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Jay Schafer

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How to Conquer Blurry Photos

Achieving tack-sharp focus is a fundamental skill every photographer strives for. Whether you're capturing portraits, landscapes, or fast-paced action, understanding the causes of blur and how to avoid them is crucial for creating impactful images.

Transforming Bland Photos With Two Simple Steps

Capturing a stunning photograph often requires more than just pointing and shooting. Post-processing plays a crucial role in enhancing your images and bringing your creative vision to life.

How to Create a Timelapse Video

Making a time-lapse video is a blend of photography and videography. While the outcome can be stunning, the process requires preparation and can pose certain challenges. In this article, I will walk you through my workflow and offer a glimpse of some real-life examples I've created.

How to Light a Portrait Using a Speedlight

While learning artificial lighting can feel a bit daunting, it makes you a far more versatile photographer and frees you up to explore many creative avenues that would not be possible otherwise. You do not need to start with expensive equipment, though; a speedlight and small modifier are a portable and affordable way to learn. This excellent video tutorial will show you everything you need to know to photograph a portrait using a speedlight.

Many Photographers Neglect This Very Important Practice

Photographers focus a lot on the technical aspects surrounding their work, whether it's the gear they are using, finding the perfect settings for their images, or trying to capture every pixel. While those can be important in some situations, it leads to many of us neglecting this very simple practice that will have a larger impact on your final image.
An Important Reminder That The Camera You Have Is Enough

We are absolutely inundated with gear news and discussion every single day from all corners of the internet, and while gear can certainly be a lot of fun, it is important to remember that it is the means, not the end. This important video will show you that you can create fantastic images even with a camera that is 15 years old.

The Dwarf II Smart Telescope Is One Amazing Gadget

I've been an amateur astronomer since I was around 11 years old. I had an uncle, a retired engineer, who had a small reflecting telescope, and when I saw Saturn for the first time I was hooked. Photography through a telescope came much later for me, and it was a very difficult undertaking in the film days. I remember taking some star shots to the drugstore for processing, and they told me they threw them away because there were just a bunch of white spots on them, and I should take better care to learn how to take pictures. Oh well.

Boudoir Photography: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Success

The primary objective for boudoir photographers is to empower their subjects, encouraging them to embrace their unique beauty and sensuality. Photographers can highlight the individual's strengths and showcase their personality through careful posing, lighting, and composition, creating a personalized and intimate experience.

How to Use Gels and Hard Light in the Studio

Mixing gels and hard light, when done properly, can result in some truly memorable images. In this video, watch as you are walked through the setup, the shoot, and the results.
Make Your Own Film Presets With This Simple Tutorial

The nostalgia of film and the decades gone is fascinating so no wonder film presets and looks are popular to buy for your editing software. They’re pretty easy to make yourself if you put a little bit of time into understanding what elements in editing make the film look different from digital. Follow my tutorial to make your own vintage film presets for Capture One, Lightroom or PhotoShop.

Use These Simple Steps to Ensure Sharp Photos

If you're a beginner to photography, your images might seem far softer than those you see from your favorite photographers and it can be difficult to identify why. Well, the answer might be in this video, and if not, you'll come away with some sage advice on getting sharp images.
Beyond the Studio: How Shooting Boudoir Outdoors Can Take Your Work to a New Level

The art of boudoir photography, which is playful, imaginative, and private, honors the femininity and beauty of women (though the genre is expanding rapidly to men as well). It's all about capturing personal and stirring moments that highlight your clients' best features. But have you ever thought about holding your boudoir sessions outside?

Shoot for What You See, Not the 'Correct' Exposure

There are times when achieving a balanced exposure across your entire image is ideal, ensuring that you don't lose the details in your shadows and highlights. But, some of the most interesting images do not follow that rule whatsoever, and you should try shooting that way too.

Who Else Struggles to Understand Studio Lighting? This Will Help You

As a landscape and seascape photographer who also shoots surfing, I'm not too embarrassed to say that my understanding of indoor lighting setups is not where I want it to be. This video here is extremely helpful, especially if you'd love to get those gorgeously mysterious rim light shots.

How to Create a Professional Portrait Using Just One Speedlight

As a portrait photographer, learning how to work with artificial light will enable far more creative exploration and free you from needing to rely on certain times of day, locations, and conditions. The best place to start is with a single light. This great video tutorial will show you the ins and outs of working with a single speedlight and how to use it to create a professional-level portrait.