[News Discussion] Does your Nikon D800 Lock Up?

So many gear releases, so many bugs, glitches and freak outs. The Admin over at Nikon Rumors has just made a brief post about his new Nikon D800 locking up. In a picture, he provides, the D800 can be seen with the LCD on, even though the camera is off and apparently the only way to reset it is to pull the battery. When you head on over to his post you will find in the comments that this doesn't seem to be a new issue for Nikon users but kinda disconcerting none the less.

What Canon RF Lenses Do You Want To See in 2021?

Canon took their mirrorless camera range from forgettable to cutting edge last year, and now, the lenses need to follow suit. Some of the staples are available already, some are announced, but there are favorites still missing. What are you hoping to see?

[BTSV] The Making Of Canon's 5d Mark III Promo Video, Radball

You may remember Canon's promo video for the 5d Mark III that I posted a couple of weeks ago, which showcased the, ehem, interesting sport of Radball. Love it or hate it, I think we can at least agree that it was pretty entertaining. Canon recently released a companion to the promo video which goes behind the scenes into the filming of the piece.

What I Photographed When My Pet Died

It's difficult when a pet dies, but as photographers, we can choose to honor our loved ones with photos that will last forever. Here's what I chose to photograph when my pet died.

Lowepro Updates Pro Trekker AW Camera Backpack Series

Lowepro’s Trekker series of camera bags have long been a staple for outdoor photographers who need to comfortably carry larger loads into the field. Check out these new updates to the Pro Trekker backpacks.

Behind the Scenes of My Nike-Inspired World Cup Photoshoot

Every four years during the summer, the sports world pauses to draw its attention to the top echelon of professional football. I decided to put together a World Cup inspired shoot, shoot some concepts I haven't done before, and give you a behind-the-scenes, education glimpse.

Nikon to Acquire RED in Surprise Announcement

In a surprise announcement this morning, Nikon announced that they are set to acquire US cinema camera manufacturer RED. With RED due to become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Japanese camera giant, this will surely make Nikon a force to be reckoned with, not only in the photography world but also in the filmmaking world.


All too often in our business, we are thrust into a job in which we either have no time for or cannot afford lighting tests. I find that these gigs force me to fall back on my old tricks and techniques. This can lead to the dangerous place of shooting stuff that all looks the same. Sure, you can try out new ideas on personal projects, but sometimes, the job calls for stuff that you don’t own or cannot afford to get. Usually, when planning a shoot, I have great theories and fantastic ideas on how to pull off a look. However, the idea of winging it in front...

[Contest] Win a $500 Alien Skin Post Production Suite

With our current contest on our Fstoppers Facebook Group coming to a close, we aren't wasting any time and have launched another! With our pals over at AlienSkin, we want to pimp out your post production software. Read the full post for full details.
Wacom Introduces the New Pro Pen Slim

Wacom updated its Pro Pen series a while ago, and to address the needs of users, the new Pro Pen Slim has been introduced.

The Wednesday Rundown 7.20.11

Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This weekend we have a cardboard warfare video made from the ground up. These guys put a ton of effort into this amazing video. We also have a couple of fashion shoots sent in by some of the Fstopper readers. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.
The Wednesday Rundown 1.2.13

Howdy everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week several readers have sent in great videos. Photographers Lauri and Sakari share their extreme weather automotive shoot. Also check out Paul Manoian's Bohemian Chic magazine shoot. If you have a great and informative video you want to see in the Wednesday Rundown please shoot me an email jerrit@fstoppers.com .

Three Huge Reasons Every Photographer Should Be Writing

When the general public picture photographers, they tend to envision a creative individual who goes out and snaps away at anything and everything that inspires them; architecture, nature, sports, or whatever assignment they've been put on. It's likely that they never think of the hours we spend marketing, writing proposals, editing, doing book-keeping, etc.

How Different Sized Softboxes Work Best For Your Portraits

Understanding how different sized softboxes work usually requires a bunch of tests or just good ole trial and error. Luckily photographer Jay P Morgan has done all the dirty work for you and shows how different sized Photoflex softboxes create unique spreads and quality of light. I find smaller softboxes are great for location portraits because of their compact size and soft yet edgy light. However you may prefer something larger depending on the specific look you are trying to achieve. If you enjoy Jay's videos, check out some of his older posts we have featured on Fstoppers.
Film Yourself Easier Than Ever with the New SOLOSHOT2

When it comes to making video edits and sports demos of yourself, finding a friend to film can be the biggest challenge of all. With this second generation advancement of the SOLOSHOT you can film yourself in endless scenarios, photograph panning DSLR timelapse, and forego the need for a buddy on the beach.

How to Take Stunning Pet Portraits at Home

Take simple pet portraits at home while you’re self-isolating. All you need is a pet, a window, and some pet treats to grab their attention, then set your camera to aperture priority mode and work on your composition.

The Wednesday Rundown 10.3.12

Howdy everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have a shoot BTS video for a composite family photo shoot that gets very creative. We also have a video that uses speakers and paint to get some abstract photos. If you have a great and informative video you want to see in the Wednesday Rundown please shoot me an email jerrit@fstoppers.com .

Here's How Americans Really Feel About Drones

Drones are often a controversial issue, but little research has been done on how the average person feels about them. As they continue to proliferate, this data looks at how the American public feels about their presence.

[Video] Kareem Black Explains Shooting The King

From the Profoto Master series, Kareem Black explains the process and how he shot his award winning image of the Burger King King. He shows us his lighting diagrams and a bit of why he did what he did. Enjoy!
Joey Shanks Explains to Fstoppers How He Re-Created the Black Hole from the Movie Interstellar

If you’re interested in getting big budget looks in your low budget indie film, then you should be very familiar with the Shanks FX channel on YouTube. If you’re not, you should get acquainted with it… like now! Joe Schenkenberg aka Joey Shanks is the man with the know-how when it comes to creating Hollywood effects out of simple household items. He teamed up with PBS Digital Studios to bring you quality behind-the-scenes content online and has recently partnered with Red Giant to explain how he created a black hole effect very similar looking to the one in the recent movie Interstellar – all captured in-camera.

The Best Way To Get Assaulted With Street Photography

Recently Petapixel featured a rather amusing video of photographer Fabio Pires out of London. Fabio is a street photographer who shoots spontaneous photos off the cuff. Unlike the video we featured of Clay Enos's street setup, Fabio's approach is more in your face, candid, and potentially more risky. In Fabio's opinion, the best shots come from strange and interesting people who aren't expecting to have their photo taken. I dunno, maybe in England this isn't frowned upon as much as it is in the United States?
One Very Good Reason You Should Make Your Photographs Beautiful

Are your photos beautiful? Consequently, do they attract lots of likes online? If you are serious about your photography, then there are arguments to shun beauty and embrace less appealing aesthetics. But those arguments are flawed. Here's why.

Fstoppers Reviews Polar Pro Filters for Drones

Designed for DJI photographers and cinematographers alike, PolarPro's Cinema Series for the Phantom 4 Pro/Advanced includes six incredibly useful filters: three neutral density filters and three polarizing and neutral density filters. I had been looking at filters for quite some time and wasn't sure where to begin so this set was the perfect place to start. Available for a wide array of quadcopters well beyond the Phantom 4 Pro tested, if you are looking to improve your quadcopter's image quality by adding filters, check out this review of PolarPro's Cinema Series.