Five Must-See Tutorials for Editing Audio in Premiere Pro

If you shoot photos on a professional level, there’s a chance you also shoot video. If you shoot video, there’s a chance you edit. And if you edit, there’s a good chance you have to work with audio at some point. But, it may not be something you know a lot about, especially if you are just getting started with editing video.

What It Takes to Photograph an Extreme Event Like the Marathon Des Sables Peru

In the world of adventure sports photography being in the right location isn't always enough. Often times you have to match the athleticism of the athletes you are photographing to get those really amazing shots. that means hanging off the side of a cliff hundreds of feet above the ground alongside a rock climber. Or swimming a couple feet above a coral reef in twenty-foot plus surf. In this case, it means spending a week in the desert running up and down sand dunes.

The Fstoppers FlashDisc Is Now Available Throughout Europe

The Fstoppers FlashDisc has become one of the most popular off camera flash modifiers on Amazon and BH Photo. Many of our readers have been asking for international shipping, and I am excited to announce that the FlashDisc is now available through the store. This means anyone in living throughout the European Union can have the FlashDisc shipped to their country without having to pay for expensive shipping from the US.

How to End Messy Folder Structures With the Power of Search

I have been struggling with my bad filing hierarchy for years. An inefficient, inconsistent, or straight up bad folder structure not only robs you of of your hard-earned time but it can also sabotage entire projects, hiding your files in the deepest, darkest corners of your hard drive, nowhere to be found ever again. I recently came up with a system that enables me to easily and efficiently store files as well as retrieve them. Follow along to hopefully also put an end to your digital storage struggles.

SYRP Announces Pre-Orders for Magic Carpet Pro

SYRP announced the pre-order for the much anticipated Magic Carpet Pro. While building on the success of the original Magic Carpet, this pro-level slider boasts some impressive new features.

The NBA on TNT Adds Shot Clock Overlay to Free Throw Line

The NBA season is just getting started, and we're already starting to get accustomed to new super teams and foul challenges. One change we didn't see coming was from TNT's nationally broadcasted games, where you will now see a countdown shot clock above the free throw line.

The Story of One of the Earliest Composite Controversies

The use and misuse of composite photography is a story we hear about quite often. Long before the days of Photoshop and digital manipulation, though, composite photography existed. Here's the story of one of the earliest controversies surrounding a composite.

A Series To Remind Us "Why We Create"

Why We Create, a series by director/cinematographer Andy Newman, features artists and what drives them. This video is the second installment with portrait photographer Nick Fancher but I highly recommend watching all that Andy has to offer as the series will remind you why we got into photography in the first place (An easy thing to forget when on the hustle for clients). Now if you'll excuse me I feel the need to get out and create something. Enjoy the video.

The Best Images from GuruShots "Night Photography" Challenge

If you're a photographer and haven't participated in "The World’s Greatest Photo Game," hosted by GuruShots, you'll want to take a peek at their latest challenge. Participants submitted a wide variety of night photography to their latest challenge. Thousands of people entered and cast millions of votes. See the three winners of the challenge as well as hundreds of top rated images below.

Behind the Scenes on Photographer Ray Demski’s Latest Personal Project, ‘Fireball’

I know that I’m preaching to the choir when I say that personal projects, free from the constraints of commercial clients dictating production details, are an important outlet for creativity and staying sharp on your skills. Photographer Ray Demski just dropped his latest passion project, "Fireball," combining parkour, football (soccer), and beatboxing.

Squeezing Extra Autumn Colors Out of Lightroom

If you've been out shooting recently, there's a good chance that you're now sitting down to edit a pile of photographs that capture the incredible colors that autumn brings. This brief tutorial shows you a quick and dirty trick (jump to three minutes to skip the waffle!) for getting Lightroom to make the most of those gorgeous, orangey tones.

Separate Stuck Filters and Step-Up Rings With This Simple Trick

Step-up and step-down rings are useful for attaching filters to multiple lenses with differently sized filter threads, but when they get stuck, they're almost impossible to separate, which can leave your filter completely unusable. So, use this quick tip to separate them with ease.

Instagram’s Ham-Fisted Approach to Labeling Photos as AI Is Bad for Creatives

In the last week, Instagram has been automatically labeling any photo touched by artificial intelligence tools as "Made with AI." On the surface, this sounds like a win for photographers decrying the use of AI as intellectual property theft. But in practice, the way Meta has decided to call out AI leaves little room for nuance and debate.

[Video] Patrick Boivin's Interactive Prime vs Prime and Other Lessons in Stop Motion Animation

In this post you will see two awesome examples of homegrown stop motion animation by Patrick Boivin. Patrick has done some amazing work such as, "AT-AT Day Afternoon", which we featured awhile back. For the first video, you get to shape the outcome of a battle between the first generation Optimus Prime and the latest generation Optimus. I hold this up as a fun example of what patients and creativity can yield with todays, easily accessible technology.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (September 2018): Grace Almera

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2018, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

photo editing software from Apple exclusive for Mac IOS users to compete with Adobe in the professional photo editing application market.

The competition is really hotting up for Adobe these days. With Luminar, Capture One, and Exposure 3, all creating super fast, intuitive, and non-destructive raw photo editing software, it's no wonder that Adobe has just announced an update to their notoriously uncooperative selection tool, because today, Pixelmator have now thrown their hat into the ring by announcing that they have released Pixelmator Pro, a photo editing application with full raw support, available only to macOS users.

360 Degree Camera Drives The World's Most Dangerous Road

Last year we showed you some of the first footage of a new 360 camera made by Yellowbird. Well now Mitsubishi is using that technology in their campaign Test Drive The World's Most Dangerous Road. The Yungas Road is found in South America connecting the Bolivian cities of La Paz and Coroico. Apparently this path, which is only wide enough for one car in places, is responsible for 300 average deaths a year. Below is a little teaser on how they made the campaign for the 2011 Outlander and Outlander Sport. Click the link above to view the 360 degree footage throughout the entire 40 kilometer test drive and the full post for a truly horrifying first person experience on the death path.
[News Discussion] Does your Nikon D800 Lock Up?

So many gear releases, so many bugs, glitches and freak outs. The Admin over at Nikon Rumors has just made a brief post about his new Nikon D800 locking up. In a picture, he provides, the D800 can be seen with the LCD on, even though the camera is off and apparently the only way to reset it is to pull the battery. When you head on over to his post you will find in the comments that this doesn't seem to be a new issue for Nikon users but kinda disconcerting none the less.