to get a lot of people upset recently. After a South African expedition she posted several images from the hunt onto Facebook, including images of herself posing with a "beautiful male lion" she killed. Other members of the hunting community were of course

Annie Leibovitz Puts Her Massive NYC Property on the Market for a Cool $33 Million

Annie Leibovitz, who got her start with Rolling Stone Magazine and is more recently one of the most sought-after commercial photographers, is asking $33 million for a massive 10,202-square-foot property in NYC. In 2007, Leibovitz put her entire work (and future work) up as collateral for a $24 million loan to help pay off some of her debt. I can't help but think this should definitely help her keep the rights to her own work...

edelkrone QuickRelease One: A Solution to the Mounting Plates Chaos

Tripods, jibs and sliders; they all require an attachment mechanism for our cameras and different brands provide different mounting plate standards. A small company, edelkrone, based in Czech Republic claims to provide one universal piece of gear that allows to attach your camera to any mounting plate.

Photographers: Protect Your Vision With These Five Habits

Browsing a dusty used book store on the north side of Chicago in 2008, a familiar name caught my eye: Aldous Huxley. The Huxley book I saw there, published in 1942, had an intriguing title: The Art of Seeing.

Create The James Bond Gun Barrel Photo In Photoshop And Other Great Tutorials

I first met Glyn Dewis while we were both teaching at a Photoshop World conference in Las Vegas. He's a pretty nice guy and talented photographer/retoucher if you can get past the whole being British thing (kidding kidding). I figured this post would be very fitting since the new James Bond film is opening here in the United States this week. Learn how one can make the iconic James Bond gun barrel shot!

people dancing at night

The month of January is generally a slower time of the year for portrait photographers. While you spend most of the year working hard in your business, the down times give you an opportunity to plan ahead and get organized for the next busy season. Whether you photograph people or pets, an effective way to market to new clients is to engage in activities that involve you meeting them in person. Here are three suggestions for free activities to try in the New Year for meeting prospective clients face-to-face.

Fstoppers Reviews the New Peak Design Leash and Cuff

Peak Design, creators of the popular Everyday Messenger, Everyday Backpack, and Slide strap, announced updated versions of its Leash and Cuff. A few weeks ago, the San Fransisco-based photography accessory company sent me the new products to test. Coming from a brand that set a precedent for commanding high expectations, I thought I knew what I was getting into. But even these little straps held a few pleasant surprises for me.

Review of Induro's CT-114 Carbon Fiber Tripod

Induro is one of those companies that had a really slow start, but has worked extremely hard to climb their way to being a household name. My first few experiences with Induro (although brief) were not great. The build quality of their products left a lot to be desired. Oh how things have changed! Today I'm going to give you the rundown on an Induro CT-114 Carbon Fiber Tripod.

Viral Photos Suggesting Photographers Manipulated Paris Riot Images Proven Fake

Two photos are making the rounds on the internet: side by side, they illustrate how easy it is for documentary photographers to manipulate the severity of a situation. From the Paris riots, one image shows what looks like a large fire, while the other, a wider shot, reveals the size of the fire pales in comparison to what viewers had been led to believe. However, they’ve now been proved to have been taken at different locations.

Canon and Nikon Getting 32.5 Percent of the Mirrorless Market in Japan

According to BCN, Sony´s Mirrorless supremacy has been somehow attacked by Canon and Nikon in Japan. The sales figures show us that the EOS R system has 22.1 percent of the market, two months after its worldwide release. Nikon got 10.4 percent with the Z series.

How to Create Captivating Self Portraits

Have you ever had an incredible idea, but couldn't find a model to help you? Learn how to bring your vision to life through the art of self portraits.

[Leak] Possible Canon 5D Mk III Sighting with Super-Telephotos

ApertureAcademy has an interesting article by Stephen Oachs about a recent sighting of someone who apparently works for Canon. He seemed to be testing a new 5D (or perhaps 7D) series camera. At some point, he also had pulled out a 600mm lens along with a new 200-400mm lens with -- get this -- a built-in teleconverter! Brilliant! See the full post for all the juicy details and photos.
Studio Lighting for Cars

A few weeks ago, I flew to Los Angeles to shoot a commercial project for Mitsubishi. They had a custom Outlander built by RIDES Magazine and were in need of press shots. Studio shooting can be among the most challenging of all types of photography, but with a little patience and some care, its really not that difficult. Here's how we did it.

How to Turn Website Visitors Into Paying Photography Clients

If you’re not creating your website with the correct goals in mind, you may be having a hard time converting your website visitors into paying clients. As creatives, we value good visual design and we want to make sure our websites are not only appealing, but are also showcasing our photography in a dynamic way. However, if we’re not asking ourselves the right questions while designing our websites, we may be losing possible clients. Here are a few potential reasons why your website visitors aren’t turning into paying clients.

Overcoming Anxiety as a Portrait Photographer

Portrait photography comes with a tremendous sense of anxious pressure that most other forms of photography do not. The nature of working with a living, breathing human that brings with them strength, weaknesses, and expectations can be enough to trouble many new portrait photographer. A shoot filled with anxiety almost never works out. In fact, the anxiety itself is far more harmful than anything that a photographer could possibly be anxious about.

Finding the Connection - An Interview With Portrait Photographer Michael Schacht

"It's a vulnerable thing being photographed," says the photographer sitting across from me, "It's not abnormal for me to sit and chat with people for 20 minutes before I photograph them. I'm timing myself; I am watching for a look in their eye... Once I see it, I know we are ready to start photographing." Sitting down in Michael Schacht's studio, nestled in the heart of Chicago's meatpacking district, I have come to realize he is all about human connection.

Transform Your Portraits With the 'Ring of Fire' Special Effect

There's a good chance you've heard of the "Ring of Fire," a technique popularized by wedding and portrait photographer Sam Hurd. The Ring of Fire is a special effects technique that uses a piece of copper tube to reflect light and create a highlight flare in the shape of a ring. This technique has been widely adopted, and to create this effect for yourself is pretty easy. Today, I'll be walking through the steps to transform your portraits using the famous Ring of Fire technique.

toddler blowing a kiss

One of my favorite setups for studio portraits of children was inspired by Jill Greenberg’s photos of crying babies. These portraits are fun, simple, and focus on teasing out a variety of natural expressions of children as they are being photographed. This tutorial demonstrates how to photograph and edit this particular style of a three-light children’s portrait.