Critique the Community

Your Logo on Your Best Image

With Mike Kelley
Submit your logo on your best image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 30 Jun 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.26 - "Needs Work" 

THE LOGO IS IN THE CENTER OF THE IMAGE LOL Initially the logo was not placed there for this competition i generally like to hide my logo within my images.This photo was shot in the in Trinidad & Tobago on the the La Brea Pitch lake. The model's name is Krista she loves unusual shoots so we did a ninja theme afternoon shoot on the lake.

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where is your watermark/logo?

its in the center

so it's essentially invisible without being told. interesting approach. Honestly just looks like grass sticking out of the water

I couldn't find it either Love the photo though!

thank you

thanks bro

I really like the photo, but the logo like its not there and is reeds

I like the composition and the subject, I just don't like all the halos near the trees and around the reflection of the woman

The image itself is fantastic, as is the logo. However unless the placement of the logo was meant to make the image less desirable it should be moved. It's a case of once you see it you cannot un-see it and it ruins the viewing experience, for me at least.

If you are using it as a watermark I would enlarge it 4x-5x and make it slightly transparent.

Beautiful image and model.

if i could resubmit i wouldn't of even used this image my watermarks vary in size to suit me but thank you for the advice.

Cool image, but for me Here is what I would have done. It's a shame that you did not get the reflection completely with the whole Sword.

I would then crop this equally just to the left of your logo to match the right side in spacing. This would make it a Vertical Portrait, To me, she is the subject. This has lots of potential. This Image speaks, Dedication, Belief, Defense, and Isolation.