Shot in Norway, with a Sony RX100 Mk1 at 37mm, f4.9, ISO250, and 1/100 shutter speed. Edited in Lighroom, Photoscape X Pro, and Photoshop.
I had (finally) decided which 3 photos I wanted to enter. But, then I took this shot yesterday, and had to delete one of my other photos to enter this one instead, as I'm really happy with how it turned out.
I spent a lot more time on the editing on this one, compared to what I normally do, but I wanted to get the nice glow and mood that was there when I took shot.. I started from scratch 4-5 times, and spent so much time on the edit, that I can't remember each step. But, basically color, exposure, and contrast, both globaly and using masks. I then spent quite some time with Photoshop GF to get rid of some of the dead sticks and stuff that was laying on the ground, to make it look a bit less "messy" (mostly removing things that could have been removed by hand, but I didn't want to trespass while on location)
And, this is the result..