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This was Difficult!

Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.33 - "Needs Work" 

Emperor shrimp on a Spanish Dancer in in the Bismark Sea off New Britain Island ibPapua New Guinea. The Spanish Dancer measured about 7 inches in length with the shrimp measuring only about 0.7 inches and hidden the folds of th Spanish Dancer's folds.

As the dancer swam slowly I had to maintain a close distance and lock focus on the shrimp while constantly moving to keep up with the target, Shot on film with only 18 exposures left on the roll, getting the shot was an extreme challenge of maintaining neutral bouncy and moving with the target.

Shot on a solo night dive ar a depth of about 35 feet with a Nikon RS with 50,, macro and dual SB104 strobes. ISO Velvia - slide digitized on Nikon D850.

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1 Comment

I don't know if non-divers can appreciate how difficult this photo must have been to capture! Very nice!