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Kenn Tam
Toronto, ON, CA

Articles written by Kenn Tam

A Different Kind of Art Exhibition

If you are fortunate enough to be in London right now Lukas Renlund and Anders Lönnfeldt are wrapping up their third and last day of "Steal My Photograph! London" (ending 4pm London time). This series is one of my favorite photo exhibit concepts to date. In case you missed them, here is the 1st and 2nd installment of the series. I'll bring you the results of the London exhibit as soon as the boys get it off the cutting room floor.

Shooting "Point Blank" - High Resolution Gun Photography

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stare down the barrel of a gun? Well Toronto-based photographer Peter Andrew teamed up with art directors Simon Duffy and Derek Blais to show us. The series, “Point Blank”, features iconic handguns in high-resolution "portraits", some of which are printed as large as 4×8 feet. In order to achieve the incredible detailing in these shots Peter used

Another Step in the Evolution of Wedding Photo Booths

It wasn't that many years ago when our very own Lee Morris took me on one of his wedding gigs and totally opened my eyes to what wedding photography could be. I had this idea in my head that weddings were boring, cheesy and a photographic cinch to shoot. But when Lee introduced me to the idea of setting up killer seamless white photo booths at receptions, I realized they could be

How One Photo Changed Everything (a fish tale)

Sunday seems like the right time to tell a big fish story, so I was happy when I stumbled across director Kibwe Tavares's, "JONAH". It's a visually impressive fiction that begins with every photographer's worst nightmare (a stolen camera) and becomes the tale of how one photo changed everything. Well, one photo and some masterful visual effects executed by Factory Fifteen and Jellyfish Productions. Watch the follow-up, "JONAH MAKING OF" for a peek into how it was all achieved.

Photographer Asks You to "Steal My Photograph!"

Photographer Lukas Renlund shares with us the second installation in his "Steal My Photograph" series. I was very impressed with this idea when I posted his Copenhagen Exhibit last August but Lukas has added a humorous new twist to his Barcelona installation by hiding a GoPro camera behind his photos to capture the reactions of the unsuspecting, would-be-thieves. I got a chance to catch up with Lukas and asked him a few of the questions that have been on everyone's mind.

Some of the First Footage from RED's Epic Dragon

Recently director Moark Tola got the chance to spend 2 days testing out RED's Epic Dragon and has shared the results with all of us. I'm not going to lie, I've always been afraid that the day would come when a videographer could pull any frame a video and call it photography. Now you are only $29k (the price of an Epic Dragon brain) away from being able to do just that. Then again, I suppose you could use it to make kick-ass videos. This video shows the capabilities of Red Dragon's 6k sensor. Enjoy and drool.

The Most Detailed Photo of Tokyo Ever Taken

io9 scored some interview time with the talented, patient and hard working, Jeffrey Martin. How do I know Mr. Martin is all these things? Simple. Because that's what it takes to make a photo so large it took 2 days to shoot, 4 months to edit and is comprised of more than 8,000 frames, at a resolution of 600,000 pixels wide. Watch this video that demonstrates the awesomeness that is the largest, most detailed, and zoomable, panoramic photo of Tokyo ever taken. Then go play with the photo for yourself.

The Best Fstoppers' Posts From February 2013

Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness we put "The Best of" in a monthly newsletter for you. So, if you think you may have missed anything this last month, check out the top 10 posts and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already.

The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From January 2013

Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness we put "The Best of" in a monthly newsletter for you. So, if you think you may have missed anything this last month, check out the top 10 posts and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already.

Luminance 2012 Conference: Zack Arias

Check it out guys. Here is another great speaker from Luminance 2012. Heck he isn't just a great speaker but also a great photographer, husband, father and friend to have (so he tells me). Zack gives us some insight on what it means to be genuine and what that means for your social media and ultimately your business. No need to learn the hard way, just watch.

Using Canon's 7D to Make Killer Slow Motion Video

With the help of pro breakdancer, contortionist, acrobat Karimbo, Brussels-based photographer, director David Olkarny put together this short video using the Canon 7D a Canon 50mm 1.4 and Canon 24-70mm 2.8L. Another video that proves that if you got the talent, creativity, drive and a modest kit, you can make something worth looking at.

The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From November 2012

Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness we put "The Best of" in a monthly newsletter for you. So, if you think you may have missed anything this last month, check out the top 10 posts and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already.

Luminance 2012 Conference: Peter Yang

I was completely f*cking torn as to what to do here. Post them all at once or roll them out. Here is the thing. I attended Luminance, Photoshelter's two day conference, back in September expecting the same old song and dance of over crowed auditoriums as speakers and spokes people try to sell me their wares. (Hmmmm kind of makes you wonder why I keep going to these things.) But I was pleasantly surprised as the conference was

The Entire Night's Sky Captured with an 8mm Fisheye

I'm not going to lie. With all the time lapse videos of the sky hitting the web these days I'm kind of over it. But "Leonid and Zodiacal Light", by french photographer Stephane Vetter is very short and there is just something about capturing the entire sky with trees on the on the fringe that still holds a bit of magic.

Picking the Best 24-70mm Lens by WOMP

Weapons of Mass Production's Kevin Good walks us through the in's and out's of four of the most popular lens brands on the market, in one of the most popular focal ranges... the 24-70mm. Brace yourself as only one of these lenses will be spared John Pellett's bat.

The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From October 2012

Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness we put "The Best of" in a monthly newsletter for you. So, if you think you may have missed anything this last month, check out the top 10 posts and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already.

Dogs Jumping Underwater in Slow Motion (1000fps Phantom & Fastcam) with BTSV

This video, reminiscent of Seth Casteel's photo series depicting dogs diving in water, is making it's viral rounds. Produced by Daniel Harmon and Kaitlin Snow with direction and edits by Devin Graham it was created to promote Orapup dog breath brushes. But if you're watching it here, on our site, then it's likely you are more interested in the behind the scenes video, which we got.

The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From September 2012

Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness we put "The Best of" in a monthly newsletter for you. So, if you think you may have missed anything this last month, check out the top 10 posts and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already.