Recent Landscapes Articles

The Importance of Light in a Landscape Photo

In landscape photography, we do not get control over the light on the scene, but just like any other genre, light can make or break an image. Knowing how to read the light, predict its evolution, and wait for it to be just right is crucial to creating successful images. This great video tutorial will show you why just how much of a difference it can make.

Are You Experimenting in Your Landscape Photography Enough?

One of the wonderful things about landscape photography is that there are so many ways to photograph a single scene, and because of that, one location can yield dozens of photographs. If you are not taking the time to explore your creative voice through experimentation, though, you might be missing out on a lot of opportunities. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing why experimentation is so crucial to finding success.

How to Reduce Distractions in Landscape Photos

A question to ask yourself before composing your landscape photos is: what's the subject? Having a clear answer to that will help you create good photographs. But there are situations where no matter how you position your camera, some elements in the frame will distract from the main subject. In this article, I share editing techniques you can use to alleviate that problem.

5 Reasons to Visit Cambodia as a Photographer

Heritage sites around the world are definitely worth seeing for yourself and photographing. A way to start your list is by visiting and exploring Siem Reap.

Helpful Landscape Photography Advice and Tips

Landscape photography can be tricky, complex, and frustrating, but it can also be tremendously rewarding. If you'd like to improve your own work, check out this excellent video interview that offers a lot of insightful advice sure to help you on your way.

The Biggest Reason Photographers Fail

My quest to become the best photographer I can be has encountered many failures, but if I truthfully examined the reasons why I failed each time, some common elements always seemed to appear. Take a look to see if they might apply to you, too.

3 Important Landscape Photography Lessons

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that requires a balance of technical abilities, creative vision, the ability to predict and adapt to evolving conditions, and a lot of persistence. If you would like to improve your work, check out this fantastic video tutorial from an experienced landscape photographer that will teach you some important lessons sure to put you on the right track.

The Truth About Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can become frustrating if you get too focused on results and constantly compare yourself to other photographers. While browsing the web and visiting social media sites, you see countless photos of spectacular sunrises and sunsets. But getting truly awesome conditions is rare, even for those who are pros at planning. Let me share what the reality looks like.

An Effective Technique for Waterfall Photography

Waterfalls are some of the most popular landscape photography subjects, offering the ability to add a sense of motion to otherwise still scenes and to leverage natural leading lines to bring your viewers' eyes through the scene. If you are new to the genre and looking to improve, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you some helpful tips and techniques for improving your waterfall photography.

How to Edit a Landscape Photo in Lightroom

While Photoshop remains the place where the most complex and intricate edits are done, Lightroom has become far more capable in recent iterations, and you can now finish many photos without ever leaving the program. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer sharing how to edit photos from start to finish in Lightroom.

3 Tips That Will Improve Your Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a tricky genre that takes the confluence of multiple skills to get right, but there are some overarching philosophies that can guide you to consistently better images. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer sharing three helpful tips sure to improve your photos.

A Guide to Editing Landscape Photos in Luminar Neo

Luminar Neo offers a wide range of traditional editing tools in tandem with more innovative features meant to expand your creativity and make your post-processing workflow more efficient. One genre it excels in is landscape photography. This great video tutorial will show how to edit a landscape image in the program from start to finish.

Landscape Photography With a $60,000 Camera

There are expensive cameras, and then, there are really expensive cameras. The Phase One XT camera system definitely falls in the latter category, but with it, you get highly specialized features and superlative image quality. This neat video shows why the camera is tailor-made for landscape photography and some of the images you can create with it.

10 Tips to Help You Improve Your Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that takes a combination of creative vision, strong technique, patience, and cooperative elements to get just right. If you are a budding landscape photographer and looking to improve your work, check out this helpful video tutorial that will give you 10 tips to put you on your way.

How to Give Your Landscape Photos a Painterly Look

Landscape photography generally requires an above-average amount of post-processing to get to the final results, but the upside of that is that you can take a single image in many different creative directions. One popular style is the painterly look, and this great video tutorial will show you how to create it both Lightroom and Photoshop.

Have You Ever Tried Remote Landscape Photography?

Remote photography can be really useful in a lot of situations, but rarely is it used in landscape photography. Nonetheless, it can be quite useful, and this fun video will show you what you can accomplish with it.

A Complete Landscape Photography Shoot

One of the beautiful things about landscape photography is how many ways you can photograph the same scene, giving you tremendous creative potential no matter where you are or the conditions at hand. This great video tutorial follows a landscape photographer as he shoots landscape images, drone photos, time-lapses, and long exposures and shares some helpful tips and advice along the way.

Helpful Advice for Cropping Landscape Images

When it comes to landscape photography, few creative decisions have a greater impact on the final image than your choice of crop. And yet, that can be a bit of a nebulous thing to nail down for a lot of photographers. If you would like to improve your crops and your overall images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced landscape photographer offering a lot of helpful advice and insight into what makes a good crop.

How to Properly Focus Stack Moving Water in Landscape Photos

Focus stacking is one of the most useful techniques a landscape photographer can have in their bag of tricks, making it easy to create images that are ultra-sharp across the entire frame. However, it can be a bit tricky when you have moving water in the frame. This great video tutorial will show you how to properly focus stack such a photo to get the best possible results.

Surprising Results With Topaz Photo AI

Although I've watched videos and read reviews about Topaz products, I had never actually tried them, remaining faithful to my workflow and not venturing farther afield. I do like software and seeing what it can do with my images, but felt safe with what I currently use. So, what could Topaz Photo AI bring to the table that I couldn't already accomplish?

A Helpful Approach for Better Landscape Photos

One of the beautiful things about landscape photography is that there are so many ways to approach how you create images. If you are working on your own approach, check out this great video tutorial that features an experienced landscape photographer discussing an effective approach for the genre.

5 Things That Derail Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that takes a variety of different aptitudes coming together simultaneously to create successful images. As such, there are a lot of things that can inadvertently derail your process. This great video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing five such things and how to fix or avoid them in the first place.

2022 Natural Landscape Photography Awards: The Winners

The winners have been announced for the second annual Natural Landscape Photography Awards. This new and refreshing competition exhibits landscape and nature photographers who are committed to maintaining authenticity and realism in their images

7 Skills Good Photographers Have That Anyone Can Copy

If you want to improve at something, one of the best ways to do so is to find masters of their craft and simply emulate them. But how do you know which things to copy and which to ignore? Here, you'll learn seven skills that good photographers have that you can easily add to your skill-set.

12 Composition Tips for Winter Landscape Photography

Winter will be upon us soon, and seemingly familiar landscapes will be totally transformed into entirely different worlds. As such, it takes a different approach to create compelling landscape images. If that is something you struggle with during the colder months, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will give you 12 tips for better winter landscape photo compositions.

8 Steps to Creating a Landscape Photo

Landscape photography takes the confluence of a variety of factors: technical skill, creative vision, time management, ability to predict conditions, and often, just a little bit of luck. If you would like to get your landscape photography on the right track, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you an eight-step process to creating a compelling image.

4 of Photography’s Most Popular Pros Share Their Best Beginner Tips

Across all their social media accounts, these four pro photographers have well over a million followers and subscribers. That means people like what they do and what they say. Here, these four get together in one room and share their best beginner photography tips, favorite apps, most loved destinations and so much more.

How to Take Great Landscape Photos in the Wrong Weather

Perhaps one of the trickiest parts of landscape photography is that you get no control over the light or the conditions, and while paying attention to weather forecasts and planning ahead can increase your chances of getting the shots you want, things will not always work out like you had hoped or expected. That does not mean you should pack up and go home, though. This great video tutorial will show you how to tackle the wrong weather and still come home with worthwhile images.

The Hidden Thing That Often Kills Creativity in Photography

When it comes to landscape photography (or really, any genre), there is a time when you grow more comfortable with the technique and creative process, but somehow, your output stagnates. This excellent video tutorial will show you why that often happens and what you can do to fix it.

How To Take Great Landscape Photos at Any Time of Day and in Any Conditions

Many times, when landscape photographers head out the door, they do so with a specific time of day and weather conditions in mind. However, if you are headed out for an entire day for a hike with your camera, wouldn't you like to ensure you can get great photos at any time and in any weather? This great video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer showing you how to do just that.

An Advanced Lightroom Technique for Adding Drama to a Sky

In recent versions of the program, Lightroom's masking features have made major steps forward, and you can now perform far more advanced and precise operations with relative ease, enabling new and more powerful edits. This helpful video tutorial will show you one such technique that leverages Lightroom's masking features to add a bit of drama to a sky.

5 Reasons Why Lightroom Is a Better Choice for Editing Landscape Photos

Landscape photography generally requires an above-average amount of post-processing, and for advanced editing work, most photographers turn to Photoshop. However, that might not always be the best choice. This great video tutorial featured an experienced landscape photographer discussing five reasons why Lightroom is often the better choice for editing landscape photos.

Mistakes Landscape Photographers Make With Telephoto Lenses

Landscape photography typically defaults to using wide angle lenses, but telephoto lenses can be an equally powerful tool. However, telephotos lenses come with their own traps and pitfalls as well. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing some of the most common mistakes made with telephoto lenses and how to fix or avoid them.

9 Helpful Tips for New Landscape Photographers

Landscape photography is one of the most popular genres out there, and there are numerous ways to approach it and to find and express your creative voice. Nonetheless, there are some fundamental techniques and approaches that every beginner should be aware of. This excellent video tutorial will show you nine helpful tips that are sure to put you on the right track with your work.

Landscape Photography in Extremely Wet Conditions

I've always been a fan of seascape and waterfall photography. I love these dynamic environments and don't shy away from getting myself wet while closing in on the subject matter. The only thing that could hold me back was the intense spray I had to face while getting close to a stormy sea or a thundering waterfall. But no longer. I found a solution against the limitations it imposed on my photography, and I share it with you in this article.

How to Edit Landscape Photos in Black and White

We are used to seeing landscape images with vibrant, eye-catching colors, but of course, that does not mean you can't create compelling photos in black and white. It takes more than simply pulling all the saturation out of a file to create worthwhile shots, though. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to edit landscape photos in black and white to get the best results.

A Compositional Mindset That Will Give You Better Landscape Photos

Composition is one of the trickiest aspects of landscape photography. We get no control over what is in the environment or the way the light behaves, and as such, we have to be clever in our positioning, choice of parameters, and framing in order to create images that are simultaneously orderly and compelling. This excellent video tutorial will show you a compositional mindset that will help you come home with more worthwhile photos.

Why Tripods Are Sometimes Overrated for Landscape Photography

Perhaps no accessory is more strongly associated with landscape photography than the tripod, and for good reason. That being said, some photographers insist on using them for every shot, no matter the circumstances. Can that actually be a hindrance? This great video dives into the use of tripods in landscape photography and why sometimes, it is better to just hold your camera.

At the Limits of Landscape Photography

Are some types of landscape photography inevitably doomed to failure? If they proceed from a desire to depict what Immanuel Kant referred to as "the sublime", then this may well be the case.

Why You Should Embrace Inclement Weather in Landscape Photography

Few people enjoy standing in the middle of rain and wind, but for those who are willing to do it, the reward can be particularly interesting and compelling images. This excellent video tutorial will show you why weather that would make most people run inside is actually a fantastic opportunity for great landscape images.

Focus Stacking for Sharp Landscape Photographs

Most of the time, landscape photographers want everything in the image as sharp as possible, from the closest foreground element all the way to the farthest mountain or cloud. Accomplishing that takes more than simply setting your lens aperture to f/32 and shooting away. Focus stacking is one of the most common techniques for achieving this, and this great video tutorial will show you how it is done.

Do You Need a Personal Style in Landscape Photography?

If you hop on Instagram and check out popular landscape photography hashtags or locations, and you will probably notice a lot of the same sort of style of images. As such, a lot of photography advice tells you to develop your own style simply so you can stand out from the crowd. Is that the best approach, though? This excellent video features an experienced landscape photographer discussing why that can actually get you in a bit of trouble.

Great Fall Waterfall Photo Ideas

Fall is here in many places, and with it comes tremendous photography opportunities of all sorts. One interesting way to take advantage of those gorgeous colors is to integrate waterfalls and moving water in the shot. This great video tutorial will show you some awesome ideas for autumn photography with rivers and waterfalls.

How and Where to Focus to Get Perfectly Sharp Photos Every Time

It doesn't matter how great your composition is or how spectacular your colors might be, if your image is not crisply focused, then you most likely need to toss it in the trash. Learn how to nail your focus for tack-sharp images every time.

Good Advice for New Landscape Photographers

Landscape photography is a popular and well-established genre, and as such, there are certain established practices and advice given to budding photographers. And while a lot of it is good, some can pigeonhole you into styles or techniques that are actually detrimental to your development and the images you create. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer debunking some common advice and showing why you are better off going another way.