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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Getting the Perfect Beauty Shot

Looking for the perfect beauty shot? In this video, Daniel Norton takes us through his way of lighting the subject in order to achieve the "beauty shot".

12 Ideas and Tips to Improve Your Springtime Landscape Photos

Spring is now in full swing, and it's one of the best times to get out with your camera and photograph the awakening of nature. This great video will give you 12 tips to improve your spring landscape photography as well as some fun image ideas.

10 Tips to Improve Your Landscape Photography

You can never have enough tips to improve your work. This helpful video will give you 10 simple tips to not only improve your landscape photography, but to enjoy it more as well!

What Gear Companies Do You Invest In?

I'm not talking about gear you buy. I'm talking about investing on the stock market. Many of the companies we as photographers use are public companies. For me, it's become a time to consider investing. What would you buy?

Organically Grow Your Instagram

Instagram isn't for everyone, this is true, but if you are looking grow your social media account with viable and engaged followers then this one is for you.

Do You Create Emotion With Your Photography?

Capturing emotion in your photos is one of the most crucial things you can do to create compelling imagery, and yet, it's one of the things we talk about the least. This great video examines the importance of capturing emotion in landscape photography and how you can go about doing it yourself.

Five Mistakes Photographers Make and How to Fix Them

No photographer is perfect, and we all makes mistakes from time to time that detract from the quality and power of our images. This helpful video details five such mistakes and what you can do to fix them to create more powerful and emotive photos.

Some Quick Tips for Sharper Images

To get sharper images, there are some easy steps to take into consideration before and during the shoot, and no, you can't fix it in Photoshop.

Getting More out of Overcast Skies in Landscape Photography

When you think of epic landscape images, the light you imagine is probably golden and dramatic, with arching shadows and radiant glow. And while that sort of light can certainly create beautiful, entrancing imagery, overcast skies can create their own sort of mood, and they're well worth embracing. This great video will show you everything you need to know from shooting to post-processing.

How to Create 3D Photos for Facebook

Over the past few days, you may have noticed an influx of 3D photos in your Facebook feed. That's because this feature was previously limited to dual-camera iPhone devices, but on April 16, Oculus introduced new features allow users to create 3D photos and upload them into their feed from a computer. Here's how you can create your own.

Michael Shainblum and Nick Page Photograph Death Valley

I may be a little biased having spent weeks in and around Death Valley, but it's one of my favorite places in the USA to travel to and an area that always shows you something new. Michael Shainblum and Nick Page give us a look behind the scenes of their trip to Death Valley, as well as a new set of images and time-lapses.

How to Organize and Digitize Old Photos

We live in a digital photo era but that doesn't mean that your old photos and negatives boxed up in the attic should be forgotten. The first step in preserving these is to get them organized. Next, you need to digitize old photos so they can be easily viewed and shared with others.

How I Turned My Bathtub into a Magical Forest Pond

Sometimes shooting on location, or even finding the ideal location, can be so difficult that a photographer has to rely on their own ingenuity to bring their vision to life. Here is how I turned my tiny bathtub into a forest pond for a magical shoot, with some tips on how you can do the same thing.

The Round Head Flashes Compared: Profoto A1 Versus the Godox V1

Are you looking for a new flash and intrigued by the Profoto A1? Maybe you’ve seen the internet rumblings about Godox’s V1 light and the alleged backdoor drama between the two lighting companies and wondered if this new light beats the top priced flash? Which round flash is the best bang for the buck and should you switch or stick with your square flash?

Do You Know the Difference Between Broad Light and Short Light?

There are several different ways to light your subject in portrait photography. You probably have heard the different terms or styles of lighting and have seen them before, but do you know the difference between broad light and short light?

Five Tips for Better Macro Photography

The world of macro photography can look complicated to a beginner but it’s really not and in these five tips for better macro photography I’ll show you how you can improve your macro photography.

The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Capture One

Capture One is multi-faceted image processing and asset management software. As a raw processor, it is considered the gold standard, supporting over 500+ cameras, and with it comes a uniquely powerful toolset for developing, color grading, and tethering. But that is just the tip of the technological iceberg that is Capture One. With a focus on user experience, its mountain of capability and complexity is hidden under a veneer of simplicity so as to make working with your images fast, focused, and easy.

I'm Falling Out of Love with Adobe and the Creative Cloud: Part 2

Late last month I did a post on my ongoing problems with Adobe and the Creative Cloud software and apps. I sometimes find Photoshop unreliable, as well as Bridge. I've also had numerous crashes with the Creative Cloud app too. There were a lot of good comments on my piece, and I also attracted some of the good folks at Adobe who were anxious to weigh in on my experience, which I welcomed.

How Much Depth of Field Do You Need?

Depth of Field, or a lack thereof, has become a buzzword of sorts in photography circles. Many times the term is used as a blanket nomenclature to cover anything to do with how much or little of a subject is in focus. What we often fail to consider is why. Why are we choosing to use as much or as little depth as we do? It's time to look past aesthetics and really think about depth of field in relation to our subjects.

Can You Make Money From Stock Photography?

Many photographers dream of making money by shooting stock or perhaps generating a passive income as a result of photos that you would have shot anyway. But how realistic is it to make money from uploading your images to stock libraries? A photographer with three years of experience gives a very honest verdict.

How I Shot This Fashion Editorial on 6x7 Film With Speedlights

I love shooting film, it's not always the best choice, but the idea that I am forced to slow down and really be sure I like my frame before I hit the shutter overall makes me shoot more efficiently, reduce the amount of culling at the end of the shoot (which is my least favorite part of any photoshoot to be honest), and with shooting with 6x7 I can get a very specific look that is hard to replicate with smaller sensors, for better and worse.

You May Be a Photographer, but Are You an Artist?

I personally want to learn. I want to learn how other creatives think and I want to draw upon their experience. I loved this video and you can pull so much out of it despite the photographs being kinda ugly. Everyone taking photos are photographers but are they artists? That is a whole other question. Here are seven thoughts to help you become an artist.

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Plans are good. Most of us live by plans, and we like things to go as planned. But sometimes just showing up and going with the flow can yield immense rewards for photographers. There is nothing wrong with wanting to know what to expect so you can plan appropriately, but sometimes we just need to let go. Here are a couple of examples of some amazing moments I would have missed if I had stuck to plans and took shelter in my comfort zone.

How to Get Cinematic Footage From Your Entry Level Camera

Entry level DSLRs and smaller format cameras don’t do a great job when trying to achieve footage with a cinematic feel, but with these tips, you can add an extra touch to your filmmaking. All of the advice is either incredibly practical in terms of how you shoot, or requires a very low level of investment. If you’re new to shooting video, be sure to check out this list.

Did Canon Get Its Mirrorless Strategy Wrong?

The photography news channels have been awash with announcements from Canon over the past few weeks and rightly so as it had a lot to talk about with the release of two new mirrorless cameras. But has it got its mirrorless development strategy wrong?

How I Shot These Fun and Dynamic Portraits of a Comedian

Have you ever wondered what went into photographing a comedian? In this article, I take you behind the scenes of a recent client shoot I did using a fun aesthetic and mood to match my subjects' larger-than-life personality.

How Was Video Invented?

This video shows how video came to be what it is today. It's fascinating to learn how the concept of a fax machine invented in the 1800s was developed to become the broadcast on TV we grew up to watch and love.

It's Work, Not Talent That Makes Photographs

I would hazard a guess that most working photographers will tell you that talent has very little to do with a successful photograph. Somewhere along the way, you've probably heard the words “Genius is one per cent talent and ninety-nine per cent hard work.” It's that hard work that brings about good photography. Let's explore the roles that effort and perseverance play in our photography today.

Lightroom User? Don't Make This Common Mistake

For almost every photographer who shoots bulk works of images, Lightroom is an essential tool. But we often make the costly and frustrating mistake of letting our Lightroom catalogs grow too large.

Should You Buy a 2019 iMac Or Build a Hackintosh?

Last week Apple refreshed their iMac range for the first time in two years but is the new 2019 iMac worth the hefty price tag? Or would you be better off building a Hackintosh that you can easily upgrade in the future?

Lee Cohen: Ski Photography Master

Lee Cohen is currently one of the best ski photographers, and his images just might be some of the most iconic of all time. Watch this video to get a glimpse of his daily ski photography routine and to hear of his motivations.

Finally, a Solution to Make LUT Selection an Easy Process

When using LUTs, one of the biggest problems is that many apps won't let you preview what they do before applying it. This makes the LUT choice and application slow and very unpractical. That was until Lutify came out with a solution!

A Conversation With Art Streiber

Art and inspiration go hand in hand. For photographers, curling up in the corner of the bookstore with a stack of magazines, oohing and ahhing at photographs we wish we had created seems to be a part-time job. However, equally as important as what our heroes produce is how they produce it. We can learn a lot from the methodology of the folks that do what we want to do day in and day out. With that in mind, here's a conversation with Art Streiber.

A Good Photo Assistant Can Be Worth Their Weight in Gold

In a world where everyone wants to be a star photographer, there isn't nearly enough discussion about the benefits of a good photo assistant. Here are a few tips for those interested in assisting a professional photographer and a few things for photographers who may be seeking an assistant to consider.