Ed Sanford's picture

A Walk through Merchants Mill Pond

I live in Eastern North Carolina. One key characteristic of our area is wetlands. Most of us who live here refer to these areas as swamps. These places are living biological laboratories that filter water flow before they reach the rivers and creeks. They are also habitats for small animals, waterfowl, amphibians, an alligator or two and snakes. Occasionally, one may see a black bear. The swamps have a distinct smell from organisms transitioning from living to dying. To take a walk in East Carolina means encountering the swamp and all of its natural inhabitants. With a camera in hand (or on tripod) one encounters all of the challenges of presentation through composition. This image is from early spring when things are starting to wake up. I considered rendering this in black and white. However, the greenery would not have been given justice. This particular wetlands is known as Merchants Mill Pond.

Canon 5DSR
82mm · f/16 · 1/2 sec · ISO 100
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