Critique the Community

Personal Projects

We Want To See Images From Your Personal Projects
  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 22 Jul 22 15:30:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.78 - "Solid" 

On a cloudy afternoon, my schoolmates brought me to see the highway from a Hong Kong estate nearby. Public housing estates in Hong Kong has provided 2 million people with shelter, which is one of the reasons why I am interested in this topic. After we finished viewing the highway, I wanted to see the estate buildings, so we walked into the interior parts of the estate together.

This was the first time I had witnessed an architectural pattern like this one, and it was unbelievable. The pattern composition was so complete, the light shining through so softly. After I captured this view and looked at it again, I realised that it actually looks like a two-dimensional shape instead of a three-dimensional one. However, I knew that it was really a three dimensional one. This illusion was very bizarre and intriguing to me.

This photo was captured from the interior part of a public estate in Hong Kong, China.

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