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This was Difficult!

Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.39 - "Needs Work" 

This was a final project on my Photogrphy Diploma a few years back. It's the Australian War Memorial, overlaid with ghostly images of the statues found along Anzac Ave in Canberra, Australia. The pool of reflection has an image from the Vietnam Memorial overlaid. This image was difficult as it contained many, many layers and getting perspectives correct on the ghosts proved challenging. Also, the base image needed re-touching by removal of ugly security cameras and lights which ringed the area. Many tourists also needed to be cloned out. This image had the sky replacement done before PS had that capability and was masked in by hand. The lightning was generated within PS. I think my biggest miss may have been not having a reflection of the glow emanating from the tomb of the unknown soldier in the reflection pool.

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