Recent Landscapes Articles

Helpful Landscape Photography Secrets and Productivity Tips

Creating a successful landscape photo takes a combination of planning, patience, technique, vision, and sometimes, just a bit of luck. Professional landscape photographers have some common habits and productivity hacks they use both to be more efficient and to ensure that they come home with the best possible images. This great video tutorial will take you through some of those habits and hacks to help you improve your landscape work.

How to Master Mood in Landscape Photography in Under 5 Minutes

Landscape photography isn't just about photographing beautiful landscapes. It's about creating a connection with your viewer, and one of the best ways to do that is through mood. See how you can master mood in your landscape images in less than five minutes.

Incredible Greenland Photo Battle Between a Wide Angle and Telephoto Lens

Iceland may be the standard dream destination for many photographers, but have you thought about Greenland? It is absolutely stunning, and after seeing this, I challenge you to disagree. But if you go there to shoot the icebergs, the rugged mountains, and the turquoise waters, should you use a wide angle lens or a telephoto lens?

How Lightroom's Brush Tool Can Help You Make Better Photo Edits

Most people think of Lightroom as the place for organizing their photos and performing light edits and Photoshop as the destination for more intensive work. However, in the last few years, the former has made some major strides that make it a serious editing tool. This great video tutorial will show you how to use a combination of the new masking features and the brush tool for creating more compelling landscape image edits.

How to Take Great Landscape Photos No Matter the Weather

When it comes to landscape photography, we are at the mercy of the elements, and that can be a really frustrating thing, particularly when you have hiked for hours with a bag of gear on your back. So, what can you do when the weather is not great? The truth is that you can create worthwhile photos in any conditions as long as you approach things the right way. This excellent video tutorial will show you how.

A Simple Way to Get Far More Stunning Waterfall Shots

Shots of waterfalls can be some of the most soothing and mesmerizing images in photography. If you want to learn some very simple steps anyone can implement to really improve your waterfall photography, take a look inside.

Try a New Perspective to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Changing your approach and perspective to your landscape photography can produce some stunning results. Looking at the more intimate details and patterns, the textures, and how everything interacts within your scene can really open up a new world for your photography.

Is There Any Point in Photographing Popular Locations?

There are a lot of popular locations out there, and while they can look enticing, you sometimes get there and realize you are just creating the same images that thousands of photographers before you made. So, is there any point in investing the time, effort, and money to photograph such places? This excellent video features an experienced landscape photographer discussing the topic.

Helpful Tips and Advice for Getting the Most From Lightroom Masks

Lightroom's masking features have become quite advanced and powerful in recent iterations, and if you have not checked them out yet, you are really missing out on some impressive features that can make your workflow easier and more efficient and even improve your image quality. This great video tutorial will show you some great tips and techniques to ensure you get the most out of the panel and walk away with realistic but impressive photos.

When Your Photography Plan Changes, Change Your Plan

Iceland is the land of fire and ice, but what happens when there's neither? Travel plans can change at the last minute due to many factors, the weather being a big one, lost luggage another. So, how do you adapt and make even a short trip memorable? Do you push your creative boundaries and try something new, or do you just step back and enjoy experiencing each new adventure?

How Do You Find Good Landscape Photo Compositions?

Perhaps no aspect of landscape photography is trickier than composition. Not only do you get no control over the placement of the elements in the frame, unlike more quantifiable parameters like shutter speed or aperture, composition is tougher to codify and takes longer to understand on a deep and nuanced level. So, how do you find a good composition at a new location? This helpful video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing his process.

7 Tips for Creating Stronger, More Straightforward Landscape Photos

One of the trickiest parts of landscape photography is that unlike most other genres, you get no control over the arrangement of the elements in the scene, which can make composition a particularly tricky aspect. A common problem is an overly busy frame. What can you do to create simpler, more compelling photos? This excellent video tutorial will show you seven helpful tips to put you on the right track.

How to Take Spectacular Photos on Overcast Days

When I travel, I stay in each location I visit for several days to increase my chances of encountering great light. But even a week is sometimes not enough to get a single colorful sunrise or sunset. Either the sky remains free of clouds or it's completely overcast, preventing any interesting light from breaking through. Night photography is one way of dealing with a clear sky. But what can you do during gray weather?

How Do You Critique Your Own Photos?

One of the toughest parts of being a photographer is learning how to be objective about your own work. It is not fun to be brutally honest about photos you have invested a lot of time and effort in, but if you want to grow as a creative and put your best foot forward professionally, it is something you have to master. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discuss how to go about critiquing your work.

Building an Online Business in the Landscape Photography Genre

We all dream of becoming full-time doing what we love, and in 2022 it seems more possible than ever. The landscape photography genre, however, isn’t always as lucrative as wedding or portrait photography can be. So how do you create a sustainable and solid income in this field, which channels are the ones to focus on, and which are not worth your precious time?

The Qualities of a Successful Landscape Photographer

Every genre comes with its own unique challenges, and landscape photography is no different. Beyond all the skills one must have, there are certain personal qualities that set you up for success, and this awesome video tutorial discusses what they are and how they can help you realize your potential.

Is This the Ultimate Landscape Lens?

There are a lot of ways to approach landscape photography, but when you are thinking about what gear to take, it is worth considering the fact that you will often have to hike several miles with a bag of cameras and lenses on your back. So, should you reconsider what is in your bag? This excellent video essay discusses why a more unusual lens choice might be the best for your landscape photography.

Some Helpful Tips for Better Landscape Photography

Landscape photography takes a range of aptitudes to make successful images: technical skills with your camera and equipment, creative vision, the ability to forecast and respond to evolving conditions, and strong post-processing technique. If you would like to improve your landscape work, check out this fantastic video tutorial from an experienced photographer that offers a wide range of helpful advice sure to put you on the right track.

7 Camera Settings Professional Landscape Photographers Turn Off

Every genre has different optimal gear setups, which is why it is important to sit down with your camera and take the time to adjust its settings to fit your subject matter and workflow. This helpful video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing seven camera settings you should turn off to make your workflow more efficient and to improve that quality of your images.

7 Photography Mistakes That Are Easy to Avoid

There are few better ways to learn about mistakes in photography than watching someone knowledgeable critiquing photographs. This video is exactly that and contains seven mistakes that are easily avoided.

An Easy Way to Get Better Landscape Photos

One of the most challenging parts of landscape photography is that you constantly have to balance ever-evolving conditions, seeking out new compositions, and managing camera settings and equipment. What if you could remove one of those from the equation, though? This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing how you can make finding new compositions far easier.

Some Helpful Tips for Better Landscape Photo Compositions

Composition is one of the trickier parts of any photographer genre, as it is a bit more nebulous and tricky to talk about than something quantifiable like camera settings. It can be particularly tough in landscape photography, where we get no control over the placement of elements in the frame. If composition is something you are struggling with at the moment, check out this great video tutorial that offers some helpful tips and advice sure to put you on the right track.

5 Reasons Why Black and White Shouldn’t Be Used for Landscape Photography

I asked in a Dutch photography community how they feel about black and white photography for landscapes. It seems it's not generally accepted, and many strange reasons are given why black and white shouldn’t be used. I’d like to share a few of those reasons that caught me by surprise.

How to Find the Right Composition for a Landscape Photo

In between specialized equipment, camera settings, forecasting, creative vision, and more, it takes a lot to learn how to create compelling landscape photos. But perhaps nothing is trickier to learn than the art of composition. If that is something you struggle with a bit, check out this great video tutorial that features a range of helpful advice from an experienced landscape photographer.

Helpful Advice for Better Landscape Photos

There are a lot of approaches to landscape photography, and each offers different benefits and drawbacks and places different demands on your time, effort, creative vision, and technique. If you would like to improve your landscape images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will walk you through a few shots and offer some great tips and advice along the way.

5 Mistakes Made by Landscape Photographers

Landscape photography takes a combination of technical skill, creative vision, and the ability to work in and with a wide range of conditions. There are some common mistakes all landscape photographers make at one point or another, and this fantastic video tutorial details five of them and what you can do to fix them or avoid them in the first place.

How Mistakes Can Lead to Better Photos

Landscape photography is a genre with an above-average emphasis on technical skill and perfection, and we often try to avoid making any mistakes. Mistakes are not always bad, though, and occasionally, they can even lead to "happy accidents," as Bob Ross would say. This great video shows how mistakes can sometimes be a good thing and why you might want to embrace them just a bit more.

Do You Actually Need a Tripod for Landscape Photography?

When it comes to landscape photography, few pieces of equipment are considered more vital than the tripod. And while it is certainly a fantastic piece of equipment, it also significantly alters your workflow. So, do you really need a tripod? This great video examines the question and if you can afford to leave your tripod at home the next time you head out.

Why Is Exposure so Crucial in Landscape Photography?

It is no secret that the proper exposure is fundamental to creating a good landscape image, but it is even more important than you might think. If you would like to improve your landscape photos, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer discussing some of the many reasons that getting the proper exposure is so crucial to a successful shot.

Does Photographing Famous Locations Make You a Better Photographer?

There are some extremely popular and well-known landscape photography locations out there, so much so that they are essentially bucket list items for a lot of people. When they are that popular, though, is there any point in photographing them? This excellent video essay features an experienced landscape photographer discussing the topic.

Landscape Photography With an 85mm Macro Lens

When it comes to landscape photography, a wide angle lens is usually the tool of choice and for good reason. Nonetheless, you do not have to use wide focal lengths exclusively. In fact, a telephoto lens can be a powerful tool that enables new creative opportunities. This awesome video will show you just what you can accomplish with a telephoto lens, particularly when you use one with macro capabilities.

The Essential Zoom Lenses for Landscape Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, you can certainly use prime lenses, but most professionals prefer the versatility and convenience of a zoom lens. So, what are the essential zoom lenses for a landscape photographer? This excellent video tutorial features an experienced landscape shooter discussing the three essential zoom lenses for the genre.

A Beginner's Guide to Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is the type of thing in which there is always something new to learn, a new technique to try, or a new creative approach with which to experiment. If you are new to the genre and ready to get started, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you the basics to get you up and running in no time.

The Best Ways to Improve Your Fall Photography

In the northern hemisphere, fall is upon us, and with that, some magical opportunities arise to take stunning images of all the resplendent fall colors. Learn some invaluable tips on how to take your fall photography to new levels.

How to Quickly and Easily Replace a Sky Using Lightroom and Photoshop

In the past few years, automated sky replacement has come quite a long way, and what used to be a very tedious task can now be done in just a few clicks. If you are interested in learning how to use the technique in your own work, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you how to quickly and easily replace a sky using Lightroom and Photoshop.

8 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that requires strong technique, the ability to forecast and adapt to conditions, creative vision, and a lot more. If you would like to improve your landscape images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer discussing eight tips that will help you create better, more compelling shots.

Are You Thinking About Storytelling in Your Landscape Photography?

When it comes to a genre in which you can't control the light or the placement of elements in the frame, storytelling can be a really tricky thing to implement in your work. Nonetheless, if you can successfully convey a story with a landscape photo, it can be what turns a very good shot into a top-shelf image. This excellent video tutorial discusses the topic and offers some helpful advice for storytelling in landscape photography.

How to Add Mood to Your Landscape Photos

Photography is as much about what you show in your photos as it is about what you hide. Too many details can overwhelm the viewer. You can already be selective about what you include in an image when you capture it. There are also several techniques that help you simplify a photo in post-processing. One way to do so is by introducing a darker mood and by shrouding less important areas in darkness.

What New Landscape Photographers Should Focus On

When you are new to landscape photography, there is a lot to learn: camera settings, forecasting and planning around conditions, reading light, and more. One skill stands above all else, and this great video tutorial makes a case for why it should be first on your list when you are learning the genre.