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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Why Successful Photos Are Alluring, but Teach Us Nothing

When you set aside time to learn as a photographer, how do you spend that time? Do you peruse your portfolio or browse through a respected photographer’s portfolio to break down why some photos “worked”? You may fall prey to a cognitive bias called Survivorship Bias.

Why Do You Care if Anyone Likes Your Photography?

Why do we care so much what people think of our photos? Do we shoot for others or do we shoot for ourselves? Does it help us progress by having strangers or even people we know comment on our photos? What about formal reviews by so-called experts?

Photographing for Advertising Campaigns: An Interview With Clay Cook

Fashion and Editorial Photographer Clay Cook recently partnered with Stash, a mobile investment app, to photograph Instagram personality Baddie Winkle for a retirement themed campaign. I had the opportunity to pull up with Cook to discuss the shoot as well as learn more about how he approaches his business and brand.

Just How Useless Is Exposure Compensation?

The exposure compensation dial. What's it for, exactly? And who on earth uses this completely useless knob that's taking up precious space on top of so many camera bodies?

How to Make More Powerful Photographs

One of the most difficult parts of any art is learning to express the things you feel through the medium you are working with. Today we’ll look at one way of approaching this in photography.

How to Make Your GoPro Footage Look Awesome

GoPro cameras are some of the most versatile cameras on the market. The super compact size and lightweight design make them ideal for a lot of creative uses. Not to mention their durability and water resistance. This makes them ideal for those strange and somewhat crazy angles.

The Five Pillars of Photography Business Success

Once you’ve had a measure of success in your business, the next step is to figure out how to sustain it. This video shares what areas to continue to focus on to avoid failure in our industry.

How to Climb Out of a Creative Rut

If you’ve done photography professionally for any amount of time, you’ve probably found yourself succumbing to the daily grind of the job, and in turn, it becomes an obligation. If this is you and you’ve found yourself in a creative rut, here are a few ways to climb your way out.

How to Be a Resourceful Filmmaker and Get B-Roll That Can Sell

One surprise people new to videography are in for is just how much footage you need for today's standard of ordinary video. As a result, getting B-roll and clips for transitions is crucial. Here's how to be more resourceful when you're out with your camera.

Understanding Shutter Speed and Its Effects on an Image

Branching out from your camera’s auto mode and controlling its shutter speed will change everything about your photography, from preventing blurry photos to understanding how to create motion effects. This video explains how to do this in a creative way.

A Common but Easily Fixed Mistake in Portrait Photography

When you're taking portraits, you have a lot to think about: exposure, composition, subject expression, and more. As such, it's easy to overlook something. This great video is a quick reminder to avoid this common mistake.

How to Light Overhead Portraits

Adorama TV is always bringing easy-to-understand tips and tricks to photographers with a plethora of education and tutorials. In the video, Gavin Hoey shows us how to adjust our lighting to where we are shooting our subject.

Expert Tips on Photographing Lightning

Have you ever seen those epic lightning photos from people who happen to capture those electric bursts and wanted to go capture your own versions of such photos? Well, lucky for you, Hank Schyma has put together some absolutely fantastic tips for how to do just that.

The Importance of Client Communication Skills in Wedding Photography

In an age where competition is the norm, good communication skills will give you the edge when it comes to client relationships. Especially in wedding photography, where the clients inquire with multiple photographers at the same time, communication is the key to stand out. In this video, Vanessa Joy shares her two cents on the significance of client communication today.

Three Basic Non-Algorithm Tips for Growing on Instagram

For many photographers, Instagram is still the biggest and best social media platform for spreading and showing our work. Growing on Instagram is, however, a long, weird, confusing, and sometimes frustrating process.

The Essential Steps for a Perfect Composite Photo

Combining multiple images is something that every photography will try at some point, but it is more difficult than merely cutting out one part of a photo and replacing it with another. This video teaches several important skills for matching the various images of a composite.

Photographing Abandoned Buildings: 11 Useful Tips

Urban exploration has been a popular subject on the Internet for some time. Photographing abandoned buildings, however, can be trickier than you might imagine. Here are 11 tips to make sure you get the most out of your trip.

Why Failure Is Critical to Becoming a Better Landscape Photographer

We’re digitally surrounded by success stories in the field of landscape photography. A handful of these successful photographers keep my social media clogged with stunning work and wanderlust-inducing locations. So if you want to be a successful landscape photographer, you should imitate their successes, right?

What That Weird Symbol That's on Every Camera Means

Your camera is full of all sorts of technical specs and features, many of which can seem a bit arbitrary or strange. This quick and great video explains what one symbol that's on every camera means.

Make Your Photo's Colors Pop Using Photoshop

You can make your photos pop by boosting their color in Photoshop. But as with everything in Photoshop, there are many ways to accomplish similar results. I compare my go-to method to PiXimperfects method. Read on to see the compared results.

2018 Custom PC Guide for Photography and Video

Last week Apple introduced new MacBook Pro models and the prices already initiated discussions. Maybe it is still better to build a custom PC for getting the bang for the buck.

How to Become a Famous Photographer

As photographers, many of us do tend to take ourselves a little too seriously. We spend a great deal of time making sure we’re perceived the way we want to be and that people know who we are. In this tongue-in-cheek article, Etienne Bossot of Pics of Asia lays out your path to becoming a famous travel photographer.

The Best Method for Controlling Color in Photoshop

Whether you are adjusting the colors of an image so that they match the original scene or if you want to tailor them to give a picture your own unique style, you have to understand how to manipulate the colors in a photo. Here is the method that gives you the most control.

Is Photography a Thankless Job?

Straight to the point today: is photography, or the pursuit of anything creative or artistic as a legitimate profession, a thankless pursuit and vocation?

Want to Take Better Landscape Photos? Embrace the Bad Weather

Think about some of your favorite landscape shots. Can you remember what the weather was like in them? If I had to guess, at least some of them had what we might consider bad or even horrible weather. Here's why that can help you take better photos.

Why Giving Clients Raw Files Could Be a Great Idea

“My client wants all the raw images,” or, “My client wants to see the raw images. What do I do?” The general consensus seems to be a resounding no, but handing over raw files to your client might be a great idea. Here's why.

Quickly Create a Double Exposure in Photoshop

The art of creating a double exposure has become increasingly popular recently. Here is a quick tutorial on a simple way to create a double exposure in Photoshop.

How to Create Stunning Reflections in Just One Minute

Reflections are a great way to turn very average images into stunning keepers worthy of including in your portfolio. In this video, learn how to create incredible reflections in less than 60 seconds.

Seven Cheap and Easy Lens Effects for Creative Photos and Video

We're used to learning how to create effects in post using apps like Photoshop and Premiere Pro, but there's also a world of unique things you can do in camera. This great video will show you seven cheap and easy lens effects you can create yourself.

The Science Behind How Pop-Up Flashes Can Optically Trigger Off-Camera Flashes

Your camera may have the option to trigger off-camera flashes using the built-in pop-up flash. It’s a system that works wirelessly, but not by radio signals. Find out how the camera’s optical trigger is able to communicate to external flashes in this self-proclaimed super-duper nerdy video.

Court Rules Images That Are Found and Used From the Internet Are 'Fair Use'

A legal battle that erupted between a photographer and a Film Festival after the latter used a copyrighted photo has concluded with a federal court in Virginia, which ruled that taking an image from the Internet without permission for a commercial website can be considered fair use.