Critique the Community

Submit Your Best "Action" Photo

Critique of Action Themed Photos
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 25 Jan 20 03:00:00 +0000

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2.08 - "Needs Work" 

This was about 2004. Shot on Hassy 503cm, on what I'm assuming is Velvia or Provia 100. I bounced between the two quite a bit. I think I got 4-lights going off here... Which to be honest was a miracle provided the gear we were using at the time (although I think we had pocket wizards around this time).

Check out the leaf's blown out because the flash is just outside of the frame there... that was a thing.

I wish I had a larger version of this. I still have the slide, but I don't have a scanner. Maybe I can get it drum scanned, but those are hard to find as well.

Sunpak 555's, Vivitar 285's, Maybe a Sunpak 622 (the beast).

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Chase, if you're interested in checking out a group on here focused on extreme sports here's a link to the group I started a little bit ago. I think you definitely have stuff that can add to the group.

I’ll check it out. I don’t know what I can contribute as all my photos are slides, and I have very new hi-res scans anymore. But I can join and add commentary.

A few of my very good friends have been and are still in the BMX scene. Tristan Afre, Jeff Allen? Maybe you’re buds with them as well, having spent so much time in the industry.

Great dudes. I've talked Tristan a little here and there, looked up to Jeff Allen for years. He's kind of gotten out of the bmx scene but definitely made an impression on me

They're definitely more established in the industry as far as being well known. Ive o ly been putting myself out there for about 5ish years now. Before that it was all just fun haha