Fstoppers Reviews the Tenba Roadie Air Case Roller 21

Tenba has been creating some very stylish and excellently designed camera bags recently and the Tenba Roadie Air Case Roller 21 is the pinnacle of these new offerings. With a semi rigid hard shell case surrounded by a 1680 denier ballistic nylon shell, the roadie air case is not only an inconspicuous and highly stylized camera bag, but it's also an incredibly protective roller case that’s great for domestic and international travel.

How to Go From Boring to Dynamic Wedding Guest Candids

Whatever is your wedding photography style, inevitably, a part of your final gallery will be filled with photos of guests. So, how can we make them less dull and repetitive? How can we "wow" our clients?

Create Realistic Lighting Effects Using Knoll Light Factory

Flare has become a huge part of modern photography for how it can add both depth and excitement to an image. Many of us have resorted to manually creating lighting effects using Photoshop or by layering pre-made textures above our photos. Red Giant, however, looks to replace and augment this rather tedious process with Knoll Light Factory.

[Video] Kai Man Wong & Eric Kim Dress Up for Some Street Action

Ironically, DigitalRev's Kai Man Wong hits the streets of Hong Kong with well known analog street shooter Eric Kim. Kai and Eric end up kicking it old school with film cameras, Leica M6 & M2, and even try to get into the spirit of their camera's time periods by dressing up. As always Kai's video is humorous, entertaining and litered with nuggets of good to know info.

Samsung Announces the NX500 - a 4K Mirrorless System with a Lot of Punch

Announced early this morning, Samsung has unveiled the newest in their camera lineup with the NX500. With a 28mp CMOS sensor, it's hard to believe this brilliant little camera can also shoot video at 4K resolution, all while packed into a small, nearly pocketable system. Pairing that with Bluetooth technology, built in WiFi, and ISO expandable up to 51,200, Samsung has us impressed, with only an announcement.

How Jamie xx Made the Incredible 'Gosh' Music Video

It's set in a ghost town, the Tianducheng development in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It has an Eiffel Tower replica and empty buildings which sets a perfect scene for this incredibly choreographed music video. Directed by Romain Gavras, the video has hundreds of kids with peroxided, yellow-white hair and matching outfits running through the deserted city to the foot of the replica Eiffel tower, and a very unique dancing style captured with great aerial video.

How One Director Turned a Film Into an Insane Choose Your Own Adventure

You know, I always thought that Chatroulette was a place you went to speak to random strangers in foreign lands and sometimes see the unwanted privates of strangers in distant lands. Well, one director from Realm Pictures has used the platform in a revolutionary way to create one of the craziest choose your own adventure zombie and space adventure films, in which the viewers give our hero orders that will hopefully save his life and those of his shipmates. Read below to see parts one and two as well as the full behind the scenes content!

Photography and Hiking for Pleasure, Not Profit

When's the last time that you let yourself shoot images without giving a thought to their monetary value? It's too easy to get caught up thinking about how to monetize our profession and it's so important to step back, slow down, and just shoot for the fun of it.

[Pics] Flickr Spotlight #1 - 15 Images Of Revolution Around The World

Hey everyone! My name is Noam (yeah, from The Stolen Scream) and I'm one of the latest addition to the Fstoppers team. Each week I’ll be bringing you some of the most interesting, amazing and unique photos from Flickr. If you have any theme suggestions, or even photos you think should be included in future stories - feel free to comment on the bottom, or write to me here - I will read each and every suggestion you have! This week I decided to start by showing some of the most amazing revolution, protest and riot photos taken this year. As you all know 2011 was a year packed with protests: Egypt, Syria, Libya, Greece, Canada and the US are just a few examples, and social media outlets such as Flickr, Facebook and Twitter were used as tools of communication and for spreading the news around the globe. Some of the pictures posted on Flickr were used by newspapers and magazines, but I want to show you some of those photos that many of you may not have seen before. Lets begin!
Click Here to see the rest of the pictures
Have Your Photos Rated by AI

You can have your images judged by AI. Just don't blame me if you don't score as high as you thought you would. These developments are supposed to help people decide what images work best for the message you are trying to convey, so it's good to know it's there and to try it out. It's in the beta phase now, and the website is similar to that of EyeEm, the stock image library built in Berlin, where the images are analyzed and tagged automatically depending what is featured in the photograph.

Bland Camera Got You Down? Nikon Announces Special Edition Gold Df

It's no secret that I, personally, have some mixed feelings about the Nikon Df. I've written a brief opinion piece here describing my frustration at the Df winning a Red Dot design award, had conversations with many pro photographers on either side of the debate (Fer Juaristi rocks a pair of Df cameras), and even debated on adding one of them to my bag. All previous news and personal opinions aside, I think this is a little silly. As of yesterday, Nikon has announced the limited availability of special edition gold Df camera bodies and kit 50mm lenses in Japan.

How to Create a Photo Studio Without Paying Rent

Studio spaces are sought after by many photographers. While some love shooting in client's homes or in hotel spaces, many do want the tranquility of a defined boudoir space of their own. Building a boudoir studio does not have to be overwhelming or come with expensive price tags. While a brick and mortar location in a downtown area works for some, for others, creating a spot in your home can be the best option for your company.

15 Beautiful Images Of Rocky Beaches

Winter is officially here and we're going to freeze for few more months. I don't know about you, but I cant wait for the summer - for the nice weather, for the long days and of course - being able to go out to the ocean/sea. Check out this collection of great images of rocky beaches that will make you wish it was summer already. Which are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below.

How to Take a Great Food Photo for Your Instagram Portfolio

The guys over at Immaculate Infatuation are a little, well, obsessed with food. Their restaurant reviews are honest and refreshing; they tell it like it is. So when I saw that they wrote a piece about how to take "perfect" food photos, I knew I had to check it out. Now this isn't a guide for professional food photographers (far from it) but if you're one of the types that likes to Instagram every meal you eat, chances are you could learn something from their post.

A Coffee Break Photography Quiz

How well do you know photography? Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge of all things camera-related. I doubt anyone else can get them all right apart from you. Settle down with a cup of coffee and give it a go.

A Beginner's Guide to Kite Aerial Photography

Drones are near ubiquitous for the capture of aerial imagery, but with their increased prevalence, their use and operation has become contentious. If you are seeking an alternative, then kite aerial photography (KAP) might be for you.

The Selfie Is More Powerful Than We Realize

In 2016, Kim Kardashian broke the internet with a mother’s day selfie. We’ve all seen the picture; she’s stood in front of a mirror wearing pretty much her birthday suit. It becomes such a big deal that Emily Ratajkowski and Kim Kardashian go on to recreate the thing. Break the internet twice! Why is this such a big deal though?

Platypod Pro Max Mini Tripod Announced

2016 is the year of new tripod designs. Edelkrone launched their brand new design two months ago at NAB, and now, another company, Platypod Pro LLC, has announced on Kickstarter their new compact tripod system for low-angle use, both for photographers and videographers: Platypod Pro Max.

Consider Soft Features for Your Next Camera

I consider myself a Canon shooter through and through. This article isn’t about one camera manufacturer being objectively better or worse than another.

Are Your Photo Critique Skills Any Good?

Opinions are like cameras: everybody’s got one, and it should be upgraded once in a while. If you love giving feedback on photography, great, but make sure you're doing it in a way that’s right for the giver as well as the receiver.

Three Things Wedding Videographers Can Learn From Film Directors

One of my biggest pet peeves is working with wedding videographers that treat their craft like it’s photography. In doing that, a lot of talented people sell their art form, and the art form of their peers, short. So what can you do to focus your videography and cinematography skills and make your wedding videos more refined? Think like a filmmaker.

The Photographers Dilemma - Balancing Future Potential with Current Profit

If you’re a professional photographer, being pulled in a million directions probably feels like a daily occurrence. There seems to be a never ending stream of tasks that we should be completing, some of which are paid, some of which aren’t. Our trade-off often involves balancing paid work - be it desirable or not - with unpaid tasks that we hope will provide business in the future. The question is, how do we know what’s going to be helpful and what’s going to turn out to be a waste of time?

Sony Experiments With HD In Their Ridiculously Awesome Camera Ad

This video was featured on the Fstoppers Forum and it had me laughing from the beginning. Luckily there is also a behind the scenes video that explains how in the world they created all of this "HD Porn". I would have never thought in a million years you could mix Iron Maiden, the most ridiculous looking poodle, the largest bubble machine I've ever seen, and flashing neon lights to produce an entertaining commercial for Sony high definition products. Then again I'm not paid the big bucks to think this outside the box either. Enjoy the final commercial below and then head over to full post to see how everything was put together.
The Importance of Contracts and Their Language

One of the most overlooked aspects during the jump from amateur to professional photographer is the business end of contracts. You may be excited for this new adventure of creating art, but if you are asking for payment for your services, your contract is the last place you want to skimp on the details.