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Kenn Tam
Toronto, ON, CA

Articles written by Kenn Tam

See What it Takes to Shoot a Car Ad in Downtown LA

LA-based cinematographer Brandon Lippard gives us a behind the scenes look at photographer Dave Hill's 2015 Toyota Camry, Parade and Night Market, print ad shoot. I really dig these kinds of behind-the-scenes videos. They are so insightful and educational when kept clean, simple and unfiltered. These kinds of genuine glimpses from behind the lens offer a lot, to the keen observer, as opposed to the oh-so-common, self-promoting, trendy music video type clips we are often fed. Thanks for sharing Brandon.

A 20 Second Behind-the-Scenes Video Detailing Erik Johansson's Soundscapes

Berlin-based photographer/retoucher Erik Johansson creates wildly imaginative and often surreal images that has us posting on his work time and time again. Erik's images have been defined as a complex combination of his own photographs that captures ideas rather than moments. As impressive as his finals are, it was this simple 20 second video that caught my attention this time. You get a pretty good idea of Erik's technical process and if you're anything like me, you'll be motivated to create an Erik Johansson inspired piece of your own.

Photographer Keeps Bees to Document First 21 Days of Their Lives

Photographer Anand Varma was always curious about the natural world and when he was a teenager he discovered that picking up a camera could help him explore it. By combining his two passions (biology and photography) Anand gets up close and personal, exposing some of the wonders nature has to offer. Anand latest work is facinating. By keeping bees in his backyard he was able to capture the first 21 days of a bee's life.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Teleconverter

Tony Northrup and Chelsea Northrup continue to offer up informative videos to help photographers understand and Learn the Art and Science of Photography. This latest video has Tony breaking down: the pros and cons of using teleconverters, how using one effects your focal range, image quality, aperture, and autofocus capabilities. So if you've been thinking about buying a teleconverter, this video may help you make a more informed decision before picking one up.

Watch Behind The Scenes As Joe McNally Shoots Gitzo Tripod Concept with Cirque du Soleil

Photographer Joe McNally is out in the desert again. This time he is in a dry lake bed outside of Las Vegas with Cirque du Soleil performers Daria Shemiakina and Anna Melnikova. It’s a little unclear whether he is shooting this concept for a Gitzo campaign or for the artists but if you can take your eyes off the beautiful and amazingly talented athletes for a moment you’ll be able to gleam some of Joe’s desert setup. If you're like me and prefer simple kits and small intimate teams over large crews and trailers full of gear then you’ll find it comforting to see that a master like Joe keeps it pretty basic.

7 Easy Fun & Funky Photography Tips

Director Matthew Rycroft continues to knock out fun and informative videos for the Cooperative of Photography. The COOPH's latest offering, shot with the help of photographers Anastasia Ehlakova & Julia Gebhardt, demonstrates some simple photo techniques. Levitation, free lensing, light stenciling, instant collages, colored lights, broken mirrors and hula hoops. Give them a try.

Combining Aerial Landscape Photography with Video for Captivating Results

Freelance motion graphics designer and London-based art director T Tagholm created this mesmerizing piece with the help of After Effects. I honestly can say what it is about this video that caught my eye but I found myself transfixed in a way that was reminiscent of the time I watched Koyaanisqatsi (the second time, not the first time when I fell asleep). The undeniably hypnotic 'simulacra' is part of a larger project that is still in the works but in the meantime you can check out T Tagholm earlier released piece, 'Plain Sight'.

Creating A Time Slice Photo

Watch as LA based photographer Dan Marker-Moore shows us how he stitches hundreds of photos together to make one Time Slice image. Dan travelled Hong Kong and Shanghai to shoot the same landscapes at different times of the day. This series of photos were then color corrected in Lightroom before a composite was created in After Effects. By lining up slices of the photographs, that had been offset in time / exposures, the photos create a sense of time-in-motion for each landscape.

13 Mind-Bending Thoughts About Photography

While sipping my morning coffee I said to myself, "I sure wish I had a cool, thought provoking and entertaining video to watch with this (something that relates to me as a photographer)". And wouldn't you know it, my wish came to me in the form of an email from video director Matthew Rycroft . If I knew wishes were coming true today I might have asked for a moonwalking pony or a night with an all girl thrash metal punk band. But, not knowing what to do with either of those I'm just thankful to have these 13 Mind-Bending Thoughts About Photography. So, from all of us slow morning starters, thanks for the video Matt.

Becci Manson Helps Restore the Reputation of Retouchers

A professional retoucher does so much more than just pushing pixels about. To say the least there is a lot of artistic interpretation, collaboration, technical understanding and skill involved. Then there are master retouchers like Becci Manson who go even deeper, show us the nonsuperficial side of the industry and help restore pride in a profession that has gotten a bad rap over the years. This video will give you some understanding of what it means to work as a high end retoucher but more importantly it will show you that, being a retoucher doesn’t mean you don’t have a conscience or something important to offer.​

10 Well Illustrated Composition Tips From The COOPH and Steve McCurry

If you've been working to improve your photography then you should already be familiar with the Golden ratio and the rule of thirds as they relate to visual compositions. Avoiding all the math we can simply say, to create a more intriguing shot we divide our composition into nine equal parts (two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines) and then we place important elements along these lines or their intersect points. This and other compositional guidelines (or tips) are nicely illustrated by this Cooperative of Photography video, using the works of Steve McCurry.

A Creative Collaboration Between Photographer and Painter [NSFW]

A lot of us became photographers not so much for the pay check but because we were passionate about photography. Still we all have to pay the bill and please our clients which means a lot of the time we have to shoot whatever comes our way. But every once and awhile we get the opportunity to do something fun and inspired like this creative collaboration by photographer Steve Shaw and painter Gregory Siff for Treats! Magazine. I know not everyone will get what these artist have to say and there will be plenty of trolling but when peers come together to create, how can we not want to celebrate the process?

Learn The Many Uses of White Seamless with Zack Arias

There are shooters who spend 100's if not 1000's of dollars on courses to learn what you can learn in these two videos from DEDPXL. In them commercial, editorial photographer Zack Arias goes into great detail on how to light your subjects with a seamless white background set up. Learn everything from studio dimensions, light and model positioning, camera and light settings, post production, equipment use, taking the background from black to white and more tips and tricks then you can retain in one viewing.

The Stories Behind Annie Leibovitz's Most Meaningful Works

AYP just put out Part Three of Annie Leibovitz's exclusive gallery tour where she shares the stories behind some her life's most meaningful works. These short unpolished videos provides insight into this legendary photographer and some of the works that have made her one of the most notable shooters of all time. Get the back story behind her pregnancy shoot with Demi Moore, moments with her family and more from this ongoing series.

A Whole Music Video Shot In Just 5 Seconds

By placing 80 people along an 80 meters stretch, French filmmaker Guillaume Panariello managed to capture a whole music video in just 5 seconds. Siska's “Unconditional Rebel” was shot on a 1000 frames per second Phantom Flex 4K from a car traveling at 50kmh (or 31 mph). All that action and it only took 4 takes to get it right. Be sure to check out the below video to see what this shoot looks like in real time.

Is The Canon EOS 5Ds or 5Ds R Right For You?

Rudy Winston (from Canon USA pro productions team) breaks down the differences between Canon's EOS 5DS and 5DS R cameras. At $3699.00 and $3899.00 respectively these 50.5 Megapixel full-frame offerings will take some serious consideration before committing resources.

Astronauts Suspend a GoPro Inside a Bubble of Water in Space

Whether it's capturing a close encounter with a great white, documenting an Eiger ascent or riding the dash of an F-16 the GoPro has been used for some pretty amazing things. Here is one recording I don't see any of us re-creating anytime soon though.

A Short Documentary About the People of Times Square, Shot with Sony's A7s

Filmmaker Michael Tapp recently hit me up to share his latest experience with the people you typically find in New York City's Times Square and the Sony A7s. If you haven't spent an evening there, this short documentary (co-produced by Bill Novak) gives you a good sense of what draws 26 million people per year and how the A7s performs under noisy, bright conditions.